Netanyahu: Israel ponders pre-emptive operation to prevent Iranian cruise missile strike
Israel’s quandary over whether to launch a pre-emptive strike to deter Iran from a missile assault, like its attack on Saudi Arabia, was revealed by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Thursday, Oct. 10, at a memorial ceremony for the fallen in the 1973 Yom Kippur war. The pre-emptive option is very rarely mentioned publicly by the prime minister, who also serves as defense minister. This time, it indicated that Israel may decide not to wait for an attack before initiating a preventive strike against missile bases in Iran, where preparations are going forward to launch those weapons against Israel.
DEBKAfile’s military sources add: The IDF chiefs who attended the ceremony are fully aware that a preventive operation on those bases would unleash an all-out Israel-Iran missile and drone war that could go on for weeks or months, with deadly escalations. Iran’s satellites, Hizballah in Lebanon, Iraqi Shiite militias in Syria and Iraq and the Palestinian Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza, would play active roles in this conflict.
Netanyahu went on to assert that, while we do not aspire to stand alone, we must remember our situation in the 1973 war when US assistance arrived only when it was nearly over. Today, too, while we appreciate the important US assistance, which has gained in recent years, and the immense economic pressure the US clamps on Iran, “at the same time, we must never forget to apply this fundamental guideline: Israel will defend itself with its own forces against any threat.”
The IDF, he said, is fully prepared to stand up to any threat, whether by defensive or offensive action. “We are armed with overwhelming strength in weaponry and spirit. That is the immensely valuable legacy bequeathed to us by the generation that fought in the Yom Kippur war.”
DEBKAfile: The prime minister may have derived encouragement for his fighting speech from the events leading up to the Turkish operation in northeastern Syria on Wednesday, Oct. 9. Ankara, Washington and Moscow were in close consultation ahead of this operation, but Tehran was strictly excluded.
On Sept. 27, DEBKAfile ran an exclusive item revealing that Israel was mulling a pre-emptive strike against Iran.
For the thousandth’ time the blabber-mouth Netanyahu continues to shake the air with impotent threats –
instead of DOING ! S^*t or get off the pot !
iran rejimi düşürülmelidir israil irran halkını 90 milyonu ayaklandırmalı yada israil irandaki etnik azınlıkları ayaklandırmalı iran rejimi yıkmalıdır
If he was smart he would never let iran win the fight in syria. Now this blah blah about preventing war is just for preventing jews to ask about bibi leadership to handle that key strategic historical matter. Even those air strikes against iran facilities in syria is useless, because these attacks are happening after iran win that war. It’s very simple.
would the solution be to let Iran implement its projects throughout the Middle East?
No but these acts is too little too late
In 1973, Israel was Attacked by a Surprised Preemptive Strike by Egypt, Jordan & Syria. President Nixon came through providing NATO Tanks, Jet Fighters, & Naval Intelligence to the IDF. This Stopped The Arab Rain by Turning the Tide of War. America responded to USSR Threats to Intervene save Egypt. Nixon was under Impeachment Investigations just like President Trump today. The Same Scenario can happen again as Russia is in Alliance with Iran & Turkey with Proxy Fighters in Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, & Syria.
Now that is a VERY interesting coincidence!
Bingo – as if it was an option to sit + wait until iran attacks….
Bibi just cannot make decisions – its unbelievable…
Israel is a lost case.
The only way the Jewish state can prevail is by nuking Hezbollah in Lebanon.
The nuclear fallout will make life impossible in next door Israel.
Case closed.
The rest is all short-term political machinations to make money or stay in power.
Both Jews and Muslims are intractable and utterly hateful people towards everybody else.
So go for a stroll in the park.
Remember how you feel now when in a relatively short time the moshiach will be revealed and a 3rd temple rebuilt. If you would’ve told any person on the planet in 1800,that in 148 yrs there’d be a Jewish state in the biblical land of Israel, they wouldve said you were nuts.
To claim that the Moshiach will come and rebuild Jerusalem, as it was in the 50CE [no running water or electricty] is really, really nuts.
Iran is irrational when it comes to Israel and presents an existential threat. The results are inevitable. I’d move out if Tehran tomorrow. You were warned.
It is you who should get off the pot…On second thought stay on the pot….Blabber mouth
How about action against the missiles factories in Lebanon ??Just a matter of time , bomb or get bombed.Words alone won”t solved the problems.This situation must be adressed ASAP, and don”t count on Trump ( so you don”t need a green light Bibi ).
Guys seriously why do you believe that Iran must attack you? It has not invaded another country in centuries. Yet you bomb and bomb its its forces that are invited and involved in counter terrorism activities which you openly gloat about.
So yes i believe is very likely that these forces will eventually have to retaliate very strongly against you, but do i not think that Iran is going to invade you and i also believe that if you stop attacking your neighbors that they will stop wanting to get even with you.
Equality believe that your actions are creating enemies at home and abroad which threaten both you and Jews living in other countries.
Tommy… You make Lame Claims. Iran is on Record with Death to Israel since 1979. As, Turkey Kills Kurds claiming it will Save Mideast from ISIS. Iran will do the same with Attacks on Israel & Gulf States under Russian Protection. This is Unacceptable & Requires a Decision Sooner No Longer Later? Ghazaleh Alizadeh
Iran is on record as been against Zionism. Many Jews are equally opposed to Zionism this does not mean that they want to destroy Israel or the Jewish people. Zionism is an apartheid system which unless one is pro discrimination should never support. Iran has the largest Jewish population outside of Israel in the Middle East. This Jewish population has been there for well over 2000 years so i dont accept that Iran wants to hurt the Jewish people.
It’s unbelievable how naive you are Tommy. Your blatant anti-semitism has blinded you.
Zionism is the national liberation movement of the Jewish people. We have no problem with minorities having equal rights in our state. Palestine is a discriminatory movement, seeking to remove Jews from their ancestral homeland. Your propaganda is getting boring Tommy.
Tommy, one thing we as Jews have learned is that when someone says we are going to annihilate you as a country or religion that we have to take it very seriously. Nobody believed Hitler would do what he said he wanted to do to the Jews. Hard lesson to forget with Iran saying daily that Israel is a cancer that must be eradicated. You may not believe they will try, but then why do they arm Hamas? Or Hezbollah? Or …..
Andrew… Great Point, & World Stood By As Turks Killed Millions of Armenians The Roots of Genocide: The Ottoman Empire!
No offense but Zionism is an apartheid system and as such i consider it to be disease. However this does not mean that i hate Jews. There is a very big difference in opposing negative actions and wanting to remove said negative action to wanting to harm the individual. Was it wrong for the world to oppose apartheid? If the general consensus is yes then you have your answer. The problem with Zionism is that its been twisted into now been seen as all things Jewish.
Henry Kissinger is on record as saying that Israel will soon cease to be a State with the next few years. Does this mean that Henry Kissinger wants to destroy you? The answer obviously is no, he can see as I’m sure the Iranians can see that any state built upon a system of hostility to others cant survive.
Iran has the largest Jewish population outside of Israel in the Middle East. This Jewish population has been there for well over 2000 years so i dont accept that Iran wants to hurt the Jewish. However i can understand the Jewish hysteria on this matter due to chased out of almost every country that they have ever lived. But this does not give you the right to take out your fears on others by attacking and trying to subjugate all your neighbors.
@tommy:subjugate the neighbours?go on and try to live with such a type of neighbours,aka the adepts of the religion of peace,yiou think maybe that they are like luxemburg or the netherlands?get a life
Iran/Hezbollah attacked innocent Jews, that have nothing to do with it’s politics, in Buenos Aires. That’s all the proof a sane person needs, that the mullahs want Jews as a people dead.
No offense but Zionism is an apartheid system and as such i consider it to be disease. However this does not mean that i hate Jews. There is a very big difference in opposing negative actions and wanting to remove said negative action to wanting to harm the individual. Was it wrong for the world to oppose apartheid? If the general consensus is yes then you have your answer. The problem with Zionism is that its been twisted into now been seen as all things Jewish.
Henry Kissinger is on record as saying that Israel will soon cease to be a State with the next few years. Does this mean that Henry Kissinger wants to destroy you? The answer obviously is no, he can see as I’m sure the Iranians can see that any state built upon a system of hostility to others cant survive.
Iran has the largest Jewish population outside of Israel in the Middle East. This Jewish population has been there for well over 2000 years so i dont accept that Iran wants to hurt the Jewish. However i can understand the Jewish hysteria on this matter due to chased out of almost every country that they have ever lived. But this does not give you the right to take out your fears on others by attacking and trying to subjugate all your neighbors. Arming others in this case makes sense, it means that those people have a chance to defend themselves.
Tommy is implying that Iranians are bluffing,…. don’t they have a special military unit for conquering Jerusalem, the al quads force with an official deadlines, well trained and part of the armed forces of Iran….. that’s bluff when they urge citizens to burn Israelis flags and step on them,… what point will you consider it hatred and not bluffs?,……do you really think it’s a mistake for Israel to be alert for all that?….hystera?……
Tommy the Iranian agent,
As you well know, Iran rungs roughshod over every country it can, five so far. Plus it is engaged in terrorism around the world. People like you should be treated as the enemy agents that you are and given the appropriate punishment.
Iran was invited to help in Iraq and Syria by these governments and are still there at the request of these governments. So if you call this riding roughshot over others i suggest you attend a few more English courses to better understand the language.
The proposition that Zionism is deemed to promote an apartheid regime when it is the only democracy in an Islam dominated middle east, and that Israel is the aggressor in altercations with its neighbours, is probably one of the most stupid comments I have read for some considerable time. Come on “Tommy”, at least have the guts to leave your real Arabic name.
@Andy you should read the below Haaretz article, granted it is a few years old but thing are also far worse now. Tommy can be a bit of an tookus at times but he is also correct most of the time. “Israel’s Apartheid Is Worse Than South Africa’s” ?
“invited”? were they “invited” to occupy lebanon? or gaza? by whom? were they “invited” to occupy iraq?
you really should read something other than hezbollah’s propaganda, sharmouta.
Language of destruction. Your leader is a fascinator. The arrogance and arrogance of the Jews has already decreed his death. They will pay for the Palestinian blood.
Can Bibi just shut up and do it?
Rafoune… This is Why it is Wise to Read Debka & Share in Learning Together. The Question is will Israel Defense Forces, does its own Preemptive Strike to Save Israel & Gulf States Allies? Or Wait & Respond after a Preemptive Strike by Iran, Turkey & Russia Alliance on Israel?
Israel without USA , has no chance against iran
ansd can not stop iran witgh air strike
make yourself no illusion, israel will not be wipped of the map
that is only a question of the time
Thank you my Semitic Ishmaelite Abrahamic Arab brother for saying “israel will not be wipped of the map”
For survival, Iran should abandon it’s plans and start talking Peace.
I believe the chance of iran survivbal is more than one of the israel.
This is why to Advocate a Kurdish Alliance with Gulf States, Israel & America to form a Kurdistan that provides Kurds in Northern, Syria, Eastern Turkey, Iraq & Iran to become an Independent Kurdistan Nation. This would be Preemptive Nation Kurd’s Birthright Strike Long Overdue. Causing much Chaos & Fighting Right in Iran, Iraq, Turkey & Syria that the Kurds with Gulf State Financing, America Air & Naval Protection, & Israel Intelligence Offsetting the Turkey, Russia & Iran Alliance & Proxies.
Kurdish Alliance with Gulf States, Israel & America
to make Chaos in Iran by Kurds ?
what are you smolking boy ?
do read ever the news ?
just 2 day ago , has trump abandoned the kurds and now
the tur army is going to syria and slaughther the ex best friend of ISA
Abbas, Kurds deserve their Nation that Turkey stopped after WWI. Just Abbas Culture of Peace can do the same with Palestinians by working on a Peace Plan with Israel. Iraq, Iran, Turkey & Syria would be Smart to help Kurds have their own Nation working together in the Mideast with Gulf States & Israel as well. Death To No Nation Existence & Birth To New Nations Together!
When they say “Peace” they are for war.
Moishe Wise Prophet… Is Right Preemptive Strikes either way would be a Devastating Task but not Impossible! Both will provide Probable Opportunity to End Iran’s Shiia Regimes Once and for all in the Middle East. Leaving Russia, Turkey & Iran Weaker than ever! It will actually save Persian People as well.
How can Iran talk peace when it has to take over Mecca before their Imam Mahdi reappears and comes back? It’s end time fate is sealed as a belligerent intent on having to fulfill this task first no matter what.
Psalm 83
Anything to achieve Greater Israel, the Truth be Dammed because to you War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength and Israel is God…
Tommy… Nice Pauperism Propaganda Posts Quotes From 1984 Big Brother Ministry of Truth, Whereby You Rewrite Historical Records To Conform To The Russia, Iran regime, & Turkey Ever-Changing Version Of History For Their Own Greed & Gain? Sometimes a Surprise Good Punch in the Nose Blow is the Only & Best Option to Prevent a Bigger Fight to the Entire Body Later? Washington, JerUSAlem, & Riyadh is in that Process of Decision-Making over the Kurds now & Israel-Gulf States Right behind it. Yasmina Reza
Greater Israel would be from the Nile to Euphrates. We have no interest in that. Just regular Israel from the river to sea is good enough. Idolatry is what you worship. We worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who commanded us to build a sanctified nation-state in the Land of Israel (Exodus 19:6).
Total war is inevitable…
Total Peace Can Happen As Well Without The End Of Times!
iran rejimi düşürülmelidir israil irran halkını 90 milyonu ayaklandırmalı yada israil irandaki etnik azınlıkları ayaklandırmalı iran rejimi yıkmalıdır
With Aviv and Cohen, I’m sure good planning is in the works and the outcome will be even more spectacular…… victory Israel
StrikeForce is Right… Israel Will & Can Stand Alone If Need Be At Great Costs But That Is What Righteous Nations Often Have To Do To Survive Against Evil Regime That Must Die since they won’t Change Death Threats Behavior? Sometimes It Is Right To Start A Fight Before It Becomes A bigger Fight To The End”?
This might be a good time to sell your settler unit and go back home.
Anonymous… More Like The Right Time To Buy Up More Settlements That Will Increase In Value After The Iran Shiia Regime & Proxies Are Removed!
…and there are Tommy and Abbas: two mentally defective Antisemitic posters on this Web-site…
Been against Zionism does not make you anti jew. Many Jews are against Zionism so try not to confuse the two.
many jews are anti-semitic. So try not to confuse the fact that someone is genetically Jewish with their ability to be self-hating of the Jewish people. Jews against Isael or Zionists are also anti-semitic. they’re uncle toms who are desperate to be “good little jewboys” in the eyes of their gentile neighbors in the hopes of getting a pat on the head from them.
You must be an evangelical, your kind is sadly unread and largely ignorant of any real fact other than what you have been trained to believe. Did you know that religious Jews are oppressed to Zionism? Did you know that almost every Jew was opposed to Zionism when this political ideology was created? Best you drink a bud and watch some football.
Yes, the same people who thought Jews should stay in Europe, also thought that Israel was a bad idea. They were wrong, as history has shown. Jews who speak against Israel today are a fifth column minority, loathed by the overwhelming majority of Jewish people.
@Jacob Thats a very important point that you raise. Because by your own admission all Jewish Zionists outside Israel ARE FIFTH COLUMN and committing TREASON on there homw countries. Thank you for clarifying that yet ANOTHER TROPE IS IN FACT TRUE. Americans are waking up to this fact that Israel and its Zionist allies are are greatest enemies at home. It also shows just why you were chased out of almost every country that you ever lived in.
Elizabeth doesn’t understand what a fifth column is. As a virulent anti-semite, it drives her mad that the Jewish people are sovereign & ascendant once again.
Meanwhile, Iraqis Riots are happening on how the Political Shiia Figures & Families are getting more wealthy living in the world’s most beautiful capitals from Iraq Oil Revenues. Time for Shiia Change there too!
Clearly it is no longer preemptive.
Dont expect any help from President Trump. He abandoned the Kurds because they didnt help the United States in WWII. Well neither did Israel
Andy, Israel was not a nation during WW2,
But for your interest Jews from Russia (500,000),USA (500,000) and the UK (50,0000 ) as well as other countries all fought for their respective countries .As an added note,the highest kill rate during the Battle of Britain by a British fighter pilot was a Jew (Robert Stanford Tuck 33 Kills).
Andy Rivera… The Kurds have been badly abandoned, abused, and attacked by many in the Mideast still they persist and More Reason for finally Unite and Form their own Nation where their populations dominate parts of the 4 Nations Regions. The Kurds disagree among themselves as they are resilient. Another reason why getting along is the first step.
It is not going to happen. What they have to learn is not to be used again by US and Israeli and try to achieve autonomy where they leave. They can not even get on with each other. I don’t think Iranian Kurd will follow Abdullah Ocallan personality cult. or Iraqi kurd being dictated by Kurd in Tukey. They are very tribal. It will be very hard task.
If you want to do something to Iran, never talk about it or give any hints that you may do it. Only talk about it when it’s over.
To J.D. – Best sign that Bibi is only shaking the air with his empty blabbing, AGAIN…
blah blah blah blah … Very soon, killing Persian ayatollahs will be an Olympic sport …
Go for them Bibi !!
With all due respect, from the deepest humanism, we have to slaughter the Persian murderers … It is the only language they understand. Either you kill them now, or they will kill many Jews. Jerusalem must strike hard to leave the Ayatollahs “paralyzed.”
Good luck and good hunting!
Iranians Leadership is the Problem not the Persian People. If Leadership is Targeted Persian People would not rise to Protect them, just rise to Protests them. Iran is Part of the Middle East Solution for Peace & Prosperity once the Persian People take their Nation Back from the Shiia Regime!
What a loser this NutNYahoo is! Pleaseeee, go ahead and attack Iran! That’s exactly what Iran wants and that’s exactly what this buffoon needs to do! Let the bombs start raining, the rest….let the Devine Design write the ending of the story. 5 out of 7 people have to die in the end-time prophecy so let’s get it started people…Iran will not send you an invitation to start the party!
Dead right ,, guy is a nut this is all for population consumption time for him to shift out
Any Israeli attack on Iran without American military involvement is going to be to much for Israel to seriously undertake. Its going to mean a multi front war with potential other Arab nations (Egypt the government does not have public support, Turkey with its current leader especially if he clamed Turkish soldiers were attackedand killed would be popular) and possible Russian involvement.
So i agree that I find it hard to believe that it is seriously been considered. More than likely this is intended to bloster Bibi’s approval rating ahead of another election. If it was seriously being considered there would be no public discussion of this.
Mystic, Tucker, & Rivka… Not Wrong & Why The Fight Must Be Surgical On The Shiia Regime! Still, When One Threatens They Usually Run & Hide Once They Realize They Are The Target & Then Persians See It Too & Start To Point Them Out. Happen To Darius, Saddam, & Qaddafi! Iran Shiia Regime Soon Gone & Forgotten!
I may have agreed with you had there not been thecIran/Iraq war. The Iranians showed that they are not cowards. They fought through mine fields, though chemical weapons attacks against an enemy that was heavily armed and supported throughout the war by the US. So i dont believe that they will turn tail and hide or back down from a fight with Israel once it starts. They have shown themselves to be industrious and very capable. We can see this from their weapons and how well there allies have performed in their wars. This makes Iran a very dangerous country to start a war with unless there was no other possible option. But I’m in the states so this does not impact me other than my concern for friends and some family who have chosen to live in Israel.
Tommy: at best you are a Fool, Artless and Naive.
at Worst you are an Authentic, bona fide Jew hater face up to it.
look in the mirror and say to the image
looking back at you and say out loud I AM A JEW Hater.
I’ve never seen Tommy post anything that i would consider to be hatred towards the Jewish people. He is definitely no friend of Zionism but then neither am I and I’m Jewish.
No one here believes you are Jewish.
@Jon The Truth is upsetting for you Zionists. You love to conflate everything so that any criticism of Israel is seen as hate speech. You must control the narrative because of the blatant hypocrisy that your narratives are based on. Once its exposed it crumbles. You roaches like the darkness of censorship be that self-censorship or legislation to hide your obvious falsehoods. Your tears are so sweeet ?
Speak for yourself Jacob, the problem with Israel is that everyone is right wing. I was raised to think for myself and not be a little drone so i imagine that this is all to much for you to grasp.
I’m baffled as to why Bibi would ruminate publicly on the possibility of a preemptive attack on Iran. Never telegraph your punch.
Agreed if this was seriously a option they would not be discussing it. So its its likely for election or to try and keep the Americans in Syria.
Ari… Unlike Iran, Arabia, & Mideast Nations. Israel is not a Theocracy but Multiplicity of People under a Secular Government where 20% Arab Population Vote, Participate & Does Not Want To Leave Israel.
He’s been studying Trumps methods too closely and its rubbed off. Blow hot air, throw you Nvts away and then run away scared.
True Jews will always support their own people and put them first in everything. So if you are a jew jew then you will be putting Israel first Rivka.
Read ‘Holocaust Victims Accuse’ by Moshe Shonfeld.
The people you are standing up for sacrificed what they considered non-viable Jews in the Holocaust to justify the creation of the Jewish state.
And people like Schneerson compared them to a rotten limb that needed to be amputated.
Barry Chamish exposed the radiating of tens of thousands of Sephardi children coming from Yemen, Syria, Iraq, ect..
You people are such hypocrites.
Bad elements within the Jewish polity is our business. Fix your own house before lecturing us. Israel of 2020 is not the same Israel of 1948. Either way, it’s not your problem what the Jewish people do in their own country.
Amir… The Jewish Culture was Subject To Diaspora, Expulsion, Exclusion & Near Elimination until Zionism Rose To Protect Judaism Restorer of Judea into Israel in1948.
Self hating Jews and brainwashed liberals. Wait they are one in the same. They side with those that want to destroy Israel and America. Imagine that.
Johnny… Don’t make the Mistake The Culture of Judaism is known for the Multiplicity of Personalities, Opinions, & Discussions of Differences. Old Joke Goes 2 Israeli’s Jewish Citizens Both Have 3 Independent Opinions!
A fledgling Netanyahu will need to ask permission from the US first. Unlikely to be granted at this time as Trump too busy…
Netanyahu does not ask Americans to Die for Israel. Israeli mat buy and requests Weapons but they Fight their own battles unlike Iran using Proxies Hizballah, Yemen, Gaza, Iraqi, Syria to Die for Shiia Today, China, Russia, EU in WWI & II, Kuwait Sunnis 1990s, Koreans 1950s, Vietnam 1960s, & Cubans, Philippines, in 1898!
The “art of the deal” Trump just stuck it to the kurds and he’s giving Israel the middle finger at the same time.
Correction, Kurds have been given the Middle East the Finger for Centuries & Still Remain Proud, Fight Hard, & Americans fought with them. Israel Prevails No Matter As The Only Democratic Secular Nation in the Middle East and Decides its own Destiny Themselves! Iran Shiia can’t say that and neither can Arabian Sunnis! Persians often needed help as well throughout History!
Netanyahu is talking tough again and no substance. If he start a war he may escape corruption charges but at what cost to Jewish state? I don’t think he cares, if it get very bad he can always pack and back to his ancestral home Hungary like the rest of them.
Jews Muslims & Christians need Full on Chaos to usher in the Messiah, without it all prophecies will be null and void!