PM Netanyahu’s chances of survival are drowning under a concerted political, legal, media onslaught
The shattering indictments for bribery and breach of trust brought against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu,70, are only one stage in the relentless campaign to unseat him. His decision to fight for his innocence and win round the voters in Israel’s third election in a year, in early 2020, has brought down on his head the full weight of the legal, political and media establishments. They have no qualms about bending the immunity law to force him to quit office without waiting for an absolute court judgement of his guilt.
If there was a concerted coup conspiracy to oust him, as he charges, it is far from over. Since the attorney general announced the indictments last Thursday, one voice after another has candidly proposed circumventing the legal process if that is the only way to remove Netanyahu as prime minister before his day in court. On Saturday, Nov. 22, a former high court justice, Eliahu Matza, joined the chorus of law enforcement voices when, in a radio interview, he pressed the Knesset to refer to the Supreme Court the decision on his competence to form a government. By law, this is the sole jurisdiction of parliament.
This was incidentally a sly attempt to exploit the crisis for promoting the court’s long machinations for asserting its authority over parliament.
On the political front, the opposition Kahol Lavan, whose leader Benny Gantz failed to form a new government, like Netanyahu before him, urged law enforcement authorities to force the prime minister to give up all his cabinet portfolios.
In answer to this chorus, Netanyahu released a video statement on Saturday pledging to abide by any court ruling in his case. “A court of trial is the only framework [for determining guilt or innocence] from beginning to end,” he said. If this declaration was intended to counter the charge that by putting up a fight, he was inciting a civil mutiny, it may have been the right way to go, but is unlikely to work. The parties who managed to throw him under the political-legal bus are not about to stop until their work is done and Netanyahu’s remarkable decade in office is brought to an end.
It is worth noting that the charges brought against his accused accomplices, Arnon Mozes, of the mass daily Yediot Aharanot, and the Elovich couple, are more serious that the cases against the prime minister. Yet they have rated little media notice. PM Netanyahu is the sole accused. He has only the slimmest hope of surviving the political bone-crusher smashing into him at every turn. With each assault, his popular support will melt and his loyalists be scared off. Shouted down are the voices claiming that all three are presumed innocent until proven guilty and if an indictment can cause the removal of a prime minister, then the police and legal authorities have seized control of government.
Israel’s founding father the late David Ben Gurion could have warned Netanyahu what was coming from his own experience. At the end of an epic career, Ben Gurion was challenged by forces determined to oust him. He fought back by invoking the legal system, demanding that a commission of inquiry get to the bottom of a failed clandestine operation. Ben Gurion also called on the voting public to vindicate him. He called in vain.
The late Yitzhak Rabin was ordered to resign as prime minister by the then Attorney General Aharon Barak, an act that signaled the historic downfall of the ruling Labor party. Yet another Israeli prime minister, the late Ariel Sharon, when he realized that law enforcement was about to close in on him, jumped the Likud ship. He established the Kadima party and switched his politics from right to moderate left, so saving his political life.
Netanyahu may or may not come up with an ingenious device for staying in office. But the way things look at present, he seems to have little choice but to quit politics and devote himself to clearing his name in court – a process that could drag on for years.
Israel’s scum media learned from the US scum media, obviously same playbook.
Whether the players are media, journalists, Deep State, Dummocrats or Labor, all the same human garbage
@ARISHAMRON… The Birthplace of the Jewish People Political Traditions have taken down many Lions of Judea from its Ancient 1000 BCE & Modern Day Israel 14 May 1948 CE History. “The Abuse Of Greatness Is When It Disjoint Remorse From Power!” Shakespeare Brutus in Julius Caesar (2.1.19-20)
The mullahs & Soleimani are rejoicing, they think that Allah has given them a gift ( not unlike Obama & Kerry’s 150 Billion dollar gift) the leftists in Israel & in the US will not stop until they haven’t destroyed everything in both countries, until the the shining cities on the hills (both in the US & in Jerusalem) will be no more…
The mullahs & Soleimani are rejoicing, they think that Allah has given them a gift ( not unlike Obama & Kerry’s 150 Billion dollar gift) the leftists in Israel & in the US will not stop until they have destroyed everything in both countries, until the the shining cities on the hills (both in the US & in Jerusalem) will be no more…
“And therefore think him as a serpent’s egg—
Which, hatched, would as his kind grow mischievous”—
Shakespeare Brutus in Julius Caesar (2.1.19-20)
The Frankenstein Baby is in the Democrat and Laboor Party.
Whom in the Likud do you see as the person most capable of leading the country, if Bibi is forced to step aside?
Ari Shamron,
You prove that scum supports scum. Those two douche bags are out the door. Thank GOD.
Bibi must win. Democracy and rule of law must win. Unelected and un electable must lose must be shame, driven from office. Bibi is best choice of limited array of lesser abilities. Except for shaked and Bennet.
All of them are Communist and Marxist sympathizers at heart who use those well known tactics to get power. The fifth column aids and abets them while spouting off propaganda and untruths to the low information voters .
Well said. The sludge that “works” and runs the media worldwide have no shame.
So true.
What about Israel, what is best for Israel in? Bibi has known about this for 3 years now the Justice system is finally able to prosecute him. Bibi is not the leader of a majority, Israel heard the facts and chose to withhold its support. We are in a very dangerous situation and need a leader who is able to put Israel first and not himself. I no longer trust Bibi and many others feel the same way, we need a uniting force not a someone who is going to further divide us. Bibi just wants power to keep himself out of prison, he needs to go.
If you got better man/woman to handle Sepah and their bomb then change him, otherwise keep him untill the problem is solved.
@Ben… The Left, the Right, and the Center are making plans for a future without the longest-serving prime minister in Israel’s history.
Netanyahu is absolutely the leader of the majority. The leaders of every right wing party, winners of 63 seats, all campaigned on the promise to recommend Netanyahu for PM.
How do you get to 63? Which parties?
55 bloc + 8 Liberman
For all his superficial faults, there is nobody better equipped, better presented, better connected and more knowledgeable than Bibi. Just who would replace Bibi? The oaf Gantz? The Jew hating Tibi in alliance with Gantz? The narcissistic Lapid?
Many prayers for Israel, . . . may God bless her.
May His will prevail over the machinations of man, . . . whomever they may be.
When men walk in the night, the dogs bark.
@SteadyBoy… “Uneasy Lies The Head That Wears A Crown!” The King in Henry IV, Part 2 (3.1.31) At a time of night when most of his subjects are asleep, the king is up and busy about his affairs. “Maybe more suffering from insomnia – really sleepless, feeling guilty,” says Paster. “The sleep which is so important (they felt and we feel) to health is not for him, alas.”
Netanyahu is out. The powers that be are making way for the “land for peace” agreement…
Netanyahu is the only man who can negotiate & sign a peace agreemen. He is the only Israeli leader that is respected & accepted by the Arab world. He represents the Jewish nation, and the Arabs are able to make peace with a real Jewish nation. They will never normalize ties with a European “Israel” led by rainbow-flag waving atheists, and nor should they. Lies & propaganda aside, Netanyahu is Israel’s best hope for peace.
Israel is a cancer in the region due to their actions. Its only natural that this cursed people will tear themselves apart so that they can once again be blow to the 4 corners of the world as common refuse. So sit back and enjoy the show. Such a sinful people have only themselves to blame for their fate.
Real Jews do good. Real Jews are not the rich of the world, necessarily. So some people who are not Jews are blaspheming by saying that they are what they are not, but they are the real synagogue of Satan, using the name “Jew” to hide themselves.
Moses after they had been in the caves of Europe for 2000 years he taught them Torah, but he also taught them some of the forgotten tricknology of their father, Yakub. Ever since they came out of the caves, Moses taught them the Torah, but their scholars came up with the Talmud
Real Muslims do good. Real Muslims are not the rich of the world, necessarily. So some people who are not Muslims are blaspheming by saying that they are what they are not, but they are the real mosque of Satan, using the name “Muslim” to hide themselves.
Muhammed (PBUH) after he had been in the deserts of Arabia taught them Koran, but he also taught them some of the forgotten tricknology of their father, Satan. Ever since they came out of the deserts, Muahmmed (PBUH) taught them the Koran, but their scholars came up with the wicked version of the Koran.
You are the tumor. And your parents are the cancer. C-u-n-t.
The fake Jews are those who oppose Jewish sovereignty in Jerusalem. Soros, J Street et al.
Nothing wrong with Talmud per se. It’s a compilation of legal discussions from ancient Jewish Babylon, much of it inapplicable in today’s world. The only problem is when people treat the Talmud as scripture.
I agree completely with you!
Very positive news. Peace, prosperity and happiness for the common jew on the horizon as Bibi is sailing off into the sunset. Good.
Some can recall the genuine Messiah was dealt with in proceedings absolutely beyond the bounds of accepted & practiced lawful procedure….
Israel has never been stronger and more prosperous, thanks to the steady leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu.
War certainly can make a lot of money. Bring power to certain. Bring other benefits to those who are interested to achieve through war. Now it will a beautiful thing to enjoy peace and all the benefits it brings. Israel will be even stronger while at peace. There will be more wealth under peace too. Israel will no doubt welcome other benefits not connected to war and possible because there will be peace in the absence of the war thirsty Netanyahu who could not see anymore any other way to hang onto power but through war, lies, bribery and manipulation. To throw your own nation into constant state of war just to achieve personal goad of being in power is a horrible thing to do. There are multiple examples in history of leaders who used conflict and war to maintain power. I don;t think we should go through the list of those names. Very ugly listing it would be.
Netanyahu is very slow to war, and he is leading Israel to peace, with the Arabs who are actually interested in peace. He is the leader Israel needs at this time.
It is absolutely astonishing, vile and deplorable that apparently mindless politically-correct deluded people can be so out of touch with what really matters! Both in the USA and in Israel.
The enemies of Israel and all anti-Semites are thrilled and celebrating the irresponsible naive disloyal treachery of so many.
Instead of extremely wasteful and costly nitpicking and back-stabbing, the people of Israel should always look at the big picture and dwell on what is really important. Not this contemptible nitpicking and treachery. They should remember history, not only the last 70 years, but WWII, and all that the Jewish people have been subjected to for thousands of years.
Protecting Israel from genocide is not only the task of the IDF. It is also the duty of honest responsible media, if any. Instead of lies by omission.
Protecting Israel and Jewish life is also essential in promoting the incredible accomplishments and truth in the media and Israel’s image and the respect deserved, for bringing so much to the world. From high-tech, culture, science, medicine and so much more.
I’ve interviewed PM Rabin, PM Peres, Abba Eban, Alan Dershowitz and so many leaders. Regardless of left or right, it really doesn’t matter.
What does matter is – no one represents Israel as effectively on the world stage than PM Benjamin Netanyahu. No one ever. That’s what is needed now more than ever and everyone living in Israel should do their share and serve.
From the days he fought for Israel as an officer in the IDF, to standing before the UN and Congress.
The value of what Bibi has done for Israel is worth billions. What he’s done for Israel vastly overshadows whatever alleged comparatively insignificant rubbish and pretexts he’s attacked with.
His self-serving enemies rabidly trying to destroy one of Israel’s greatest heroes, is unspeakable.





















Being against Bibi does not make you anti-Semites you idiot. Rethoric like this creates this war like environment Bibi thrives in.
“The entire world is anti-Semite!! We must fight! we must survive!!”
Yeah … Bibi style 100%
You mean like cabal that seeks the removal of President Trump by any means necessary? We are going to crush our jackals and you guys need to do the same!
Wake up, these are out people, Pelosi, Schumer, Rosenstein, Biden, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, etc We are so close to having a true Jewish President and been is a far stronger position to solidify our power. America first sets back the international order, we need to advance the centralization of global authority, nationalism can’t be allowed to take hold which is why we need more leadership that is able to be relied upon. One day not to far off States will be a thing of the past and everyone will be united under a common vision and stong common government.
Imposter troll anti-semite, get lost
Lose lips sink shipS
I like Bibi. He has been good for Israel a strong leader for the the Jewish people. May he be blessed and protected from his enemies!
Well, Well, you are absolutely correct! That is exactly what the Word of God tells us! Hint, Hint, you might want to read the end of the Book… .
No its you who have been deceived, in Zohar, Mosad Hayesod points out Vilna Gaon’s commentary that, the number 666 contains hidden within it exalted and lofty messianic potential.
You see its we who are exalted and you who are cast down.
The global powers have determined that national sovereignty is destined to fail, and a “New World Order” will be the only solution offered.
Yes this is the plan of the Jew World Order. I say Jew but these are the fake Synagogue of Satan Jews that the Bible warns us of. It matters not where you live the Uk, NZ, America, Israel, Brazil the plan is the same. That is to bring about a totalitarian World Government that they control where everyone is reduced to little more than a slave.
The Iranian regime that Tommy worships and defends is in bed with the Globalists. Israel under Netanyahu is one of the allied nations fighting the Globalists. Tommy’s hatred of Jews is so strong, he can’t see what is clear to all.
@Ben-Israel what Tommy said is correct, we have many Jews that are Globalists working for a New World One World Order. Many Christians call these people the Synagogue of Satan due to writing in their scriptures. Read the below and tell me how Tommy or Rapture and End Timesis incorrect? There are so many statements from so many of the Elite that we could go on for pages just quote them. Below is David Rockefeller, i could have quoted deom the Rothschilds, the Warburgs or almost any other members of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR).
“Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – One World, if you will.If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it”
No one is denying that many JINOs are allied with the Globalists. But Tommy is wrong, because he lumps all Jews (& Israel) in with the JINO Globalists. We are not them, and they are not us. He is also a hypocrite because his beloved Iranian theocracy is supported by the Globalists.
Ya, lets run to play into Satan’s hands. Fool
Very very sad indeed, just when the Golan hights, Jordan valley and Jerusalem were recognized…. the owl faced globalist AG will fail
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Nonetheless there is a Golden Rule for wives, husbands, and leaders military & civillan… all hands!
“Avoid the mere appearance of impropriety”.
Is this simple rule posted in the barracks, wedding chapels and schoolrooms (anywhere)?
Keep up the fight against your deep state, swamp creatures and the coup against you, Netanyahu. The people doing this are bureaucrats, legal nit- pickers and power- hungry fools. They care about their own personal gain and not the good of the nation.
Mufti Bibi’s dilemma.
The loss and, even worse, for Bibi, the voluntary renunciation of his dictatorship. The position of the leader of 4 ministries (he won’t even take a madman) is a voluntary prison sentence.
Hamas may not get millions for the terror against the Jews gathered by Bibi .. What a tragedy!
Hamas grief stopped the demonstrations at the borders. Do not want to work for free! Where is their “patriotism *?
To be or not to be ……
I like Bibi, he is not easily outsmarted, is slow to war and is focused on the prosperity of the people. If you have any doubt about him, take a look at his enemies: The PA, the Arab parties in kenesst and despicable sellouts like Livni and Lapid.
I pray that he succeeds fighting off the Goddless jackals.
Black Flag on any continuation of netanyahu’s scenarios for war on Iran, especially the max boot cahoots with Pence for the chance at a window of opportunity between the Trump impeachment and the 2020 election
what Max boot wants is what the neocons have always wanted… another Pearl Harbor like the one they used on Iraq with a neocon led rush rush rush all of a sudden we’re at war with Iran
Definitely – Black Flag on wet Max Boot and the neocon’s want which is a war with Iran to save Israel and Israeli interests from the tsunami that’s crashing on apartheid Israel, and taking down Max food and the neocons as well
The Tribal Omerta is a sacred thing but in this case counterproductive because Netanyahu has got to go and he’s got to be exposed in America to get rid of him. It’s part of immature view of reality and having a reason to kick Netanyahu out of one’s favor for the American people, which is important for his downfall right now
Everybody hating you is a coup of everybody hating you taking you out of power even when you’re refusing to go.
There does that explain it for you?