Police blockade Jerusalem to halt influx for Purim events

After three days of mass rejoicing in the streets of Tel Aviv and other towns left police helpless to enforce covid restrictions, the focus switched Sunday to Jerusalem. Police are controlling ingress to the capital with roadblocks and have stopped intercity rail and bus services to reduce the flow of crowds of Purim celebrants to rabbinical centers.

Health authorities fear that these unrestrained Purim events may undo the effect of lockdown and vaccinations. If the current downward trend of coronavirus infection is reversed, the last round of relaxations due to begin on March 7 may be reconsidered and scaled down, said Coronavirus Director Prof. Nahman Ash.

The number of critical cases continued to fall on Saturday to 780 with 244 on respirators. New cases also dropped to 958 i.e. 5pc positive tests. However, another 11 people died of the virus raising the year-long total to 5,732.  Altogether 4.7 million Israelis received their first vaccine shots and 3.3 million, their second.

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