Second Israeli attack on Iranian targets in E. Iraq reported by Iraqi sources

A second Israeli attack in 10 days on Iranian Guards’ and Iraqi militia forces in eastern Iraq was claimed on Sunday, July 28 by Iraqi military sources. They described one or more Israeli Air Force jets striking Camp Ashraf in Diyala Governorate, some 80km from the Iranian border and 40km north of Baghdad. The Iraqi sources reported that the Israeli aircraft struck a consignment of ballistic missile launchers transferred a short time ago from Iran to Iraq. as well as the missiles themselves and the living quarters of Guards officers and personnel of the pro-Iranian Iraqi Badr Brigades militia. Some sources reported up to 40 dead in the attack.

Camp Ashraf is described by DEBKAfile’s military sources as one of the largest military compounds in eastern Iraq, with room to house more than 4,000 troops and their weapons systems. It also holds a big complex of subterranean facilities storing missiles, tanks and heavy artillery. Camp Ashraf is the address of the main base and command headquarters of the Badr Brigades, the largest pro-Iranian militia in Iraq, This militia has become heavily engaged in Tehran’s new drive to transform Iraq into a frontline base of operations.

Israel’s first purported target in Iraq on July 19 was another Badr Brigades facility in eastern Iraq, outside the town of Amerli in the province of Salahudin. That one housed the 52nd Brigade of the Hash Shaab militia.  

On July 24, Israel was reported by the Syrian military to have conducted a surface missile attack – this one to demolish an intelligence station just constructed by the Iranians at Tal al-Harara in southern Syria for a broad overview of northern Israel and parts of the eastern Mediterranean.

If all three Israel attacks are confirmed, it would indicate a radical escalation of its operations against Iran’s new, ongoing initiatives to set up a new front-line military presence in Iraq and southern Syria.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu responded to the successful Arrow 3 tests in Alaska against exo-atmosphere ballistic targets at the Sunday cabinet meeting by saying: “They were successful beyond imagination, Each a perfect hit. This means that Israel could send ballistic missiles into Iran.”

Netanyahu, who also serves as defense minister, did not elaborate on this comment, but it evidently carried a message, that while Israel has the capacity to intercept and destroy the ballistic missiles that Tehran has begun transferring to Iraq and Syria, it has no defense against Israel’s long arm and its ballistic missiles.

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67 thoughts on “Second Israeli attack on Iranian targets in E. Iraq reported by Iraqi sources

  • Jul 28, 2019 @ 22:26 at 22:26

    How is this a surprise. Iran solidly defeated the US in the US-Iraq war. Iran now controls Iraq politically, economically and strategically.

    • Jul 28, 2019 @ 22:27 at 22:27

      Iran also came out as the biggest winner of the Syrian war so it gets to call many of the shots in the Middle-East.

      • Jul 29, 2019 @ 0:35 at 0:35

        Anktious…also, Iranian Shiia have not Won Anything with Your Lame Claims of Flames seen on IRGC Dead Bases? The IDF Attacks as it Pleases as Seen in Reality! While Iran’s IRGC Cub’s Liars Yell Meows & Still Can’t Restore any Shiia 632 DE Roars & Unable to Respond? Robe Masters Hiding in Tehran can’t Defend Servants in Baghdad & Damascus either! As, Syrian & Iraqi’s Sheep Watch IRGC Bases Destroyed, with Screams of Baa, Baa, Big Bad Iran Can’t Defend Themselves Let Alone Us Anything, Anywhere, Anytime in Mideast! LOL!

        • Jul 29, 2019 @ 23:44 at 23:44

          Iran knows before hand what is going to be attacked and when, it is no surprise. All the time Iran is winning the propaganda war with the entire world. They will all strike back when they are ready. until then Israel will hunt and peck through a few jabs until Certain countries are ready for the takedown and the choke out.

          • Jul 30, 2019 @ 7:54 at 7:54

            FB…Disagree, Iran is Winning Nothing on Propaganda No one IS Rallying Around Iran. China and Russia will use them, Europe, India and Japan will Buy Discounted Oil, Turkey will Smuggle it. Iran Remains the Bad Boy in the Neighborhood, Threatening to Break Windows, Kill Cats, and Rob Gardens, End Up Laughingstocks and Ignored until they Get Out of Line, then Spanked! Times are Changing in Iran though as Relatives Grow Tired & End Their Play Especially When Guns Sought!

        • Jul 30, 2019 @ 2:11 at 2:11

          you are a mice back to USA and pretend to be a lion. Just shut up

          • Jul 30, 2019 @ 8:04 at 8:04

            Annoy… America are Eagles on Purple Mountains Flying as they Wish. Salesman, Customers, Backed Up by Bigger Protections against Small Pretenders tries Roar, Rattle Tales, Spraying Skunk Oil, but Eagles Come & Go Looking Down From a Perch We Wish & If that Upsets You, So Be It!

      • Jul 29, 2019 @ 6:09 at 6:09

        While iran has iraq, israel is happy to test a missile interceptors. It’s good but for fools

      • Jul 29, 2019 @ 14:19 at 14:19


      • Jul 30, 2019 @ 11:19 at 11:19

        israil abd ingiltereyle birleşip iranın tüm nükleer tesislerini yok etmelidir vurmalıdır

    • Jul 28, 2019 @ 22:35 at 22:35

      LOL smoking wacky tobacco I see.

      • Jul 28, 2019 @ 22:56 at 22:56

        denigration of cannabis totally uncalled for… truth is though, that with the defeat of saddam and his party, the USA sort of handed iraq to daesh, then iran and the kurds, on a silver platter.

        • Jul 28, 2019 @ 23:11 at 23:11

          You mean “Obama” handed Iraq over.
          “Obama” and “USA” are not synonymous.

          • Jul 29, 2019 @ 18:56 at 18:56

            Mr. Gray – Obama did not invade Iraq. George W. Bush handed Iraq over to Iran.

          • Jul 29, 2019 @ 22:39 at 22:39

            James, are you looking through a political filter? W served out his two terms, then Hussein Obama took over and left a power vacuum in Iraq which ISIS filled. Obama left Iraq in a destabilized mess which Iran only too happily exploited.

          • Jul 30, 2019 @ 15:28 at 15:28


        • Jul 29, 2019 @ 8:22 at 8:22

          The Worst thing the US did in the middle East was removing Sadism from Power. He kept Iran in Check. I still want to know where ISIS came from and who funded them, it almost seems they were a false flag operation secretly funded by Russia and IRAN for a Power Grab of Everything ISIS Seized but it did not work out.

          • Jul 29, 2019 @ 23:11 at 23:11

            Paul Bremer destroyed Iraq, and the dumbest thing he did was disband the Baathist party, and by default, their professional Army, which kept a lid on sectarian violence.
            The Surge held but when Obama announced the DAY and TIME US was leaving, the Hudna was all they needed to deed to the Iranians…..

            More importantly, what would it take to control that base for good purposes, like a Forward Operating Base for Bombers against Iranian targets?

        • Jul 29, 2019 @ 10:11 at 10:11

          Proof again that when incompetence is your main talent that violence must follow.
          If either side had anything good to offer they might get support. A promise of violence is incompetence.

          • Jul 29, 2019 @ 12:10 at 12:10

            “Proof again that when incompetence is your main talent that violence must follow.”

            @ Caractacus,

            It’s not nice to talk about former President Obama and former Secretary of State Herman Munster that way…………………………..even if it’s 100% applicable!

        • Jul 30, 2019 @ 15:28 at 15:28


    • Jul 29, 2019 @ 0:26 at 0:26

      Anktious… If Your View of History is Correct then the only People Suffering are Iraqi’s and Syrians by Iran’s Victorious Actions? If Iran’s IRGC Controls Iraq & Syria Politically, Economically & Strategically & Middle-East as you Claim! Why Is Iran so Upset by about Sanctions, Cries Iran Can’t Sell Oil, or IRGC Won’t Stop Strait Tanker Transits, nor Prevent IDF Attacks on Iran’s Shiia’s Syria & Iraq Servants?

    • Jul 29, 2019 @ 23:46 at 23:46

      iraq looked like berlin may 1945 with only 100 hours of us bombing 100,000 rag tag iraq soldiers surrendered at a time they pleaded for the us army to take them away sadam fled in a hole imagine if the us continued for 10 days of strikes GOD help the iranian poor man if the mighty IDF hits iran if we desire the us and israel can turn iran and iraq in to the 7th century you know this

    • Jul 30, 2019 @ 21:34 at 21:34

      What a wonderful news,so happy that Israel can stand tall against the obnoxious regime of Iran .???

  • Jul 28, 2019 @ 22:28 at 22:28

    if the kurds learn how to play nice with each other, this tension and exchange could help them win sovereignty.

    • Jul 30, 2019 @ 5:15 at 5:15

      Ayelet Shaked, Israeli Politician Support for Kurdish Independence calling for Israel, Gulf States, & Mideast Strengthen Kurdish Nation with “the Jewish & Kurdish Nations Share a History with Mutual Respect, Interests, Including Fighting ISIL with High Number of Women in Kurdish Armed Forces.

  • Jul 28, 2019 @ 22:29 at 22:29

    that is why the debka is called fake news mossad site

    due to iraqi military they destroyed old explosive material
    Debka make from them “Israel aatacked shia militia near border iran”

    • Jul 28, 2019 @ 22:47 at 22:47

      muslim pig in denial

      • Jul 29, 2019 @ 0:23 at 0:23

        all jews must either convert to islam or leave palestine or die

        this wil come sure, no matter how many fake news is produced by debka

        • Jul 29, 2019 @ 2:25 at 2:25

          Abbas… Good to Read You Are Alive & Well. Jehovah-Allah are “The Same” and Blessed both Jew & Arab to Lived & Prosper Together. Palestinians Leadership have Refused Peaceful Solutions 12 Times. The Bigger Problem for Abbas now is Hamas, Iran, Hizballah & Himself! The Messengers of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed Prophets for Spiritual Profits All Agree, Four Men & One Message, Bless Us All!

        • Jul 29, 2019 @ 4:20 at 4:20

          Abbas, Collective Covert Action Of Nations will ‘Convert’ Iran back to Persia for Mideast & Global Prosperity Under Same G-d!

        • Jul 29, 2019 @ 10:17 at 10:17

          Your fake Islam is your curse, a false spiritual inheritance that is nothing but a punishment to harden your heart with hatred, confusion and endless misery. The G-d of Israel is fulfilling his promise, it is His will to bring the Children of Israel back to their homeland, which makes you and your false prophets, enemies of Allah. Look around you, do you see any of your Muslim buddies EVER attaining their goals, just the opposite, the more evil you commit the more you suffer.

        • Jul 29, 2019 @ 22:46 at 22:46

          WHY–Are you afraid that people who believe in other religions–can live more freely–you probably believe you will be getting 72 virgins upon martyrdom–you are brain washed little man.

        • Jul 30, 2019 @ 7:46 at 7:46

          Dear president of Pal-e-SWINE,

          HAPPY NAKBA!

        • Jul 30, 2019 @ 12:25 at 12:25

          Mate, I dont understand how you can put that fake false nut case called Mohammed in the same sentance as Abraham, Moses and our personal Savior Jesus. Mohammed is no-one and will never be anyone apart from just a fake nutcase that deceived almost an entire race and screwed over their minds.
          Please use some discretion from now on.

        • Jul 30, 2019 @ 21:48 at 21:48

          You must be a big fool to think that is ever gonna happen, keep dreaming ,Isreal is the chosen one !!

    • Jul 28, 2019 @ 23:06 at 23:06

      Sure, Mister President ! If you say so, it must be true…

    • Jul 28, 2019 @ 23:59 at 23:59

      …and in the process they sent 40 Iranians to a rendevous with Allah, and the waiting virgins.

  • Jul 28, 2019 @ 22:32 at 22:32

    God bless America and Israel!

  • Jul 28, 2019 @ 22:50 at 22:50

    USA has repeatedly “shot itself in the foot” with foreign regime changes over the last 66 years. Not sure of the lesson to be learned, but so far give Ron Paul a lot of credibility. It is good to see israel stepping up to the plate of its own national security.

  • Jul 28, 2019 @ 23:22 at 23:22

    The Ayatowelhead can’t be happy about this and I’m sure he’ll respond in kind and send his jets to bomb Israel. 🙂

  • Jul 28, 2019 @ 23:37 at 23:37

    Clearly President Trump is green-lighting the Israeli attacks on remote Iranian locations. It is good to see the US supporting Israel against the evil leadership of Iran.

    Those who bless Israel will be blessed. More and more I am convinced of the coming victory of President Trump’s re-election. God Bless President Trump and PM Netanyahu. Peace.

    • Jul 29, 2019 @ 12:35 at 12:35

      “Clearly President Trump is green-lighting the Israeli attacks on remote Iranian locations. It is good to see the US supporting Israel against the evil leadership of Iran.”

      We can all agree on that, TexasDave, even if we don’t agree on other issues.

    • Jul 29, 2019 @ 14:13 at 14:13


      They say to those who despise Me, “The Lord has spoken, ‘You shall have peace, ‘ ” and [to] everyone who follows the view of his heart they say, “No evil shall befall you.”

  • Jul 28, 2019 @ 23:40 at 23:40

    After, WWI many European Nations replaced Monarchys with Democratic Republics especially Czechoslovakia. In 1938, Czech and German Populations ended Czech First Republic via “The Munich Agreement”, by Nazi Germany, United Kingdom, French 3rd Republic, & Kingdom of Italy. Europe Celebrated the Peace Agreement, because it Prevented the War Threatened by Hitler by allowing Nazi Germany’s Annexation of the Sudetenland. Europe Celebrating Iranian Nuke Agreement did not Prevent Iran from ICBMs & Exporting Missile Threats Towards Israel. Today’s Strike is another Warning that Israel won’t Accept another Europe 1938 Peace Failure. Europe Peace Agreement Built on Betrayal that Don’t Last. Today’s IDF Defensive Strike is another Warning to the World of 2019 and Wake Up Call Israel will Oppose Iran Death to Israelis & Never Again even it means “Ourselves Alone”!

  • Jul 29, 2019 @ 0:34 at 0:34

    I shouldn’t mention again the strategic error general Salami often does, but this is another one of those times when deploying personal coffins could have save IRGC lives.

    His is sending his Iranian guards people out of Iran completely WITHOUT personal coffins or as a minimum personal Kevlar body-bags. Could you imagine that?

    Where could his Iranian guards find fast a snake hole when the IAF pilots start to look from above to their military base? With a personal coffin handy right under the bed or a body-bag in the rucksack the situation changes a lot. This gives confidence to the troops and it is good for the morale. Plus, it is dual-purpose.

  • Jul 29, 2019 @ 1:38 at 1:38

    When pull comes to shove, it will only take one sortee.

    • Jul 29, 2019 @ 2:10 at 2:10

      SmartMullah… Does anyone really want to go there except Iran Shiia Regime? The State of Israel Judaism Culture has Always had a Single Defense Goal to Protect & Ensure the Right of Existence of Israel Security of its Citizens. This is why Collective Covert Options will Save the Remarkable Persian People Self Existence from the Samson Option to Offset Death To Israel!

  • Jul 29, 2019 @ 2:13 at 2:13

    Any possibility at all that those were American jets and not Israeli? Debka commenters please slow down.

  • Jul 29, 2019 @ 2:21 at 2:21

    A big lie from debka file

    • Jul 29, 2019 @ 4:18 at 4:18

      Gholi… The only “Lying”, is Debris Above & Underground of Pro-Iranian Iraqi Badr Brigades Militia Living Quarters, Weapons, Tanks, Artillery & Iran Ballistic Missile Launchers? More Waste of Oil Revenues Stolen from Persia’s People?

      • Jul 29, 2019 @ 15:04 at 15:04

        Where is persia? You mean iraq?

  • Jul 29, 2019 @ 3:54 at 3:54


    • Jul 30, 2019 @ 11:44 at 11:44


      @ FIN OWEN,

      In view of ALL of the circumstances, would you want to report it?

  • Jul 29, 2019 @ 4:18 at 4:18

    I love what Israel is doing to Iran and its proxies. This is really an excellent exercise as well to test our weapons. We invent, test and get better. Our enemy does not have the capability, resources but only brainless proxies.

  • Jul 29, 2019 @ 6:58 at 6:58

    Caught em flat footed again, . . . Iran couldn’t defend a outhouse.

  • Jul 29, 2019 @ 14:46 at 14:46

    48 hours after the accident, no any news agency confirm the debka fake report
    they bring no report about camp ashraf at all,

    Debka is mossad fake news site , with fake news you can not stop the persian empire

    • Jul 29, 2019 @ 15:05 at 15:05

      wait just a minute more and salami will trumpet his failure with pictures and interviews of the wounded.
      there is a lot of material to put together, this is why the delay.

  • Jul 29, 2019 @ 14:59 at 14:59

    *********************************** IN CONCLUSION TO THIS ARTICLE ****************************************

    Betrayal is running high in the corps of the high officers of the Guards. Just look at unjustified fancy and gold watches, gold cigarette cases and expensive cellulars. They are a (still secret) state in the state of Iran and ripe for taking over the power.

    The Great Ayatollah should learn from Sadat, come in from of the Knesset to offer friendship and ask for IDF and Mossad support.

  • Jul 29, 2019 @ 22:12 at 22:12

    The Great Ayatollah should learn from Sadat, come in from of the Knesset to offer friendship and ask for IDF and Mossad support and killed by own people

    I wish such lesson for you – troll

    • Jul 30, 2019 @ 5:19 at 5:19

      Sadat First Goal was Remove the USSR from Egypt, Replace it with America, and doing it by Opening Recognition of Israel Right to Exists and it Help Egypt by doing it, even at Sadat’s Death, and still Today Egypt and Israel Share Better Relations, Unlike Iran, that Share Bitter Relations with Many Nations.

  • Jul 30, 2019 @ 11:19 at 11:19

    israil abd ingiltereyle birleşip iranın tüm nükleer tesislerini yok etmelidir vurmalıdır

  • Jul 30, 2019 @ 12:24 at 12:24

    Mate, I dont understand how you can put that fake false nut case called Mohammed in the same sentance as Abraham, Moses and our personal Savior Jesus. Mohammed is no-one and will never be anyone apart from just a fake nutcase that deceived almost an entire race and screwed over their minds.
    Please use some discretion from now on.

    • Jul 30, 2019 @ 17:37 at 17:37

      John 3-16… History of Mohammed and His Quran does Honor Abraham, Moses, Jesus and 26 Prophets from Judaism and Christianity. At the same time, the Quran has been Revised 17 Times changed & been Used, Abused, & Misused by Men with Various Versions from “Original Arabic Text”, with Misinterpretations between Sunnis and Shiia, in different Languages & Nations! The same has happened to Judaism and Christianity in their Various Changes & Texts & Many Differences through the Ages & Today & Among Posters Too!

  • Jul 30, 2019 @ 13:06 at 13:06

    Kudo”s to the IAF.Please step up the bombing raids.Next stop Iran.

  • Jul 30, 2019 @ 23:48 at 23:48

    The IAF follows the rats to the moldy cheese of Iran. Inch by inch, step by step.

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