Smaller numbers, more burning kites from Gaza riots
Hundreds of acres of valuable crops and rare woodland vegetation have been destroyed in huge fires ignited by Palestinian kites tossed across the border from Gaza in recent weeks. Molotov cocktails are sometimes attached before the kites are set alight. The damage of four to five flaming kites a day, landing on the fields of kibbutz and other farms in areas abutting the Gaza border, is multiplied by the hot, dry windy weather (33 degrees Centigrade). Vegetation reduced to ashes will take decades to grow back. Trigger-happy Palestinian rioters sometimes shoot at the firemen fighting the huge blazes. Hamas’ Great March of Return goes into its sixth week this Friday with dwindling numbers, while they congratulate themselves on the success of their low-tech toy weapon. The IDF is working on a solution. The government is meanwhile paying out millions of shekels to farmers for lost crops including barley and wheat which were ready for harvest.
We have those large aerial firefighting aircraft or helicopters which carry liquids or other stuff like fire retardant.
Maybe the protests and the burning kites can be detered using such non-lethal techniques.
Most people (even terrorists) do not like semi-permanent dye poured on them from Aerial positions. That would be a real deterrent and keep the young terrorists away from the border. The 72 virgins they kill for do not like men covered in, say, green dye.
What is Gaza telling us about West Bank?
Palestinians have an uncontrollable RAGE TO KILL JEWS, but with a good fence and army support (a must) the attacks fail.
But West Bank is a mix of patches of land, 1/3 inhabited by Palestinians, 2/3 inhabited by Jews, very dangerous because one can mingle Jews with any nation and have them live in peace and prosper together, not so with Palestinians. PALESTINIANS ARE ENRAGED TO KILL.
It follows that 1/3 of West bank shall be allocated to Palestinians, and all Jews in the move out, and stuck there all Palestinians.
Then, a good fence, and the danger is half gone, for the other half keep IDF permanent posts along the fence.
And, it is good for Palestinians too.
the snipers mit ze hollow point ammunition seems to be working a treat, chelovekim
You make a sick joke about defending ones country against terrorists who lie that the State of Israel is theirs for the taking. The Terrorstinians send their children, some still babies, to their deaths as human shields alongside hardened Hamas terrorists to break through a border between their Hamas-ruled territory and Israel, I call that a crime against the State of Israel and a crime against humanity.
Show me another country which would not have put this invasion down in one day with lethal force. The Israelis tactically and carefully (as always) use enough force to keep the terrorists out.
Leviticus 18:21
You shall not give any of your children to offer them to Molech, and so profane the name of your God: I am the Lord.
The Canaanites offered child burnt sacrifices to their god Molech. That’s why we were commanded to take the land because the Canaanites were defiling the land with their burnt sacrifices of their children. The modern day inhabitants, the palestinians, are still sacrificing their children to the fire and therefore, will be driven from the land as is G-d’s word.
listen, pal, we’re not a country, we are a people, and YOU ARE OUR PLUNDERERS.
Listen, pal, I am a Canadian and from my vantage point observing the Terrorstinians, they have ample land. resources and support to make their lives better but they have chosen to make their own lives miserable as they seek to kill Jews.
They are no different from the other Arabs with 22 countries who put them in this untenable situation by repeatedly attacking Israel and then redefining refugees as all eternal descendants of their displaced warring people.
Plunder is the specialty of Islamists who are raiding, invading, making war, building nuclear arsenals, massacring, occupying places like Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, Nigeria, Judea-Samaria and Gaza, etc…etc.
Canadian plunderers that destroyed the trees and land of the Aboriginals and killed them. Plunderer that planted vast forests of maple instead and eradicated the people from the land. Dirty Zionist colonial tyrant plunderer.
“Then the king shall do according to his own will: he shall exalt and magnify himself above every god, shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished; for what has been determined shall be done. 37 He shall regard neither the God of his fathers nor the desire of women, nor regard any god; for he shall exalt himself above them all. 38 But in their place he shall honor a god of fortresses; and a god which his fathers did not know he shall honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and pleasant things. 39 Thus he shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god, which he shall acknowledge, and advance its glory; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and divide the land for gain. (Daniel 11:36-39)
Ha, ha , ha…Yes, guilty as accused. I have personally planted thousands of “maple trees” to destroy the country.
The Terrorstinians were offered a huge part of the Sinai by Muslim Brotherhood member and former President of Egypt and friend to Terrorstinians, Morsi, but the Terrorstinans turned down the offer because that would mean they would have to focus on building another Islamic community (of which there are far too many) instead of than destroying the Jewish State.
Why don’t you bomb the kite launch ? area ? You Israelis are stupid as fuck
Said the man who clearly knows nothing.
Start bombing Hamas assets. Take out a few dozen multi-million dollar mansions.
Great Ideas.
lol, i wonder how long before they learn how to fly flaming Kikes
Maybe a rectally inserted Qassam would do the trick to help get the Kike airborne.
Been with ISIS long, buddy?
his grand-sharmouta, and all family line with his sharmouta, and all her children his brothers and sis-sharmoutas love ISIS
I understand that Muslims are not allowed tatoos. Spraying semi-indelible ink on terrorists is a wonderful idea that will stop them from wanting to venture out to express themselves with violence and hate and thus prevent harm to themselves and others. They will want to go under the veil after a night of violence and being doused with ink, won’t they?
It is such a “green” and safe, non-lethal idea too. That is the beauty of it. Different colors could be used on different weeks..rotating the green, white, black and red colors of the fake Terrorstinian flag!
What about having a drone to ‘return’ these kites back to the gazans?
Please take seriously letting some skeet shooters show you how to take
down the kites
This would be a piece of cake compared to shooting clay targets under 8 inches
In size
Traveling 20-30 miles per hour
I would be amazed if their are no skeet shooters in israel
But if not
Pay my way
Supply the ammo and cold drinks
And welll take care of your kites
Charge an entry fee
Use the fee to create a prize for most kites knocked down
Raffle off 4 hour shooting blocks to give everyone a fair chance at sites most likely to present a reasonable
opportunity for targets.
Reserve your time in advance .
Coordinate with transportation .
Add housing at nearby kibbutzim .
Boost tourism.
Let the people of Gaza know we appreciate them by giving them more material to build kites.
Everyone has a great day.
In the states we would have to pay some dumb schmuck to throw targets in the air
For now it’s a free service courtesy of our playful neighbors in Gaza
Turn off the water, electriciry and fuel supply for some days and
declare that this is the punishment for destroying the nature.
If they dont learn build a plant to cause impurities to their drinking
water, make it stinky but not too unhealthy. Just stinky water with some
color added to make it look ugly.
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