Pompeo to Lebanon: Get rid of 2nd Iranian missile factory or face US-backed Israeli attack
DEBKAfile Exclusive: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned Lebanon on Wednesday, Sept. 4, that Israel knows about a second, larger Iranian-Hizballah missile factory and is preparing to bomb it.
Pompeo addressed this urgent message directly to Lebanese Foreign Minister Jubran Basil, who is close to Hizballah’s Hassan Nasrallah, instead of through the usual embassy channels. He sent it on the day after the IDF showed reporters detailed evidence of the existence of a factory at Nebi Shait for arming Hizballah’s surface missiles with precision kits.
The Secretary wrote that Israel intelligence is fully apprised that Iran and Hizballah were building another, more substantial factory in Lebanon, to accommodate their main missile upgrade project. They had hoped to use the Nebi Shait plant as window dressing to throw Israel off the scent.
Pompeo directed Lebanon to dismantle this second factory without delay since Israel was in advanced preparations for its destruction. He stressed that Israel would be acting with full American support, whatever the consequences of the operation. Our sources note that the American message did not specify the location of Missile Factory No. 2.
In support of the US ultimatum to Beirut, Israel on Wednesday night boosted its air defense array on the Lebanese and Syria borders with extra Patriot missiles. They were deployed in case Hizballah retaliated for the potential destruction of its main missile project by launching explosive drones into Israel.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s surprise trip to London – this time in his additional capacity as defense minister – fits in with these preparations. In addition to meeting UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Netanyahu will meet separately with the US Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper. With him are the Israeli Air Force commander Maj. Gen. Amikam Nurkin and head of the IDF Operations Directorate Maj. Gen. Aharon Havilah. They will present Israel’s plans of action in Lebanon in the days ahead.
The coming issue of DEBKA Weekly out on Friday, Sept. 6 offers disclosures about the ongoing secret war the intelligence agencies of the US and Israel are waging against Iran and Hizballah in Lebanon. For your subscription, click here.
Warning / dismantle ?? Just bomb.
SFEagle1… Yep, The Chess Game Changer on with Unprecedented Pressure on Taking Out Pawn Moves with No Talks-Loans but Direct Attacks on Qod’s Kinghts, Regime Shiia Bishops, & IRGC’s Castle Elites Rewards Backed up by America, UK, & IAF Bombings on Iran Proxies Pawns Hizballah in Lebanon, Syria, & Yemen. showing No Fear of Nasrallah, Khamenei, or Houthis!
iran rejimini yıkın iranın dini lideri hamaneyi öldürün ve iran rejimini yıkın yok edin iran rejimini ve iran halkı kurtulsun halkın münafıkları örgütüyle ortak hareket edin iran türk türkmen yörük azeri molla derviş rejimini yıkın mossada netanyahuya söyleyin rica ediyorum
eğer israil iran rejimini yok edip arkadaş olmak istiyorsa hemen iranın dini lideri türk ve diğer türk azerileri türkmen kökenli mollaları dervişleri öldürüp ali hamaneyi öldürüp iran rejimini yıkmalıdır ondan sonra iran israil arkadaş olmalıdır
Ein brera – either Israel is quickly destroying the 200 K iranian missiles in S-Lebanon + the iranian missiles in iran OR the day is near when these missiles
will daken the skies of Israel…
Those missiles wont be stopped by Bibis big talk ! Destroy or be destroyed – ein brera !
OK – Mr Pompeo, we wait for you
keeping your words…..?!?!
Guess we will still be waiting in a year from now on….
Suicidal, blind, coward western world…
You cant stop it anymore, its too late but somehow its just:
Its the western world that murdered / forsake the Jews by the millions, now its payback time: “He who curses the Jews, I will curse him!” says the one and only God !
hit them.. hit them hard… nowwwwwww…!!
iran in lebanon building new fancy expensive big missile factory now- what for?
to arm hezbollah (which is the iranian foreign legion)… to attack the jews in israel!!!
haman! persia! mordechai! nothing is NEW!!
IAF must destroy them now!!! kill those iranians now!!
pre-empt!! allowed under intl law!!
and lebanon? allows itself to be used as base for the iranian foreign legion….
lebanon is a colony of iran.. this is what lebanon is.
Lèbanon will fick your mother and kill every israeli alive
Esket y’a wulid el ah’mar
Why has your “leader” nasrallah been hiding deep underground for 13 years . Is he trembling in fear of almighty Israel ??or does he not like fresh air ?????!!!!
Calm down … friends, the colonies of the great Shiite rat will all be reduced to the stone age, as are Syria and Iraq … “Tactical time” and “strategic calm” are needed to make a profitable and perfect job.
This human garbage wants to destroy Israel and the Jews …
From now on they will receive the appropriate response.
Everything needs its time.
Israel does not dare to attack libanon direct , because the Hisbullah will hard retaliate
That is not syria and hisbullah will enter north israel anbd occupy villages in the nord
the jews are too coward for long war with hisbullah
Abbas… It is not IAF but USAF & No Doubt About It being a Dare, It Is An Ultimatum that will happen!
Abbas stop snorting the sand
You are an IDIOT
The Israeli’s are not cowards–however, the Iranians are. The Israeli’s fight directly; however, the cowardly Iranians fight thru their many proxies. The Israeli’s, unlike the Iranians do NOT want to kill innocents. Hezbollah–could be destroyed by the Israeli’s at any time. But Israel only wants to defend its border–it is not an aggressor. Tell me why the Iranians hate the Israel and the Jewish people. I am not certain –but I do not think that Jerusalem is mentioned even once in the Quran (spelling). Why do the Palestinians teach their children to hate. What religion teaches hatred. The children should be educated properly.
yes israel is coward comrad before we drink vodka toast vy did jew win four wars major wars and arab run
There can be strategic, geopolitical, and intel advantages to having the Iranians dismantle their own site. It can be better than bombing what is likely a pretty heavily defended installation.
Note that to a degree the USA/Israel approach is to let the Iranian war machinery deteriorate as their economy fails. Let them erode rather than spending our own ordnance and people on making them explode.
This is also part of why you let them mostly complete the installation before you arrange for its dismantling or destruction. Last minute destruction means that Iran will have maximized their cost and loss. If Iran chooses to dismantle then our Intel collection is also maximized.
Note one other thing? Pompeo delivered the message to a Lebanese government official rather than Hizballah or Iran. This is a diplomatic undermining of Hizballah/Iran although it has a pretty minor effect.
This Global Chess is a Direct Threat with Actions that America No Longer Considers Iran Regime as the Valid Government of Iran & already adding Hizballah Terrorists Organization.
The same way America Removed Bin Laden & Al-Baghdadi from Existence with Betrayals by their own Terrorists Insiders & Ignoring Governments of Iraq & Pakistan that was Protecting now add Lebanon!
“Today’s Historic Announcement is First Time Reward for Info on IRGC Operates as Hizballah Terrorist Group…..”! https://nationalinterest.org/feature/hook-line-and-sinker-state-departments-iran-hand-steps-pressure-tehran-78031
They take warnings as a sign of weakness. Talk less, act more.
These Are Acts Not Talks… 1. No $15 Billion Loan, 2. Reward $15 For Terror Info, 3. Captain Adrian Darya Tanker Now Terrorist Money Ban, 4. Dismantle Facilities Or Destroyed, IRGC, Qods, Hizballah Are Terrorists! 5. Iran Thinks More Sanction Blink Again!
Good point but more action is needed as the Mullahs are still in Syria-Lebanon-Yemen-Libya-Gaza, etc…
“They take warnings as a sign of weakness. Talk less, act more.” That’s true.
WWII Germans and Japanese received Air Mail leaflets warning of air raid a-comin’.…. Non-combatants are held at gunpoint in these regimes to stay put. Be patient.
Entanglement with Iranian homeland targets will involve action by Iranian operatives in western nations, so a word to the wise disaster planners. When Iran steps over the last threshold, they should expect the end of regime by Mullah.
I think Lebanon should announce the building of another two missile factories to respond to Pompeo’s demand.
TeoAhChu… Likely Lebanon Winked Request So Iran’s & Hizballah Lost Of Face Remove Missile Base?
Wonderful! Gives the US and Israel more target practice!
Lebanon should invite Syria to extend it’s missile defence system over Lebanese air space, or better still invite the Russian fleet to provide cover.
Just because you shout, don’t make what you say is correct
Then Irans missile factories in Iran may well be removed as well.
iran rejimini yıkın iranın dini lideri hamaneyi öldürün ve iran rejimini yıkın yok edin iran rejimini ve iran halkı kurtulsun halkın münafıkları örgütüyle ortak hareket edin iran türk türkmen yörük azeri molla derviş rejimini yıkın mossada netanyahuya söyleyin rica ediyorum
Kiss $32 billion goodbye, Kahanists — America
We need it over here for Social Security, Health Care, College, you know all that kind of stuff you’ve got from us- sorry Mr Smalls
No lover off putin he bombs dosnt waffle biggest at it bibi
@ Tucker, do you actually think you can speak English? Such gibberish I have never seen!
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Yes that would be perfect.
It will awaken the world to the nature of Zionism. Its the type of event to galvanize the world to outlaw this supremacist hate cult from our nations.
Step two is to restore Palestinian control over the holy land
Zionism is fascism and needs to be treated in the same way as what Germany does Nazism. Zionism has no place in a civilized society and by that I also mean Christian Zionists.
Palestine was a colony. Zionism is the liberation of the Jewish homeland from foreign rule. Anti-Zionists are some of the most hateful deranged human beings alive.
They say, “Come, let us wipe them out as a nation
so that Israel’s name will no longer be remembered.”
plz plz plz plz plz bomb it
If usa attacks Lebanon with israel then say goodbye to any usa troops / trainers based in Jordon or Iraq and Lebanon
Kudos to SoS Pompeo! It is high time those on the side of freedom and liberty join hands and rid the Middle East of these Mu-slime snakes.
An alliance between the US, Israel and Great Britain (I don’t think Bibi’s surprise visit to Boris Johnson in London was just to congratulate him on becoming Prime Minister), will be an overpowering force against the poison of radical Islam. FLUSH THIS SCOURGE ONCE AND FOREVER!
Endgame engaged. Looks like Israel finally realizes you can’t beat 10s of thousands of missiles coming in from all directions. For every one facility you see, they MUST have a dozen buried where you can’t, come on. NO ONE is that stupid to build in a way it can be seen, if it’s strategic weapons, IT’S A DIVERSION, derp.
Idk if it ever mattered given this has always been an internecine war, but the outcome is now obvious for any person who’s life isn’t on the line at this moment as the Israelis are, but are a close second being soon to be destroyed in the United States.
I would like to thank everyone for the bloodlust that is now uncontrollable and inevitable to befall the population of the US, and those brothers and sisters in Israel. If you are gonna make your enemy mad enough to kill everything and everyone in a country, down to the insects, MAKE SURE YOU CAN KILL THEM FIRST.
Before I am toast here in NYC, USA, I wanted to thank you for my demociding. Great job, those AIs worked.
Hisbullah has on sunday 1th of September destroyed a IDFG Transporter near AVIVUIM base
3-4 soldiers are killed or injured.
IDF got tot scared , they evacuated the entire of the base
which war can you achieve with this kindergarten troppers ?
Abbas… Israel from 1947 War of Independence to Today has been in many Conflicts they Defended against Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Terrorists Intifada & the Palestinians have Won None against Israel’s “Kindergarten Troopers”! What has the Palestinians Achieved Except asked to Leave by many Mideast Nations?
Abbas… Wasn’t Fatah Kicked Out of Gaza by Hamas? Maybe Fatah Can’t Beat Kindergarten Troops that Hams Lost Too As Well? Ask Why So Many PLO Defeats & Peace Offer Each Time? Egypt & Jordan Chose Peace!
Abbas… Don’t Forget Palestinian Insurgency 1971–82 PLO Tried To Relocate To South Lebanon After Being Booted Out Of Jordan To Stage Attacks On Galilee Kindergartens & Seek A Base For Terrorism. The IDF Kindergarten Troops “Operation Litani”, Expel PLO Forces In 1982 From Lebanon To Tunis & Created Israeli Security Zone In Lebanon.
Abbas… Kindergarten Troops Win Reminders Six-Day 1967 War Fought Between Israel Verses Egypt, Jordan, Syria & Iraq, Arabia, Kuwait, Algeria Added Troops & Arms. Israel Expanded “The Purple Line”, West Bank, East Jerusalem, Golan Heights, Sinai & Gaza fir more Kindergartens Schools too!
Abbas… Israel Kindergarten Troops Fought The War of Attrition 1967–70 Against Egypt, USSR, Jordan, Syria, Palestine Liberation So Egypt Recapture Sinai The War Ended & Sinai Remain In Israel Until Israel Treaty in 1979 Gave It Back To Egypt In 1982 Peace Agreement! Today, Sinai Is A Mecca Resorts Destination For Tourist & Has Kindergartens For Egyptians Schools Now!
Abbas… Call Abbas & Tell Abbas To Quit Teaching Hate In Palestinian’s Kindergartens Against Jewish Neighbors & Live In Abbas’s Culture Of Peace For Self-Recognition, Self-Existence & Self-Preservation For All People In Mutual Prosperity!
You can’t tell another Country to dismantle their Military Factories. Its Like Russia telling the USA to Dismantle theirs. Plus the whole article is suspicious.
Jason… Sure you can, America told the Russians to Remove Missiles from Cuba, and they did?
first, they aren’t lebanon’s facilities, they are hezbollah’s, a terrorist group. and second, lebanon is at war with israel, and has been since 1948 – munitions factories are a legitimate military target.
but you’re right, there is no need to warn them.
Patriot missiles are useless, Now Hezbollah is a part of Lebanon army and they together will give you a good lesson if you attack Lebanon.
I think the lesson will be showing us the lighting speed at which your politicians run & complain to the Useless Nations in NY.
Why do you feel it is OK to give aid comfort and a launching pad to a group like Hezbollah/Iran – and why would you think we should do nothing about that? We aren’t threatening Iran & Lebanon w/ destruction?
Very interesting to me that you people feel you have the “right” to destroy our Country and people – and then you go cry about to the UN when you can’t do it. Pathetic.
It is easy to see that there will be a real bodybag crisis in Lebanon.
I really don’t know how could Hezbollah manage that.
Ghouli… Hizballah Brags About Having 100,000 Missiles But Hoards Them Instead Of Firing Them, Now That Is True Impotence Against Patriot Missiles Prevention!
I read debka to be amused. Israel does not want war. Events over the past weekend proves that.
Namo… Israel Has Sought Peace In 15 Conflicts & Achieved Peace After 6 Major Wars With Some Mideast Arab Neighbors. But Palestinians Have Rejected Peace 7 Times Read Some More: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2017/11/seven_times_palestinians_rejected_peace.html
its clear your never been in a war israel fought the 48 war 73 war 67 war the rest were operations on a small scale . retired US ARMY SFC 24 YEARS ACTIVE DUTY
Well, as usual Bibi is just “talking the talk”….He doesnt dare nor knows how to “walk the walk”….
Israel urgently needs new, brave leadership….
Please BOMB but wait a few weeks until Winter :)))
There is nothing good on Netfix at the moment and watching Israeli cities burn on CNN while eating popcorn should keep me amused for a few good days. Following all this will be the lol lol when Israel explains how evil Hezbollah was for daring to fight back.
The 2006 war kept me amused for weeks all the wining and gnashing of teeth, fingers crossed this remake is going to bigger, better with a 1000 times the death and destruction
Luckily Tel Aviv and other major cities have lots of open webcams so we can all enjoy the beautiful show
I know that is wrong to say but it would be a lot of fun to watch so long as the footage is good.
The web cams would be fun, especially if there is a nice overlay to show which webcams are available across the city so that we can get the best seats.
I doubt that this is available so a suggestion for the Hezbollah media office to create. It would be awesome to have a real time on the ground view of the events transpiring.
Hmmm – 1,300 Lebanese (last war) killed x 1000 = 1,300,000 dead Lebonese – that would not be to good for you.
Yes that would be perfect.
It will awaken the world to the nature of Zionism. Its the type of event to galvanize the world to outlaw this supremacist hate cult from our nations.
Step two is to restore Palestinian control over the holy land
Zionism is a sick belief system that needs to be treated in the same way as what Germany does Nazism. Zionism has no place in a civilized society and by that I also mean Christian Zionists.
The world is tired of Israel-haters cursing & ranting like mental patients. When Israel finally destroys all of you the world will breathe a sigh of relief.
Good youtube, but no good for us and G-d help us as Bibi is playing politics with our safety.
my understanding is that Israel is mentioned as the land of the Jews ( maybe it says people of the book) in the Koran , but that Jerusalem is not mentioned.
It’s the seed of Abraham.
So Abraham’s offspring that Israel was given to. So if any Arabs or other people fit the requirements then they would be included.
In today’s world Jew means something quite different. So if sticking to the original promise technically no converts just the semetic seed of Abraham which are his descendants.
Lebanon has promised only if American politicians dismantle 2nd double chins. Dealing with one double chin is demeaning enough to anyone and demand American leaders lose more fat in the face.
Israel needs to totally destroy all known Iranian supported military bases in Lebanon/Syria/Iraq in short order and prepare for the destruction of Iranian military/nuke facilities/missile launching facilities in Iran in coordination with the US.
yes israel is coward comrad before we drink vodka toast vy did jew win four wars major wars and arab run
“Has Been” has a good post. Wait until the base is completed, then force its dismantling or bomb it. But “Has Been” also claims that there is a potential for Israeli losses due to heavy defenses. But, won’t Iranian/Hezbollah defenses simply increase as the base becomes larger, fills up with Iranian/Hezbollah personnel, valuable military hardware, and start being used for missions?
And, I don’t completely understand why Pompeo gave Hezbollah such advance notice that Israel was in an advanced stage for possible missions to take out the base. Such warnings might increase the chances of Israeli casualties. Unless the US/Israel has some full proof way of dealing with this situation. And is there any such thing as “full-proof?”
**************************************** in conclusion to this article ****************************************
Every day the net is tightened couple more notches around the bank of sharks.
They do not see it, because it is the bite that makes them salivate.
But their space and resources diminish as planned.
When everything is in place, one scooping out, and voila! No more bad fish in the water.
Have an intelligent and fulfilling fishing!
Of course, no need to mention, countries permitting Hezbollah activities must pay the price – SANCTIONS.
Only a fool would be friendly with friends of Hezbollah!
Funny that’s the view that the BDS movement has. Why should we deal with a people who dont honor international law, murder and steal, lie and cause wars over and over again.
Of cause that people us you. The reason people hate you is because of what you do. The reason people are them selves is to defend against you.
Law of cause and effect. It’s why you have always been a hated people. Problem is that you dont learn the life lesson so in the end people around the world will need to make a hard choice about how to deal with you again.
Well Mandy – I don’t think what the rest of the world does is going to matter very much because the last time we didn’t have the IDF – and this time we do.
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“When you have to shoot, shoot. Don’t talk.”
– Tuco
Why wait?