Trump pivots on N. Syria: Some US troops to stay, one air base retained
Only some of the thousand US troops on their way out of northern Syria will leave. Others will remain “to keep the Bashar al-Assad regime and Iranian forces away from Syria’s oil fields,” while one air base may also be retained.
This was decided by President Donald Trump early Thursday, Oct. 24 at the end of a day’s briefing by James Jeffrey, his special adviser on Syria. “We do contemplate, I believe, maintaining one of our two airfields there,” he said.
A US air force presence in northern Syria will allow American attack helicopters and armed drones to retain control over North Syrian air space and its border with Iraq. DEBKAfile’s military sources report that the air base in question is located at Rmeilan in the Kurdish province of Hasaka facing the Iraqi border. According to the earlier decision, too, the US will not leave the large Al Tanf garrison which sits strategically on the Syrian-Iraqi-Jordanian border junction. The latter also commands Syria’s oil and gas fields as well as the southern sections of the Syrian-Iraqi border.
The two bases are the key to United States air and land control over that border. Trump’s reassessment of the US military pullback from northern Syria leaves several hundred special forces personnel in place. They will have the tasks of defending those bases and the aircraft deployed there plus counter-terror operations against the ISIS forces trying to use the US withdrawal for a comeback.
Currently visiting Washington is a large delegation of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), led by its policy chief Ilhem Ahmed. They are discussing future relations with US forces in the light of their withdrawal.
Trump’s partial pivot on the withdrawal of US troops from northern Syria allays some of Israel’s concerns over the prospect of Iran gaining an open door on the Iraqi-Syrian border. The continuing US air presence in northeastern Syria will also make it easier for the IAF to operate against Iranian and Hizballah targets in that region.
They will say a couple of nice things about him and promise to let him build there, so he will change his stance.
President Trump has Iran, Russia, Turkey, Syria Dancing to his Tune, Actions, & Diplomacy with the Courage to Ignore Critics, Consult & Change With Other Leaders Concerns Such As Arabia, Jordan Israel, & Listen to his Joint Chiefs, NSA Advisers, & Foreign Policy Acumen. Mideast Peace Is The Better Way!
@Sole Super Power Supremancy! – Nice fantasy you have there. Now give that keyboard back to your Dad and get on with your homework.
@David… You Are Free To Prove Otherwise But You Won’t & Can’t! USA Geography, Economy & Military Far Superior To Any Other Nation.
America moves 50 Troops and the world shakes shows it is the sole Super Power
yes he will control the oil fields ??? How ? with drones that could be downed with rifle ? Iraq has many oil fields connected to Iran and Kuwait , and what exactly USA controls in there ? What a stupid article
@Solemeo… USA Controls Its Own Oil Fields In Western Hemisphere Mideast, Eu, Asia, Africa Needs America Protection Oil Routes!
Right kinda backwards there aren’t you?
Kurds now going under Russia and Iran umbrella and they will become their new puppets in the region, this event is something like capturing Yemen for Iran and make another ethnic group in the middle east to go into their pocket. This is a history-changing event.
@Reza… Agree, but nothing new. So be it, the Kurds have been doing this all along for Centuries. If they want to Unite do it, if not, go seek New Masters! Up to Arab Kurds Sunnis, Shiia, Christians in Iran, Iraq, Turkey, & Syria Unite!
It’s totally new thing because now Kurds become like an ace in the hand of Iran which they and Russians always can play them against Turkey. In the past Kurds more or less was against Iran and turkey all together and coordinate their actions with other powers against these two. This a tremendous event which all the Kurds now must obey Iran orders and perhaps turkey will become a slave of Iran policies.
@Reza… Nothing New At All. Arab Sunnis Kurds won’t accept Iran Shiia Kurds! Turkey PKK Marxists Kurds Can’t Beat Turkey Now Sent to Syria. Syrian Kurds & Refugees Now must Bow To Russia-Syria That Won’t Attack Turkey! Kurds Divisions Are The Same For Centuries!
Then Iran will make Kurds suffer and suffer And suffer
because the only reason that makes Syrian Kurds safe now was Russian-Syrian-Iranian talks with turkey. This means in any minute the Kurds refuse to please their new masters, they will free the Turkish dogs to bite them. This is what trump never understand and that’s the only reason James Mattis was resined.
Arab Sunni Kurds? Dude, try telling a Kurd he’s an Arab and see how far you get.
Stealing oil as usual!
Operation Secure Syrian Oil Freedom under way!
stealing? why? america hardly imports any oil from the middle east. from whom? it’s the iranians and the turks who are trying to steal oil.
Lol .Another move by tweet champion / deal Trump saying this and doing that.His foreign policy is a complete mess.More to follow.
The Savage East, this region of the Western Asia, informally refereed to as Mullahistan, needs as a minimum 20-30 more years of wars until the population learns just like my dogs the pairing of hate (stimulus) with the of extreme suffering and auto-destruction (conditioned response).
With the important observation that my dogs, are able to learn the conditioned response in only hours.
Top 15 Countries by Military Spending World History To Today:
What a glorious outcome for Trump. Perhaps he could set his mind on regigging Picot Sykes and carving out the Kurd’s Nation a state.
Don’t complicate matters with simple solutions! You’re offending the globalists who thrive on conflict to advance their one-world governance agenda.
@Mullah… Nope, America Will Allow Global Powers Fight Over Mideast Oil!
the united states doesnt want anything with this region anymore….They are only interested in the oil the middle eastern countries have . Once the oil runs out , the western countries will be leaving the region to its doom
Israel should very much look into this scenario
Do you realize what a garbled mess of nonsensical contradictions you spout?
#1, If the US “doesn’t want anything (to do) with this region anymore,” then it would NOT maintain an interest in its oil !!
#2, The US produces more oil than it needs. It has no need to buy oil from the Mideast!
#3, What does your stupid reference to Israel hope to accomplish? Is Israel the governor of this region?
You should look into the concept of logical exposition!
you are a laughable yank just like your orange boss.
@GingerST001 Top 10 Most Valuable Companies In The World (1997-2019)
That is only a matter of the time that the Americans leave total
the most of Kurdish East Syria is now in the hand of Syrien Goverenment
after the IDLIB is finished, the american will kicked out
@Abbas… Reality Turkey Kicked Out PKK Kurds, Syrian Refugees, & Syrian Kurds Back To Syria! America Stays Will Wants & Chooses & You Can’t Refute It! America Changed Mideast With One Move of 50 Troops!
Surely the Syrian oil belongs to the Syrian people?!? What business is it of the USA to meddle in SYRIAN oil?!?
It’s the reason ISIS exists. No pirated oil, no ISIS funding. Maybe the Syrian people should go get their oil then.
@Kiljoy… Just Proves America Sole Super Power, Thank You!
Yep, for now, w…..gurdin the oil field, what about waking up one morning and a tweet says they’re going out…….to Jordan ????…..
Please Tommy, incorporate facts, meaning you give references of time and place……. don’t be like politicians who repeat lies till they look like truth
Example….. the French and chevs were isreali military supporting nations in it’s early stages and not Americans……at that time americans were busy with Cuba and Vietnam
Then, that kazai thing does not reflect Jewish characters today, example….. Sicilian Mafia is well reflected in New York and Chicago Mafia farmilies, west African music is well reflected by Blacks……. Jews are not thurgish or bandist in Europe and American……. infact they are humble and prayerfull,means the forefathers had no such background of baditry and muder… clever person can easily filter your propaganda
The rise of white supremacists is due to loosing grip of Western economic dominace and demographic displacement particularly with globalization but don’t use others as scapegoat, just find a solution to the problem
The WH corrupt idiot……right hand has no idea what the left does….
@Dave… In All Honesty You Just Described Middle East History & President Trump Recognizes It Too!
Today In America;
President Trump states that he is building a Beautiful Wall in Colorado!!
Breathalyzer test was not administered nor blood drawn for drugs. White House did not release any statements explaining reasoning behind this statement.
Distance from Colorado to Mexico border is roughly 600 miles.
(Kiddingly) We’re building a Wall in Colorado”(then stated, “we’re not building a Wall in Kansas but they get the benefit of the Wall we’re building on the Border”) refered to people in the very packed auditorium, from Colorado & Kansas, getting the benefit of the Border Wall! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 24, 2019
Trump later suggested he was speaking in jest and that he was making a broader point about Colorado, like Kansas, deriving benefit from the wall’s construction. Those explanations didn’t make sense and appeared to contradict each other, but Trump made the attempt, however confusing, to clarify or distance himself from his original remarks.
Serious concerns about President Trump’s mental and emotional well-being are being expressed even by his staunch supporters, including myself…
@Yosef… Doctors On Internet Can’t Diagnose Anything Except Maybe You & That Is Your Brain Pain! Do You Go To Such Doctors?
I’m sure with all the Coke, Weed and Magic Mushrooms that the Trumpster must have enjoyed over the years that he is quite immune and able to navigate in the ever changing world. But ye i dislike the rapid flippy flopping as well.
Jim… Agree, all those Flip-Flops has the American Economy Humming! Now that is a True Accomplishment!
If Trump has Mental Illness lets hope other Leaders catch it too by acting to make the world more prosperous without wars and willing to talk to anyone without preconditions?????
@Jim Carrol. Will you supply him the things with the hump then?
As they say out with the old and in with the new. Americas Blackwater mercenary army that’s still in place will be removed. The Democrats aren’t much happier with the Middle East entanglements and many of them have little love for Israel. The days of unconditional U.S. defense aid may be numbered. In the future Israel will have to give something back. So Israel needs to wean its self off the $4 billion in U.S. aid before Washington acts and end this and the lost U.S. Defense contracts that have been given far far to easily in recent years.
Russia’s interests in Iran are stronger than they are in Israel. They will side with Iran and Syria in the event of a clash, because ultimately their interests are rooted in the key countries and affected by energy and arms deals. So the days of the free rides and handouts and unconditional support for any Israeli action are almost at a end. So enjoy the sunset while it lasts because we are about to see a new reality emerge.
As they say out with the old and in with the new. Americas Blackwater mercenary army that’s still in place will be removed. The Democrats aren’t much happier with the Middle East entanglements and many of them have little love for Israel. The days of unconditional U.S. defense aid may be numbered. In the future Israel will have to give something back. So Israel needs to wean its self off the $4 billion in U.S. aid before Washington acts and end this and the lost U.S. Defense contracts that have been given far far to easily in recent years.
Russia’s interests in Iran are stronger than they are in Israel. They will side with Iran and Syria in the event of a clash, because ultimately their interests are rooted in the key countries and affected by energy and arms deals. So the days of the free rides and handouts and unconditional support for any Israeli action are almost at a end. So enjoy the sunset while it lasts because we are about to see a new reality emerge.
Sure Tommyski. Whatever Veterans Today and Putin tell you to write…
Barack Hussain Obama and the dems gave Iran 150 Billion Dollars in cash to fund terrorism. Let that sink in.
That money was Iranian that the US took after the revolution. So cry little ziocon nice salty tears ?. When is it ever ok to just take someone elses properly, we have laws against that as does God… So it just shows where your dark heart is and who you call ?god? you follower of the god of this world.
@Cartman… Does it matter now? Only shows how the Iran Shiia Regime Misspent On Exporting Violence, Why Iranians Protest & Iran Back On Sanctions, Adds Up To Poor Leadership Anyway Money Counted Killing Muslims?
How does righting a old wrong matter, you are one twisted puppy? Also how does American sanctions that have been applied against Iran because of the Zionist Lobby show that Iran has done anything wrong? Israel is the country that has NUCLEAR WEAPONS, SO STOP WITH THE DOUBLE STANDARDS. Now i’m not saying that Iran is prefect but compared to Israel or America’s wars of aggression once again brought about by the Zionist Lobby which has killed millions how does Iran even compare. If these sanction were applied to Australia or New Zealand what would their economies be looking like? Would there be protests, well absolutely especially when we have the CIA and others working overtime to destabilize the nation.
The other day he said he was going to put sanctions on France for dumping French cars (called them Renolt, must mean Renault) in the US market. ??????? Not a single car from France is sold in the US. Yep, he’s completely nuts and has the nuclear codes.
A ship without a rudder goes nowhere but one with a defective one is scre wed.
I so love ziocon salty tears, sooo taisty?
I hear your Mother #1 Sharmouta loves ZioGizm even more!
You thinking of your MOTHER lol lol
@Vivian… You Misunderstood
All POTUS Trump did in Pittsburgh Last Night is Explain How The World’s Largest Natural Gas Fields Are Under Pittsburgh Again Just Like Oil Was In Pennsylvania In The 1870s For Gas Exports To Europe. “What we won’t do is punish the American people while enriching foreign polluters, withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement”!
If Sunnis, Shiia, Christians & Others Leaders Really Cared About The Arab Kurds Being Safe They Would Demand Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey To Create A Kurdistan With Real Land From Where Majority Kurds Population Now Live & That Is True Middle East Caring & Sharing?
You must be a Zionist. Your Balkanization of Syria has failed and your ISIS mercenaries have been largely wiped out. So now you try and spin the Kurdish issue to achieve this Balkanization objective via another means. You people have no shame. If you really cared about “caring and sharing ” we would never have had this proxy war or the Palestinian people subjected to your brand of “caring and sharing ” now would we?
“you must be a zionist”? and you are definitely an idiot!
If Stopping Genocide For Any Culture, People Or Nation Is A Zionists Solution To Save Lives By Protecting Ourselves & Others Against Empires That Delight To Shout “Death To Israel” Then Call Me Anything You Wish!
Yes Barbara, no Barbara, three bags full, Barbara. Perhaps you need some psychotherapy to get rid of your fixation with caps. Do you have an obsessive-compulsive disorder too, having to check all the time that you haven’t missed a single cap?
@PeterR… Thank You, For Proving You Cannot Respond With Substance By Your Name Calling Becoming Upset Over A Cap & That Is Only Your “Brain Pain” & Get Better Soon!
As Putin Era Begins to Wane, Russia Unleashes a Sweeping Crackdown:
China is one of the best countries who attract tourist around the world for tourism. In China, there are beautiful and historical places for tourism. China has Eight longest rivers in the world, Especially the Yellow River and the Yangtze River. Check out these especially two and Six other rivers in China during your visit to China. A stand as a scene where the landscape is beautiful and full of culture.
And China is the protoype for the enforced beast of the New World Order with its vast number of human rights abuses. Remember the apartheid South Africa with its re-settlement camps (read= extermination camps) that spent hundreds of millions of dollars on nature programmes on South Africa. Great try, Riefenstahl.
Carl… Nails It!
HRaza… Agree, Chine History, Nation, & People are Beautiful. The Problem is One China Communists Party Lifetime Chairman, & Geopolitical Population Problem Especially Islamic Camps With No Rule Of Law For All!
A ray of hope.
Agree, America & Israel Are Beacons Of Lighthouses Of Leadership In Foggy Global World Ray Of Hope!
CosminD… If Communism & Islamism Do Not Mix In Chinese Islamic Re-Education Camps They Won’t Succeed in Mideast & Asia Either! China Break-Up Coming!
World’s Biggest Polluter!
You people worry too much. God has sent us President Trump and he alone can fix everything. He will save us and fix all our problems. We should all be singing gospel to this holy man. He’s our saviour.