US Mid-East forces relocate out of Iranian cruise missile range. The IDF begins overhaul
The US like Israel has no adequate answer for Iran’s cruise missile and drone warfare. This was the subtext of PM Binyamin Netanyahu’s warning on Monday, Oct. 28, that Tehran is deploying those missiles against Israel in Yemen, as well as Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, at a joint news conference with visiting US Secretary Treasury Steven Mnunchin.
This alarming gap in US and Israeli defenses shot into sight in the Sept. 14, Iranian attack on Saudi oil infrastructure. It has galvanized the US armed forces into starting to remove sensitive elements out of range, DEBKAfile’s military sources report.
The Saudi operation revealed both Iran’s audacity in going for a major Saudi oil center but also the unexpected accuracy of its weapons, the hitherto unknown ability to strike targets with the precision of 5-10 m, as Netanyahu stressed on Monday.
Iran’s newfound capabilities provided the context for the US Navy’s announcement on Oct. 25 that the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group had been moved out of the Gulf into the Arabian Sea. This move reduced the ability of the F/A-18 fighter-bombers on its decks to barely fly there and back for reaching an Iranian coast target only 800km away. The threat to the mighty US strike group was considered real enough for the US military command to forego keeping all parts of Iran within its sights.
The same rationale has spurred US CENTCOM to start emptying out its air force command posts at the Al-Udeid Air Base in Qatar for relocation at a base in central Saudi Arabia. A direct Iranian hit could cripple US command and intelligence centers in Qatar.
The soothing IDF statement on Monday night that Israel’s counter-missile defense systems were being overhauled for meeting the new menaces was timely. It was also meaningless in as far as providing any assurance that an answer had been found for Iran’s cruise missiles, either by Israel or indeed the United States. After intense cooperation with the US Missile Defense Agency for decades and spending tens of billions of dollars to develop Israel’s four-tier missile defense system, both are suddenly caught short by their vulnerability to Iran’s newest tools of war. Netanyahu’s comments on Monday connected to his earlier disclosure that Israel will have to urgently spend several billion more dollars to meet the new capabilities developed by Tehran.
Oh, there’s an “adequate answer”, alright. It’s just that no one’s willing to use it…yet.
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
This fight is for the Saudis who have used the US to do their heavy lifting and fighting on their behalf while they sit back and build Mosques around the world to pollute and radicalized the minds of Muslims bent on conquering the West without a single shot.
mossada netanyahuya söyleyin iranın azeri dini lideri ali hamaneyi ve diğer türk kökenli mollaları dervişleri öldürün iran halkını ayaklandırıp iran molla derviş rejimini çöktürün yıkın ve böylelikle kendi istediğiniz rejimi irana getirin
Yeah- I’d hate to be on the receiving end of an Israeli retaliation if/ when something gets through
All Relationships Go Through Cycles & Acceptance Of Israel Has Been A Learning Process By Islamic Sunnis In Egypt, Jordan, Arabia Gulf States Knowing Israel Is A Partner Of Innovation In The Mideast & All Working Together.
Capitalizing every single word harms comprehensibility of your text even more than your semi-grammar. How you came to such stupidity? Is this some computer generated gunk intended to punish readers of replies?
Hey Barbara. You with your caps are incorrigible. You are obviously not interested in contributing to the discussions and more than one person here has been complaining about the difficulty of understanding what you write about at all. I suppose you are in reality sending secret messages in code by using acrostics or something like it. So go plague the comments sections of the mainstream fake news media houses instead. In other words, get off this site. You only contribute useless unintelligible clutter.
MarsLostCommand… Complaining About Form Of CAPS Reveals Your Lack Of Knowledge On “Descriptive Grammar” & Example You are Unable To Contribute Substance. Go Complain On “Periods” With A Kotex Without Content?
@StephenR… If A “Cap” Causes You A Brain Pain Just Ignore Them. Keep Complaining About Question Marks, Quotation Marks & “Periods”, Since It Proves You Can’t Respond As An Example Of Only Your Own Irrelevant Useless Unintelligible Clutter From A Lost Eunuch In A Posters Harem Lacking Any “Subject & “Substance” For That Matter From A Lost Mars Command Invisible Limp Without Pants!
StevieRMars… In This Day & Age Of “Text & Twitter, “Shakespeare Descriptive Grammar” Has Returned Refers To An Objective, Nonjudgmental Description Of Local Community Grammatical Constructions In A Any Language Today. It Is Far Superior To Old News “Prescriptive Grammar” Ordered By King In Backward 1762! Since Descriptive Grammar Combines Substance With Style Of Community Inclusion Of How Any Language Is Actually Being Used, In Internet Writing Examinations.
Hey Stephen R, Looks like secret code of Barbarella to your response is that your posts lack
heat-seeking moisture missile phallus substance! Much like Iran’s Regime as well.
Absolutely correct. They have literally financed every single aspect of every single mosque outside of Saudi Arabia.
Trump & Netanyahu understand the art of war. Iran has no chance of surviving a sustained economic embargo. They can only pray to Allah that their Left-wing Globalist allies return to power before their regime collapses.
Ben-Israel… Well Said, It Is Not Iranian People But The Shiia Regime & Proxies That Need To Be Removed Like “Abu Bakr Big Baggy Pieces” To Have Peace In Mideast! The Shiia Must Change!
Netanyahu has been in charge for like forever, including as defence minister. So if Israel was surprised by Iran’s abilities, its completely his fault.
An uninformed and childish statement.
Alibaba… Israel Has Never Been Stronger Under All Prime Ministers Since 1948 & Will Remain Vigilant Under Current & Future Partners Among Mideast Nations. Iran Shiia Regime, Fatah & Hamas Require Change!
“…be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”
– Mad Dog Mattis
The supreme MISTAKE of war is to underestimate your enemy’s capacity to retaliate.
Iran knows this. While it continually tests the limits of restraint by the forces of civilization it seeks to destroy, should the mullahs overstep this restraint, Iran will cease to exist in a matter of minutes. The forces of civilization contain the power to instantly annihilate the forces of darkness and the latter are quite aware of this.
@JP… Like Isis Abu Bakr Big Baggy Remains The World Grown Tired Of Iran Shiia Regime Attacks, Antics, & Attention Is Now Upon Them To Change Or Be Removed In Bags As Well By Its Own Persian People!
you are absolutely correct.
theirs is a waiting game. the possibility of nuclear weapons, keeps them up at night, counting the days they have one or two.
of course, like all dreams, they get shattered and so the West as we know it, will not let that happen.
Trump has sent b-51’s to saudi arabia. you dont do this unless you are sending a very strong message to Iran, however subtle.
War will happen. it does not matter when ,but it will happen as long as the regime of the ayatollahs exist.
read history. all despots end up killed, in wars, poisoned or disposed.
Meir Dagan implemented that lesson brilliantly.
mossada netanyahuya söyleyin iranın azeri dini lideri ali hamaneyi ve diğer türk kökenli mollaları dervişleri öldürün iran halkını ayaklandırıp iran molla derviş rejimini çöktürün yıkın ve böylelikle kendi istediğiniz rejimi irana getirin
Time to use the same tactics the USA did toward JAPAN.
Perhaps Iran is aware that the retaliation would be so severe it may never recover.and this is what deters them for the moment,Maybe we should get our retaliation in first.In the words of Sun Tzu, never let your enemy choose the time and place of battle.
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
“Those who threaten the jews are infected with a mental disease that will inevitably lead to own demise “
Israel’s only lucky break up till now has been that it always faced Arabs, who tend to attack before ready. Iran is at a higher level of sophistication and therefore a far more problematic threat.
@Lookahead… Nothing Can Be Further From The Truth, Iran Regime Is Only Good At Attacking Protesters Civilians & Women. IRGC Could Not Even Defeat Iraq. Why Regime Needs Proxies!
@ Tiglath ..And don’t forget Saudi oil facilities
@Fact… Oil Facilities Have Been Repaired But Iran’s Shiia Regime Must be Replaced By Shiia Change Or Removal! Iran Was Once A Lighthouse In The Mideast Until Ayatollah Blind Darkest Took Over In 1979!
israel isn’t facing iran, just the mullahs. and they’re no more sophisticated than the arab countries. just look at the outcome of the iran-iraq war – a stalemate and a million casualties.
@Shloime… Islam Has 85% Sunnis Worshipers! Shiia 15% Believers & Still Upset From 32 CE-AD Past? The Reason & Curse Of Iran’s Shiia Regime Is They Cannot Lead Islam Into The Future Because Shiia Live In Islam Past Blood Feuds!
Niki, choke him! Make it look like an accident!
America Anti-Space Force Military Space Warfare Technologies Far Advanced Than Any Nation & Anyone Can’t Even Imagine!
Is this secret american drone?
You need some bavar 373 to fight Cruise missiles.
@Gholi… These Are Shiia Folly’s They HAve Not Won A War Since 632 BC-AD & Never Will They Are Servants Not Men Of Victory! They Are Good Parade Marchers With Bands!
Welcome to the age of modern warfare , it’s give and take.Send a sub / equiped with cruise missiles.
Attack them now. Let Ayatollah know that anytime you get hit by a proxies, they will get hit just as bad as the proxies will. Jericho missiles tipped with any number of levels of explosives up to Neutron bomb.
The King David Hotel bombing was a terrorist attack carried out on Monday, July 22, 1946, by the militant right-wing Zionist underground organization the Irgun on the British administrative headquarters for Palestine, which was housed in the southern wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem during the Jewish insurgency in Mandatory Palestine. people of various nationalities were killed, and 46 were injured.
The King David Hotel bombing was a terrorist attack carried out on Monday, July 22, 1946, by the militant right-wing Zionist underground organization the Irgun on the British administrative headquarters for Palestine, which was housed in the southern wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem during the Jewish insurgency in Mandatory Palestine. people of various nationalities were killed, and 46 were injured.
The USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy technical research ship, USS Liberty, by Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy motor torpedo boats, on 8 June 1967, during the Six-Day War. The combined air and sea attack killed 34 crew members (naval officers, seamen, two marines, and one civilian), wounded 171 crew members, and severely damaged the ship.[3] At the time, the ship was in international waters north of the Sinai Peninsula, about 25.5 nmi (29.3 mi; 47.2 km) northwest from the Egyptian city of Arish
fred:you do not mention the long list of atrocities commited by the adepts of the religion of peace,your friends
when breivik comes out of jail,he will finish the job with the left globalist islam friends
@Fred… Mideast Old Wounds By The Many Shall, Will & Can Be Overcome By The Few That Know How To Bandage, Cooperate & Heal Turning Strangers Into Families & Former Enemies Into Partners As Jehovah-Allah Messages!
What should you expect in a war fred,israel turnning another Chick and getting walloped?…… you’re talking about war my friend,war, you either kill or get killed, don’t present it as if the other party was made of innocent godly woman in a beach picnic, Reason pal,… sure it can be repeated again and again as long as you come against Zion…..if it’s too sad for you, keep distance and sleep well.
Americans have advanced electronic warfare enough to decapitate Iran
As another comment sayed defence minister for yrs tricky byby , trying to take shine off ganz.. jail time probably awaits him getting desparate
A negative Nelly article intended to cause panic, when in reality Iran is a regime in decline.
“Tehran is deploying those missiles against Israel in Yemen”. What a load of BS. Yemen is much farther from Israel than many parts of Iran. If they wanted to target Israel they could just do so from their own country.
booohoo wail and gnash the teeth and play this for all its worth because America want to end its pointless wars. BUT JEWS ARE IN DANGER, JEWS MAY DIE, O THE HORROR, GIVE US MORE MONEY, YES MORE MONEY AND EXTRA GOODIES, BECAUSE JEWS ARE IN DANGER LOL. What a sissy people, give your opponent the chance to actually hit back and the wailing begins. You like fighting against those that can barely defend themselves. Now let the real holocaust begin so that the Messiah may return!,h_291,x_124,y_75,c_crop,g_north_west/w_1434,h_807,q_auto,c_fill,f_auto/
That’s right, Jews are in constant danger from sick in the head anti semites like you
lol, you fake Jews from Europe are non Semitic, the Palestinians are the Semitic people, yours are the enemy of G-d. Every rock and tree shall cry out and here is a Jew come and kill it.
@Alibi… The Mideast Powers Of Egypt, Jordan, Turkey & Arabia Have Exiled Palestinians Fatah, & Hamas Since Palestinians Have Abandon Every Opportunity For Peace With Israel. Global Powers Abandoning Mideast Malcontents!
booohoo wail and gnash the teeth and play this for all its worth because America want to end its pointless wars. BUT JEWS ARE IN DANGER, JEWS MAY DIE, O THE HORROR, GIVE US MORE MONEY, YES MORE MONEY AND EXTRA GOODIES, BECAUSE JEWS ARE IN DANGER LOL. What a sissy people, give your opponent the chance to actually hit back and the wailing begins. You like fighting against those that can barely defend themselves. Now let the real holo
caust begin so that the Messiah may return!,h_291,x_124,y_75,c_crop,g_north_west/w_1434,h_807,q_auto,c_fill,f_auto/
I hope I am wrong, . . . but understanding the barbaric ayatollahs and their bravado speeches, . . . leads me to believe that they simply got lucky this time, . . . similar to Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. Now there are those watching for a similar attack, . . . the next one won’t be as easy, . . . and if they actually did have the ability to seriously attack the US or Israeli forces, . . . they would have already done it. Threats prove that they have no such capability.
that’s not the point in this case.
the ayatollah isn’t playing to win, but to lose. there is a shiite prophesy that they will be destroyed in fire and resurrected, in their version of the apocalypse.
they know that they cannot destroy israel or the united states, but they’re trying to inflict enough damage to provoke a devastating response, even nuclear, if possible.
the real answer is to remove the crazy regime.
The “time of troubles” is coming, and nothing will stop it. The detruction of Damascus will be next.
We need more honest Jews who despise Zionist provocations and lies to stand up to this demonstration of Iran. With all the Zionist threats against Iran its only logical that they would invest more in both there defensive and offensive capabilities. Jews only appear to feel safe when they have achieved total domination over all others and this is the cause of rising anti antisemitism. The Zionists are correct that Jews world wide will have to relocate to Israel to be safe, but safe only for a time as this demand for total submission through violence will evenly lead to the Jewish peoples total destruction
People remember how they all said how much of a threat Iraq was, and now Iraq is a worse threat because they have allied with Iran? Don’t let words cause an action that would cost so much to prevent what could cost so little. Let Iran make a major attack before proving they are worthy to be removed.
Aramco was a message to zionists
if you continue with aggression and attacking again syria or irak
then Tel-aviv goes Aramnco
it does not mean tomorrow iran will attack
@Abbas the problem with Zionism is that it has religious fanatics who believe that they have been created to rule the world. So they dont tend to listen unless they have no choice. So my suggestion would be to create cobalt bombs, they very cheap @ 60K USD per ton and you only going to need a 2 or 3 tons. You build those by sticking the cobalt in any reactor, then putting the cobalt in acid and draining the acid. Whats left is super radioactive power that is then placed as very fine shrapnel around the warhead with lead lining. Super easy to convert existing weapons and you only want a few tens of kg per rocket. Do that and you will never be attracted by anyone ever again.
Abbas&Muad’Dib… Genocides, whenever and wherever they occur, cannot be ignored, whether they took place in the 20th Century by the Ottoman Turks or the Third Reich and in Darfur. Only by shining a light on the darkest parts of History can we learn not to Repeat them & Achieving some measure of Justice for the Victims!
Our enemy is weak, our enemy is scared, some running 800km away, some crying weakness.
Good to know!
@Mahmoud… Your Posts Sounds Like Last Recorded Cries Of Isis Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Before He Blew Himself Into Pieces? Saddam Hussein Sons, Qusay & Uday, Fought & Killed 3 Hour Firefight Unlike Abu Bakr Tunnel Flight Fright From A Female Dog Chase??
No Lions left, only little trans kittens that like to play concentration camp guards. Don’t worry LARRY we will treat your kind with as much tenderness and respect as you have shown us.
great big words from a paid troll in ramallah.
The resistance is ready and we can destroy Israel within 30 minutes of the order been given and within a week you will be no more. No one will come to help you and no boats, cars, or aircraft that happen to escape will be allowed to exit Israel. Everything is in place and you will be nothing more than a Shmatte to be thrown out with the rubbish.
The US should put Iran on notice that any strike on US forces, facilities, or allies will mean swift and destructive counter measures against Iran.
HaShem is about to unleash an attack against the Iranians like the world has never seen before. I suggest that you go to sleep and wake up without the threat of them destroying the civilized world again. It is time to finish them off once and for all before they start another world war.
I pray that if God forbid Trump loses in 2020, he unleashes the full might of the US military against the Persian military infrastructure, using nukes first to minimize US casualties. If we had nukes in 1939 we could have stopped Hitler and saved 60 million lives.
I’ve noticed that Iran hasn’t attacked again since the US put troops in Saudi Arabia. I think the ayatowelhead knows that he will get hit hard if he tries that krap again. I don’t think Trump is bluffing.
The Muricans are running again like scalded cats….?
No more pointless wars for Zionism, American has wised up to Israel and its many lies, so its time for you to fight your own wars. So go cry me a river you ungrateful fake khazarian “jew”.