Syrian war: US accuses Russia of massacring civilians

The Trump administration on Sunday accused Russia of dropping bombs “”at least 20 daily” – on innocent civilians in the ongoing Syrian government military operation in Eastern Ghouta. White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said the Russians were using the same “auspices of counterterrorism” as they did to isolate and destroy Aleppo in 2016.
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that the US condemnation coincided with a near halt in Russian and Syrian aerial bombardment of the enclave. Most of the military activity is now confined to slow progress against the rebels on the ground. The first few refugees are trickling out through the humanitarian corridor to make their escape.

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3 thoughts on “Syrian war: US accuses Russia of massacring civilians

  • Mar 5, 2018 @ 12:59 at 12:59

    There is a pot calling the kettle black…

  • Mar 5, 2018 @ 13:58 at 13:58

    The deep state the US gov, cia, nsa, are all children of the father of lies…the devil.

  • Mar 5, 2018 @ 16:14 at 16:14

    אליהו הנביא הציל אותנו מבעל (בשאר אל-אסד). הבעל הרס את ביתך הקדוש בג’ופר מדמשק. כנקמה, ביתו של הבעל נהרס בתדמור פלמירה. הבעל רוצה להשמיד אותנו. אליהו הנביא הציל אותנו מבעל. אָמֵן.


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