Riddle of the disappearing Saudi Crown Prince

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) left Algeria on Monday for an unknown destination. DEBKAfile’s exclusive sources report that, after spending two days in Algeria, MbS had scheduled a visit to Jordan. At the last minute, he postponed saying he would arrive in Amman on Wednesday, However, since he departed Algiers, there is no word on his whereabouts. No one in Riyadh admits to knowing where the Crown Prince has gone.

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7 thoughts on “Riddle of the disappearing Saudi Crown Prince

    • Dec 4, 2018 @ 0:32 at 0:32

      Brussels. To meet with Secretary of State Pompeo, Prime Minister Netanyahu, and N.A.T.O. chiefs.

      • Dec 4, 2018 @ 0:48 at 0:48

        To discuss the Middle East peace plan, to discuss Iran, to discuss Syria, to discuss Hezbollah, to discuss Lebanon, to discuss Hamas, to discuss the Palestinian Authority – especially Mahmoud Abbas, and to discuss the Temple Mount.

  • Dec 4, 2018 @ 0:41 at 0:41

    Knowing that Medina was Jewish city where there were three prominent Jewish tribes that inhabited the city, the Banu Qaynuqa, the Banu Qurayza, and Banu Nadir;

    Knowing that the Black Stone at Kaaba, in the old Mecca Jewish city, is a Jewish artifact and propriety;

    Knowing that the Mount of the House, also known as Temple Mount in Jerusalem, is Jewish property;

    And knowing that restitution and compensation is required in order to defend against theft accusations the revered shepherd, these moments of ascetic payer, prostration in solitude and meditation are very much needed.

    Most likely the Al Aqsa Compound on the Temple Mount, together with the Dome of the Rock will be temporary de-sanctified, transported to Medina, rededicated, and so added to the Islamic patrimony already there.

  • Dec 4, 2018 @ 12:21 at 12:21

    He went to live in a settlement in Judea or Samaria where he will herd sheep and become an organic farmer.

  • Dec 4, 2018 @ 18:26 at 18:26

    MbS has ‘disappeared’ before
    No worried
    Many things are none of our biz
    I like him!

    Kshoggi is a plot – a hoax – he is probly alive


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