Russia-Iran special forces conduct first ever joint exercise in E. Syria
Russian, Iranian and Syrian government forces launched their first joint exercise in Syria’s Deir ez-Zour region – or, for that matter, their first combined drill anywhere else in the Mid-East. The exercise, taking place on the western bank of the Euphrates, features their first combined trilateral missile launches and air strikes on fortified targets. Also for the first time, Russian military sources have openly revealed that Iranian Air Force jets and drones as well as special forces have arrived in Syria for the war game.
Moscow has also contributed to the exercise mobile air defense Pantsir S-1 and Pantsir S-2 missile systems, providing those Iranian forces with a Russian air defense umbrella.
Russian and Syrian communiques on the combined exercise omit its starting date – only stating that it is taking place in the western part of Deir ez-Zour province not far from the American base at Al Tanf which controls the Syria-Jordan-Iraq border junction.
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that the drill ushers in a prominent feature of the new Russian strategic setup in Syria. Moscow has begun making use of the Al Qaim-Abu Kamal border crossing between Iraq and Syria, which was only reopened three days ago after eight years of war. Heavy Russian military vehicles from Black Sea bases, especially in South Ossetia and Crimea, have begun rolling into Syria through the newly-opened crossing, thereby cementing a land bridge from Russia to the Middle East in addition to Moscow’s air and naval corridors to Syria. Moscow is therefore using the same land bridge as Tehran for cutting through Iraq and Syria to reach the eastern Mediterranean overland. Russia’s shared presence on this route will make it hard for Israel to attack the land corridor forged by Iran when it uses the same border crossing and route as the Russians.
Russia, israel’s greatest foe
correct! and it’s also connected to Israel’s influence in east Europe like Ukraine etc.. meaning Russia keeps telling Israel to stay out of it’s geopolitical border in east Europe and for that Israel gets less drama and pressure from Syria. It’s a chess game like always, very interesting years ahead of us as the world is in turmoil. Eat popcorn and watch the movie ))
juice diddit. got it. check.
Nah. Moose-Limbs “dude it”.
Israel’s worst enemy is the f russia
Somebody Call Trump ??
@lebanon…Not at all.
You got no other choice but fullfill the prophesies. The prophesies regarding the King of the Rus, who left the North and moved to the mountains at your location. Though I suspect your iteration’s souls are dirty (too much fokka-fokka), your bodies are weak (too much alcohol) and that generally you are unworthy modda-fokas.
Ezekiel 38 39 soon
Russia/Iran Special Forces – just more fodder for God’s great anger.
Amen, it will happen and the world will know who the God of Israel is. God bless Israel.
God hates the jews after what they done to Jesus Christ
You are a complete idiot—do your homework. Remember, there was no Christianity or Islam when Christ was crucified. Religion is the enemy of the truth.
“God hates the jews after what they done to Jesus Christ.” Rubbish you really need to read the bible, we are now entering the time of Jacob’s Trouble and the enemies of Israel will cease to exist.
no facts from fact. Just more nonsense…
king Harrod was only part jewish he was a lap dog for the rome THIS IS TO FACT
Jesus was a rabbi
Since The Christian Belief That G-d Sent Jesus To Die For Man’s Sins & Roman Governor of Judea Executed Jesus, & Jewish Rulers Did Not Believe Taking Anyone Life In Judea! Don’t Spread Hate From A False Past But Pray For a Brighter Future For All!
More Like American Special Forces! G-d Anger Is Second If You Call What Happen To Russians in 2017?
@Mr Gary – You have no idea what “God” is.
In that Ezekiel,why are you on the invasion part, tell everyone how Russian and Iranian soldiers will be killed like flies with unknown lethal weapon that will require a special burial.
From there Russia will be no more and Israel will survive.
Putin is a very big liar and Bibi fell for Putin’s lies. Putin knows how to lie in order to disarm his enemies with flattery. Both Russia and Iran are in bed together. Unfortunately, a very large united Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Russia, Turkey, Qatar front in the north is being developed against disunited Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, U.S., etc. Unless the U.S. helps just like Russia is directly helping the other side they will not be able to stop this large united front.
Correct!.. The US doesn’t have the urge to fight anymore in the middle east like before. It’s last war was Iraq and after that they have been satisfied with the amount of strategic oil they found in US soils. So why to bother themselves trying to save corrupt, and weak regimes in the region like Saudi Arabia ? especially that it’s real enemies are China and Russia so a withdrawal of US from the middle east is inevitable, it’s just a matter of time. The only problem in this scenario is Israel and it’s people who will protect them ? no matter how effective the Mossad is nor how many F-35’s you own, it won’t help you win this regional war. Israel is not a country it’s just a big american military base nothing more nothing less and sooner or later Ayatollah and his allies will win, not that i like them much but it’s a fact that you can’t lay your eyes off when you read the map of the region.
You have no idea what Israel’s capable of doing to a genocidal enemy, even without using nukes. The IDF has restrained itself in using its full power since 1949, otherwise in 1967 Cairo, Amman and Damascus would have been cleaned out and settled by Israelis, there’d be no one left to fight them or supply enemies. The only thing that holds Israel back is a fear of triggering Russia to start a global nuclear war, and America’s fear of such a war starting leads it to hold Israel back from doing what it’s capable of doing, as the history records clearly show.
Hezbollah can’t fight without schools and hospitals to hide inside and underneath, Iran can’t operate in the middle east when its commercial convoys are universally targeted to prevent smuggling, etc. If people like you keep talking nonsense and suggesting that Israel is any more vulnerable to destruction than a backwater boghole like Russia, eventually the gloves will come off and they will learn to ignore the UN when exterminating genocidal enemies, at which point Israel will become a much bigger “US military base” in both size and strength.
No, Vladimir. Please share with us the awesome cosmic power you claim Israel has and chooses not to use…..time and time again, for that matter. The USA had to literally bail out the Israelis, who were nearing defeat in the Yom Kippur War of 1973. The tide turned, of course, but it was a close call. A badly planned Israeli operation tried to take Suez City, but a handful of defenders in the Suez rubble forced the Israeli force to evacuate.
Besides, maybe Israel, itself, doesn’t see itself as strong as you think it is. That’s more likely than a noble Israel trying to save the world from an atomic holocaust.
You are a complete idiot—do your homework. Remember, there was no Christianity or Islam when Christ was crucified. Religion is the enemy of the truth.
Prime Minister Bibi Has To Deal With All Nations At All Times Just Like Previous & Future PM Of Isreal!
Looks like the IAF, its pilots and those fancy F-35s are totally worthless against the AlQaim-Abukamal Iranian land bridge.
How are they worthless, are you not burying your dead? Iran is just trying to play resilience but eventually they’ll crack, the bombardment will continue
Ja,ja,ja,ja. what a simpleton.
Smells like…. defeat!
See this is very good news, Russia and Iran are working together to fight these crazy ISIS headchopping human organ eating demons. The missile base that Iran is building in Iraq is all part of this strategy. So this is all good news and nothing to fear. It shows that Russia has this all under control ? so everyone can relax and thank Putin for his good work.
I will call for a sword against him on all My mountains”—the declaration of the Lord God—“and every man’s sword will be against his brother. I will execute judgment on him with plague and bloodshed. I will pour out torrential rain, hailstones, fire, and brimstone on him, as well as his troops and the many peoples who are with him. (Ezekiel 38: 17-22)
Ok so please tell me why this is bad if this is the Ezekiel Prophecy? Is this not really good news, rapture, Christ returning and all that. From the tone it feels like i am missing something important?
But how does Rev 2:9 and the Synagogue of Satan fit into this? Are we saying that this is Russia? If so it does not make any sence to me
Israel has a secret weapon.
The only “secret weapon” is decisiveness and courage – and the Israeli leadership is catastrophically short on both !
Yosef… “The only “secret weapon” is decisiveness and courage”…. Well, Iran, Syria & Russia All Lack Both Using Proxies To Fight Their Wars & Russia Will Regret A Nuclear Iran On Russia’s Doorstep In The Future!
Yosef… That Is What Mediates, Goliath, Philistines, Egypt, Jordan, Arabia, Iraq, Palestinians once said & Israel Right to Existence to Defend & Become Friends for some Wise Enough to Accept Peace after Decades of Conflicts. Russia, Iran, & Syria won’t mix well in the Mideast!
Bad news for USA ,UK and Israel. something is common to them-political stalemate. the three strong nations have political issues which need to be resolved in order to get down to business of world agenda before late.
My Arab mates here in Ausi dont believe that there will be any attempt by Iran or Russia to attack Israel. They can see Iran needing to extend its influence so that they have more markets but nothing more. Military bases are just there to fly the flag and also provide the ability to make Israel think many times before attacking them.
So nothing to fear, there guess is that Russia is here to stay and that they also focused on tapping into new markets.
Nothing to learn from history here mates!
Russian is playing with new breed of Muslims having no desire to remove Israel from Middle East.
Two State Solution & live happily ever after!
TVL… Correct, Historical Russian Imperialism Acts & Communism Dogma Does Not Mix & Fit Well With Islamic Religions In The Region!
Russia will save Iran so that they can attack Israel from now on. It comes.
Yeah and Moscow and Tehran will be one big pile of debris.Putin and the Mullahs days are numbered.
They are fighting against ISIS. So how are they doing anything remotely harmful to Israel? Everything does not revolve around you, so get over yourselves and congratulate and wish your neighbors well for their sacrifices and success in the fight against these terrorists. I wish them well and look forward to seeing a prosperous Syria rebuilt and modern.
Bullshlt. If 1.3 billion Muslims were fighting against ISIS, ISIS would be done in one week.
But 1.3 billion Muslims are doing NOTHING to fight ISIS, All Qada, Taliban, Boko Haram, Muslim Brotherhood, …
I agree which is why Russia, Hezbollah and Iran deserve our sincere respect, support and thanks for the good work that they have done and are doing. They are the real heroes in the fight against these terrorists. Im glad to see that you recognize that its is only a small percentage of the Muslim people that are involved in this good fight.
If i was a jewish, I would pack my bag and move out from Mid- East. Soon Turks will kick out US and westerners from Syria, kurds will be crushed. Russians and Sia Arabs, Persians will take over the region. There is no good future for Israel in here.
Jews promised themselves to never go quietly ever again.
Israel is small, but there is no country in the world that can match Israeli’s morale, sense of duty, and motivation to defend itself. Israel has always and will fight more fiercely then a mother bear defending her cubs.
Israel’s enemies know this very well. That is why this time they are trying to boil the frog slowly. Unfortunately it’s working so far. Israel should have acted decisively many years ago. The longer it waits, the more costly it will be in the end.
How right you are, Johnny…
You better hope that the remaining Jews return back to Israel soon then. Numbers have a strength all of their own. Because no one will be coming to save you. The Western Nations are tired of war.
Graham… Don’t Recall Any Western nations Saving Israel in 1948-50s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, As Israeli Fought & Defended Israel All Alone! Not One Nation Sent There Troops To Fight & Die For Israel!
You think like a typical Arab coword, differentiating you from woman mentality is so difficult, that is how you left Palestine thinking that Israel can be crushed, Israel will stand ground and win,
Its the destiny of the fake jews to be hunted down and exterminated like termites. Karma’s bill will be paid, the Koran, the Bible all say the same thing. So try not to get so worked up about threats, Gods will be done
Haman Said Similar Things Before He Hanged!
Bye, Bye, Blackbird…
Next President Of Republic Of Persia Patrick Bet-David
During one of the great Israeli wars (1967 or 1972), Russia was on their way to invade Israel. Until someone backed down. Need to read on this again.
Russia would love to stomp on the Jews.
Russia Staying Relevant Until It Wants to Leave!
Russians gonna bleed and die…
As Kissinger said, the US only has interests. Russia does what the US does.
Iran has encircled Israel from all four sides. Nothing will be left of Israel. Israel is not in a position to threaten Iran. If Israel makes a strategic mistake, it has to collect bits and pieces of Tel Aviv from the lower depths of the Mediterranean Sea. No country can stand up to the Islamic
Iran Shiia Regime Far Easier Removal Than Attacks On Tel Aviv!
One Lone Wolf & Two Sheep Judged By What They Succeed Not Attempts! Putin Wants Back In G-7 Pack!
Let’s hope all of Russia’s military equipment is as good as its submarines
Dudley… Time to Remember How Egypt Once Invited USSR In & Lost Twice & Then Booted Russia Out & Has Israel Peace Accords! Russian Track Record Not So Great In Cold War Either!
ND… What Else Is New? Russia Bleeds Red, Nor Survive In Mideast But Won’t Die, Just Bleed & Leave!
God Bless the Russian people for helping to kick out these Israeli sponsored ISIS terrorists. Equally the Iranian population needs to be thanked for all they have done in this good fight as well.
Russia was so tough that the goat herders kicked them out of Afghanistan. They sell them old tech that missiles can take out and they don’t care about the Syrians or Iranians so dream on.