Iraq war
Top US Iraq commander says “tangible political progress” has not unfolded as hoped during the “surge” and military progress has been “uneven”
Top US Iraq commander says “tangible political progress” has not unfolded as hoped during the “surge” and military progress has
More...Success in Iraq Demands More Time and More Troops
To subscribe to DEBKA-Net-Weekly click <a href="″>HERE.No matter how cleverly the US Iraq commander Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan
More...Seven US soldiers killed in Iraq Thursday – four in combat in Anbar, three in an explosion in northern Nineveh
Seven US soldiers killed in Iraq Thursday – four in combat in Anbar, three in an explosion in northern Nineveh
More...Slight rise in Iraqi civilian deaths in August, drop in military toll
Slight rise in Iraqi civilian deaths in August, drop in military toll
More...Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki attacks US critics, claims his government saved Iraq from sectarian civil war
Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki attacks US critics, claims his government saved Iraq from sectarian civil war
More...Muqtada Sadr suspends for six months activities of his Iraqi Shiite Mehdi Army militia
Muqtada Sadr suspends for six months activities of his Iraqi Shiite Mehdi Army militia
More...Two US soldiers killed in separate attacks Wednesday in W. Iraqi Anbar
Two US soldiers killed in separate attacks Wednesday in W. Iraqi Anbar
More...Samarra under curfew Friday after string of al Qaeda assaults involving 50 vehicles packed with gunmen
Samarra under curfew Friday after string of al Qaeda assaults involving 50 vehicles packed with gunmen