The IDF mulls pre-emptive strike to ward off planned Iranian attacks on the UAE and Israel

“Israel’s proven capacity to simultaneously perform multiple missions is about to be challenged as never before,’ said Binyamin Netanyahu on Thursday, Sept. 26, during a New Year’s toast at the IDF General Staff forum. The prime minister and defense minister went on to say: “Hitherto we have navigated affairs boldly and responsibly in several arenas, at times simultaneously, but not so far in a comprehensive confrontation.”

Netanyahu has never referred to all-out war as a distinct possibility, only as an outcome to be averted by “bold and responsible” navigation on several fronts.
DEBKAfile accounts for this change of tone by the events building up in the last two weeks. The effort to arrange a summit between the American and Iranian presidents at the UN fell flat, and Iran knows that even harsher US sanctions are therefore in store, including a ban on the Chinese vessels that are breaking the embargo on its oil sales. Tehran has furthermore counted its Sept. 14 cruise missile-drone attack on Saudi oil infrastructure a major success; it does not hide its intention to follow up with more devastating strikes against America’s regional allies.

Indeed on Sept. 22, Iran’s mouthpiece Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah and Tehran media singled out the United Arab Emirates as the next target after Saudi Arabia. A communique quoted by Iran’s media revealed: “A final ultimatum has been issued to the United Arab Emirates, explicitly and through a third party, either to get out of the Yemen war, north and south, or to wait for their share of punitive attack.” The warning adds: ”It would be a cruel attack on a country that has never experienced fire inside its home.”

In the absence of an American military response to the attack on Saudi oil, Tehran feels it can safely strike when and how it pleases.

With Israeli media exclusively preoccupied with the national political stalemate, a third general election appears in the national consciousness to be more realistic than a general war. However, Netanyahu’s warning on the eve of the New Year was solidly grounded in a rush of ominous events. The generals he addressed are therefore working on two assumptions:

  1. There is no certainty that Iran’s next “punitive attack” won’t fall on Israel before the UAE. The IDF is therefore in the throes of preparations to fend off Iranian cruise missiles and exploding drones potentially aimed at strategic targets in Israel from various sources – Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon or/and the Gaza Strip.
  2. Even if Iran hits the UAE first, Tehran won’t give up on the option of punishing Israel next.

The Trump administration’s decision not to go to war with Iran leaves the ayatollahs’ regime a free hand to try and smash the military-intelligence alliance binding Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Israel. The dominant view in the IDF General Staff forum is that the Iranians will not pass up this opportunity. What Israel’s strategists are trying to decide at this moment therefore is whether the IDF should wait for the blows to fall on the Gulf emirate and Israel – in whatever order – or pursue pre-emptive action. In either case, total war appears to be unavoidable.  

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93 thoughts on “The IDF mulls pre-emptive strike to ward off planned Iranian attacks on the UAE and Israel

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 9:29 at 9:29

    The rabbi’s will tell you that if an enemy is on your border that it will eventually strike. The time has come to drop the bunker busters on Iran’s nuclear installations. This is the only way to stop the ayatollah from attempting to create a nuclear weapon that can be attached to an ICBM. They will not stop via negotiations and this is the best way to allow the Iranian people to have their country back. Japan was bombed during WW2 and now they are a friendly country and trading partner to the civilized world.

    • Sep 27, 2019 @ 9:41 at 9:41

      There is strong expectation now that Trump has entrapped the SWAMP with what he needed to esplode their latest machination , he may strike Iran, else he will lose his allies in the ME , the chance of ever convincing KIM , and closing a trade deal in China; Saudi already making noises of disappointment in press editorials

      • Sep 28, 2019 @ 3:12 at 3:12

        In fact, he’s being blackmailed into it with this CIA coup against him.

        • Sep 29, 2019 @ 3:02 at 3:02

          You got that right. The globalists, the democrats, and the CIA and U.S. State Department swamp need a major conflict so badly.

    • Sep 27, 2019 @ 11:29 at 11:29

      Quite unwise of you to compare Japan with Iran.

      Israel will only hasten her extinction with your proposal of bombing Iranian nuclear installations.

      • Sep 27, 2019 @ 13:58 at 13:58

        Except that Israel cannot be made extinct. You forgot that little part.

        • Sep 27, 2019 @ 18:41 at 18:41

          Israel is a tiny country of 8.5 million jews. It would be easy to extinct the plague. Iran is a huge country which can’t be conquered.

          • Sep 27, 2019 @ 23:02 at 23:02

            You should change your name to mr. wrong, you apparently don’t remember the lessons taught during the seven day war, Israel has a protector that Muhammad wouldn’t really understand.

          • Sep 28, 2019 @ 1:32 at 1:32

            Alexander of Macedonia did.

          • Sep 29, 2019 @ 5:01 at 5:01


          • Oct 1, 2019 @ 5:18 at 5:18

            Israel will never be destroyed. It cannot be. Because God has promised, thought the whole world be against Israel, they “shall be cut to pieces”. Ya I know, you don’t believe in God. But that is alright. That still does not change what will be.

        • Sep 27, 2019 @ 18:47 at 18:47

          I don’t understand why israel must do action to prevent iran to attack UAE? Doesn’t better that iran attack UAE and make the world united against them and in the mean time kill some arabs too?

      • Sep 27, 2019 @ 14:04 at 14:04

        Ayatullah, Ruhullah, Habibulla

        As and when Israel hits Iran, Khomeini will turn in his grave as Iran’s people dig him up and rebury him with Khamenei.. They will flood the streets and mimic their Iraqi neighbours when they overthrew Faisal, Abdul- Ilah and Nuri Al Saed. I bet the Mercenaries will be in the lead hunting the Basji and the guards.

      • Sep 27, 2019 @ 21:49 at 21:49

        Iranian people are wonderful people, the government and IRGC needs to be demolished..

      • Sep 29, 2019 @ 5:00 at 5:00


      • Sep 29, 2019 @ 23:42 at 23:42

        The bible says Israel wins and Iran loses. God-1 Satan=0.

      • Sep 29, 2019 @ 23:43 at 23:43

        You are a Satan worshiping slug.

    • Sep 27, 2019 @ 12:51 at 12:51


      Bibi allowed iran to become the threat it is today…
      He also allowed hezblalla to point 200 thousand missiles at Israel…
      Now all of a sudden Bibi sounds the alarm ….

    • Sep 27, 2019 @ 18:28 at 18:28

      There is an Unfolding Ambiguity with Great Implications without Obvious Clues from Nature’s Past Paths of Shiia Mammon Scars from the 3 Holy Scriptures. Mammon Transliteration from Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek & Arabic “Mal” Means Money!

    • Sep 27, 2019 @ 19:38 at 19:38

      I think it will take a treble strike on Iran to make Israel safer. First, I would recommend a strike on its oil refining capacity, to cripple its economy going forward. Second, a decapitation strike aimed at its leadership and C3 (command, control and communications). Third, the nuclear sites.

      But no matter what, I srael will also have to get ready for a rain of fire from Hizbollah, and that might be mitigated by a major leadership and C3 strike on Hizbollah.

      No matter what happens, Israel will get hurt. But it is a choice between being hurt and being hurt seriously.

      • Sep 28, 2019 @ 1:36 at 1:36

        If Israel is going to attack Iran, more likely than not they would do a preemptive strike on the presumed locations of the missiles that have fairly good guidance in Lebanon. In terms of Iran, they will send in their special forces, so they can laser guide Airborne missiles to their target. Launch a Cyber attack and destroy the command-and-control centers making Iran blind. They will then hit any above-ground nuclear facilities in missile production facilities, and then go after the embedded facilities using bunker-buster bombs training on the area by again the Special Forces using laser guidance. And last but not least they will destroy the oil refineries.

      • Oct 1, 2019 @ 20:13 at 20:13

        Apply maximum stress on all areas of the Regime, Financial, Psychological, and Social anti regime campaigns. So much that it begins to crack and they see they are no longer in control. But leave the peoples resources intact oil and all other peaceful energy applications. I certainly don’t want to see the US or anyone else to Turn Iran into another Middle eastern Gravel Pit. It will just destroy the Culture moral and pride of the citizens of Iran who are Not Our Enemies. The Regime needs to be destroyed from the inside silently and effectively.

        • Oct 3, 2019 @ 6:31 at 6:31


    • Sep 28, 2019 @ 0:05 at 0:05

      salman rushdie told us in satanic verses book that muslim pig worship satan
      the plague of the pigs from teheran worshiping satan will come to an nuclear endayatolah pig

    • Sep 28, 2019 @ 0:51 at 0:51

      Iran can easily reciprocate and even Hezbollah would add some whipped cream on top of Dimona. You Ziotards are truly delusional. You think the IOF is strong cuz they defeated weak armies. They can’t even get into Gaza

      • Sep 28, 2019 @ 5:22 at 5:22

        pig muhammad and never Duke. Saudi Arabia purchased 8 nuclear missiles from Fakistan and they will use it
        the retarded muslim pigs described by Salman Rushdie in Satanic Verses book will never understand this.
        Israel has some 100 nuclear nissles abord their stealth submarines ready to use over Beirut and teheran where the shiite pigs are barking

      • Sep 29, 2019 @ 20:13 at 20:13

        Indeed they can get into Gaza…they are showing restraint so as not to inflame the situation more than necessary. The men of the IDF have something that you don’t have, a scintilla of intelligence.

    • Sep 28, 2019 @ 7:44 at 7:44

      Yes. That’s a good idea. Iran won’t do anything.

    • Sep 28, 2019 @ 14:29 at 14:29

      time a wasting……..bombs away!!!

    • Sep 28, 2019 @ 14:30 at 14:30

      time a wasting……..bombs away!!!

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 9:34 at 9:34

    Netanyahu cannot be accused of being asleep. Ugly scenario developing with Lieberman’s betrayal tying Bibi’s hands

    • Sep 27, 2019 @ 18:31 at 18:31

      After Abraham’s Military Victory over the 4 Kings who Attacked Sodom, he gave a Tenth of the spoils to “Malkitzedek” Then Melchizedek King of Salem brought out bread and wine18. He was Priest of God Most High, and Blessed Abram, saying, “Blessed be Abram by G-d Most High, Creator of Heaven and Earth”. 20 “And Praise be to G-d Most High, who delivered your enemies into your hand.” Then Abram gave him a Tenth of everything. Genesis 14:18-20

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 11:27 at 11:27

    Quite unwise of you to compare Japan with Iran.

    Israel will only hasten her extinction with your proposal of bombing Iranian nuclear installations.

    • Sep 27, 2019 @ 12:01 at 12:01

      Every time the rag heads attack Israel she grows in land size. Want to go for number 6 rag head?

      • Sep 27, 2019 @ 16:25 at 16:25

        D, I’m no fan of islam either, but both the other major abrahamic religions have their problems too, and many of our best friends wore and wear turbans. You need to get a narrower paint brush. Lastly, israel will only win as long as yhwh puts up with their mediocre compliance with his instructions. Blessed are the peacemakers.

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 12:02 at 12:02

    This would be the right time for Saudi and Gulf nations to renounce the antisemitism in the Islamic books and used over the generations to harm and make war with Israel and the Jewish people.

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 12:32 at 12:32

    as a previous leader said recently .. tricky bibi could start war to keep him in power thing for isreal is to resign tricky bibi.. He lost election its now court time

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 12:46 at 12:46

    Big clash / war is coming sooner or later thats a fact.So the only thing you can do is be fully prepared on every level.Nobody wants war but sometimes can’t be avoided.

    • Sep 27, 2019 @ 18:43 at 18:43

      Strike Force Nails It… (Chapter 6, Verse 8)

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 13:01 at 13:01

    Some do want war. Iran isn’t really in that category because it is already at war with the USA and has been for decades with multiple attacks.

    Trump doesn’t want war. It doesn’t fit his philosophy, his preferred method of using USA power, or his political position.

    However, Iran can push things too far and end up in deep trouble. A major attack on Israel would likely be enough to trigger a major USA response and the Iranian despots know that. Short of that Trump needs more calls for intervention from outside the USA and Israel before he will have political cover.

    • Sep 27, 2019 @ 15:15 at 15:15

      You say Trump doesn’t want war, yet over 26 military transport ships stuffed with military material out of a total possible around 40 are steaming to the Gulf right now. That is only less than for the Iraq war. It’s probably MORE than the Iraq war, given all the preplaced apparatus and ammunition on station already.

      Time to read some news that isn’t only propaganda Has Been. You don’t send a large part of your military to the other side of the world and not use it. Make a note of it.

      • Sep 27, 2019 @ 16:31 at 16:31

        where did you get this infortmation?

        • Sep 27, 2019 @ 16:35 at 16:35

          IRGC, of course. Our guys keep an open eye on all movements of the enemy. How else to crush them if we have no intel?

          • Sep 28, 2019 @ 4:26 at 4:26

            oh, the same way the IRFC crushed Iraq after 8 years ?
            The IRGC couldn’t crush a soggy tomato. Even their uniform looks like pyjamas

      • Sep 28, 2019 @ 14:50 at 14:50


        WANTING war and preparing for threatened war are two very different things.

        If you are medical and keep epinephrine on-hand it does not mean you want anaphylaxis. Keeping bandages on hand doesn’t mean you want wounds.

      • Oct 3, 2019 @ 6:41 at 6:41

        Steaming transport ships does not equate to war. Indeed, if true, it may be designed to prevent a war.

      • Oct 4, 2019 @ 5:36 at 5:36

        40 ships is not a large part of the American fleet.

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 13:25 at 13:25

    Netanyahu has become an impotent, cowardly blabbermouth…

    • Sep 28, 2019 @ 5:23 at 5:23

      nasrallah and the satanic ayatollah pigs are very impotent and coward blaming their houthis dogs for their crimes

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 13:39 at 13:39

    Iran is becoming an exponential existential threat that only grows by the hour since every time its proxies are hit it keeps doubling down more. It is necessary to directly hit the source of all of this trouble that is hiding behind them which is Iran. By the way that Iran is going, nothing short of nukes will stop them now.

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 13:57 at 13:57

    The one that you KNOW wants to kill you, you should rise up early & kill HIM !

    • Sep 27, 2019 @ 19:31 at 19:31

      What nonsense has Iran attacked Israel? But by your own logic they could quite legally, biblically or what ever else you are using to justify your actions attack and wipe you all out? You truly are a repugnant and backward people who have only been able to get away with this due to European ignorance and apathy.

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 13:59 at 13:59

    Still waiting for the CRUSHING RESPONSE!!

    LOL … this guy is ahead of himself promising another fantasy 🙂

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 15:11 at 15:11

    So your global readers are so dumb, or you think are so dumb, for you to present NATO cruise missile debris, and claim it’s from IRAN? When was the last time Iran or any NON NATO country used a CHAMP cruise missile, boss?

    I give up, this is just getting stupid now.

    • Sep 29, 2019 @ 3:21 at 3:21

      Your Ezekiel verses are being misapplied. The verses speak of an Israel that is at peace, secure, and without walls. Hardly the current Israel.

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 16:41 at 16:41

    It is time to take out sophisticated military tools … and cause great damage to these effeminate clerics of Shiism; as the correct use manual says: “the first warning impact must destroy the entire Persian oil industry” … “the second tactical nuclear coup must pulverize the elite neighborhood mullah-Revolutionary Guard …” The third impact should be about Ali’s turban khamenei “… The neutron combat manual says: ” Ladies, gentlemen: the Persians want total war …
    Well, to death against them” … It’s very simple …

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 16:47 at 16:47

    The military history of Islam has taught us that you cannot negotiate with the Mohammedan enemy. .. The only solution is to crush them in a war … It’s sad … But it’s that true.

    • Sep 27, 2019 @ 18:34 at 18:34

      As Well as, “Allah Will Deprive Usury Of All Blessing, But Will Give Increase For Deeds Of Charity” (Quran 2: 276)!

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 17:24 at 17:24

    What is up with all the Muslim hate? Here in Ausi we live and get along without any problems. Indonesia is just to the north of us and we have no problem with the Muslim population. Ive had several holidays there and even lived there for a few months.

    So the problem is not Islam. Thus article if factual is saying that Israel wants to attack another country. Just coincidentally this is at a time that Netanyahu is having legal issues and American is working towards peace. So is Islam the problem here or the Jewish mindset? You keep on attacking others and then seem surprised when they push back or that their population doesn’t like Israel.
    Just a thought.

    • Sep 28, 2019 @ 5:27 at 5:27

      muslim pig invader of Australia, it is written that muslim iran is going to attack UAE and Israel..
      you the muslim pigs are full of hate of jews and christians

    • Sep 28, 2019 @ 18:54 at 18:54

      How do you feel about muslim Indonesia occupying and committing genocide against the native Christian population of west Papua?

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 18:09 at 18:09

    The whole of Israel need to support Bibi at this time. National politics should be second to national security and survival.

    • Sep 27, 2019 @ 19:48 at 19:48

      “The whole of Israel need to support Bibi at this time. National politics should be second to national security and survival.”

      Tell that to Ganz, Mandy.

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 18:39 at 18:39

    (Chapter 6, Verse 8) “You Can’t Serve G-d And Mammon, Parallels Paul Divine Retribution Romans 12:19–21),

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 19:08 at 19:08

    What intellectual drivel. War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery and Ignorance is Strength is the most polite way to sum up your mindset. Religious psychobabble and nonsense to try and disguise the obvious truth that you are the aggressors who are seeking war. Is this war really worth several trillion dollars of American dollars which will inevitably be required to PROTECT this hideous little nazi Nation when they bite of more than they can chew?

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 19:36 at 19:36

    The one that claims to be called Helena Clark, has a serious problem of hatred of the Jews and the State of Israel … In the hermeneutics of her speech it is perfectly reflected. He cannot hide his anti-Semitism; Doesn’t there exist neither Mohammedan religious fanaticism, nor Islamist hatred, nor jihadist crime, nor attacks on the entire planet of jihadist murderers?
    Manipulating and lying is very easy but the facts betray the liars.

    • Sep 27, 2019 @ 20:27 at 20:27

      What a low state intellectual acumen we have arrived at when any criticism of Israel is seen as anti semitic. Has Iran or Syria for that matter attacked Israel? Is this article and the comments of the majority of the contributors who i may add appear to be Israeli anti Islam? So yes i do consider Israel and her people to be a hideous little nazi nation when one compares the behaviour and its never ending crimes. Islam has its issues but the majority of these issues can be traced to the psychological trauma that they have been subdued to for the last almost years. Eamon raised a perfectly valid point that Indonesia which is the largest Muslim nation has no such problems. The common point we have her is this religious psychobabble nonsence which is been pushed by the hired Zionist lobby. Just for the record i have no problem with the Jewish people. I however have a extreme distaste for is the brutality and blatent propaganda and dishonesty that this “Special Nation” perpetuates via its hired lobby and the obsequious evangelicals who are caught up in their fawning towards this disingenuous people.

      • Sep 27, 2019 @ 21:32 at 21:32

        Helena… Never Again After World War II, Never Forget After 911, & Iran Regime Exporting Violence Will Become a Never Again Forgotten Mideast Solution To Peace Without War!

      • Sep 28, 2019 @ 15:26 at 15:26

        I think you were brainwashed into anti-Israel hatred by your wacko lefty college professors. Or maybe you are one of those professors.

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 20:10 at 20:10

    Very simple solution to the Iranian problem. It is called an EMP. The US has them and so does Israel. This weapon has the potential to incapacitate Iran’s entire infrastructure with few initial casualties. From nuclear facilities to radar installations to mechanized units to rocket guidance systems and ignition capabilities, all kaput in an instant. Iran would then be helpless and the IAF could easily mop up and destroy the nuclear and ballistic missile infrastructure. Iran will be thrust into a brief civil war and a good chance the mullahs will be hanging upside down like Mussolini. If the IDF times this correctly very few ballistic missiles will have been launched from Iran. The war will be with Iran’s proxies who will be obliterated by the IAF in the next round of fighting.

    • Sep 28, 2019 @ 3:03 at 3:03

      You do realize that what you are proposing would like result in the deaths of upward of 80% of the Iranian population? Read the US Department of Defense report on the secondary effects of a EMP strike on the Continental US. 90% of the population is estimated to be dead within the first year.

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 20:29 at 20:29

    God hear you, friend, I hope this happens and that the Persian citizens do not suffer the serious damage of a war against the mad clerics of hate and their Praetorian Guard … Thus, the Persian people will hang them on a crane to all, to Shia criminal fanatics …
    May the God of Moses, Abraham and Jacob give us all with peace in the Middle East.
    All beliefs have a place in this world. But, unfortunately, you have to do a good job of chattering with the Shia demon …

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 20:49 at 20:49

    He does not convince what he calls his name Helena Clark … He cannot hide his hatred as neither Ilhan Omar nor Rashida Tlaib can do it, “disguising” criticism against Zionism … Judeo-Christian culture has long since discovered you … Your “zapa” work will not succeed, and your intentions are known throughout the planet …
    You don’t even respect the American Republic, which is the homeland of freedom and democracy.
    The traitors and liars smell from afar … And I let you know that the new 21st century Nazis belong, for the most part, to Islam … They have many followers in Europe and America … Very soon it will be written in History books … Don’t doubt it.

    • Sep 27, 2019 @ 21:22 at 21:22

      @Dreamer best you get someone to throw you a ball so that you can ho have a run around the yard and get rid off all that excess energy.

      Best you dont use large words or sentences that require contemplation Helena. With these guys you need to speak slowly and keep the conceps really simple lol

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 20:49 at 20:49

    Iran knows and everyone in the world knows that Iran cannot defeat Israel. Iran can do some damage to the State of Israel through its proxies or even from Iran itself as it did to the Saudis but Iran fully understands if Israel is strategically threaten, Iran will be back to where it belongs. To the stone age.

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 21:38 at 21:38

    Hey Debka; in the USA, Congress declares war, not the President.

    • Sep 27, 2019 @ 23:18 at 23:18

      Yup, congress declared war on Iraq, Afghanistan, and Bosnia

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 21:46 at 21:46

    I’ll keep that in mind, Rivka. I understand you.

  • Sep 28, 2019 @ 3:08 at 3:08

    ============================= in conclusion to this article =============================

    Every day I do my march of return, and I each time I dedicate this to 50% the Palestinian people, and 50% to the mullahs regime with their IRGC armed wing. Sometimes twice a day. Never constipated, I’m always looking on balancing my food intake with vitamins, fibers, and greens.

    God bless my bowels, I am taking good care, and they are working truly good! </b

  • Sep 28, 2019 @ 8:05 at 8:05

    I don’t know if the IDF should consider a preemptive strike or not. However, the Trump administration is getting in increasing trouble with Congress. With Trump’s star starting to fade, I don’t think the Iranians would want to do anything to rebuild support for Trump, especially after he’s been so hard on them. However, Putin might want such an event to rebuild support for Trump, so he can continue to rely on him to do his bidding. One of these situations where the Kremlin and Tehran might diverge.

  • Sep 28, 2019 @ 8:08 at 8:08

    There Is A time For Middle East Justice & Not Shiia Vengeance Seeking Since 632 CE-AD One Pays For Being Bad Requires Change & Iran Regime Won’t Accept it!

  • Sep 28, 2019 @ 8:21 at 8:21

    Reminding you guys ….Iran entered the Syrian war to fight isis in it’s early stages but failed misserebly,m… they then called in Hizbolla later for help,…. still both could not manage….. Thirdly is when the irg comander suleman went to Moscow to borrow Russian air power is when things started changing after some indiscriminate and heavy Arial bombardment…….. all this mighty Iran talk is a hoax. Strong people talk less not scare mongering.
    Israel firepower is way ahead of Iranian both in scale and delivery, they just fear the UN,NGO,ICC that will start shouting every time Israeli military strikes

  • Sep 28, 2019 @ 8:26 at 8:26

    NEW YORK — The Bipartisan Protest, Named “No To Rouhani” Rallied Thousands People Took To New York City Streets Demanding Regime Change at the UN. Iranian-American People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

  • Sep 28, 2019 @ 13:13 at 13:13

    Bibi uses any situation as an advertisement to hold on to power. For a large part of the electorate: leftists, Arabs and citizens of the USSR, Bibi’s “political success”: a complete moral and military defeat for Hamas, Hezbule and others. Israel lost to Iran many years ago and forever. Bibi worsened the situation.
    Why doesn’t Iran easily bomb Israel under Bibi like Hamas? This is not required by the political situation in Iran. Only!
    The discrimination regime of the Bibi Jews settlers is disgusting. The crime.
    Active about the free transfer of the territories of Israel to the Arabs did not help Bibi.
    Elections squabble politicians where no one can remember any merit Bibi.
    Bibi shamefully lost the election and the future war of Israel. 5 years in advance.
    Feature: Slippery careerist. PM mediocrity.

  • Sep 28, 2019 @ 15:35 at 15:35

    You guys better hurry up. Russia just offered to sell the Iranians the S400s. Good luck. Oh wait, the Iranians have a domestically produced A2D2 that shot down the stealth global hawk already, so did they actually allow your F35 overflight as a trap, or because your amazing technology. I’m all for you guys running that experiment.
    The same reason Trump didn’t want his first wave of warplanes to get downed, is the same reason Israel will not attack.

  • Sep 28, 2019 @ 16:56 at 16:56

    Iran ballistic missile and nuclear programs had setbacks, there’s no Obama to pay the proxies to fight, why would Iran be suicidal at this time?

  • Sep 28, 2019 @ 19:34 at 19:34

    The Iran Regime demanded a “World Without Nuclear Weapons” at the UN. Good When Will they Have Inspections?

  • Sep 29, 2019 @ 23:47 at 23:47

    I thought it was the Houthi’s from Yemen who warned the UAE.

  • Sep 30, 2019 @ 6:01 at 6:01

    So …after all these years….why hasn’t anyone taken out the ayatollah and pilfered his billions that has been ripped off from the country?

    For cutting off the head of the snake and the funding of terrorism wouldn’t this have been a good first step?
    Just wondering because it seems like noone wants to win a war…just prolong it.

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