Nasrallah: Iran will itself punish the US and Israel, not resort to allies
Clarifying a remark made last week by an Iranian Guards official, Hizballah Chief Hassan Nasrallah said Friday that his group was not preparing to strike US or Israel in response to their attacks on Al Qods and allied militias in Syria. “Iran itself will respond to those who attack it and will not depend on its allies,” he said. The Iranian official said last week that such punitive attacks would come from Lebanon. Nasrallah accused the US and Israel of exploiting the unrest in Lebanon to promote the interests of their offshore gas and oil fields.
Les rats quittent le navire…
Talk is cheap, moo-slimes.
Iran must be thinking what a waste of money given to this Bunker Boy Proxy?
Crazy Shiite foreign relations – each one speaks for the other one.
That nasrallah thug should consider a career as standup comedian
Hey Nasrallah, . . . your bra slipped and your panties are showing.
well there goes LEBANON a wast land after the iaf and idf crush them when will arabs learn they can not win a war with israel
Where you in 2005 when Israel stopped winning wars
Yea, the fat man hides in bunkers and makes his proclamations just like the cave dwellers that we took out. They never learn that you can run but you can’t hide.
Nasrallah, please come OUT of your bunker !
Iran doesn’t have the resources to fight a war – and certainly not with Israel. They will use proxies or enlist the help of willing Israel haters. – i.e. the usual Islamic varieties (despite their appalling record in past conflicts.)
Thats not correct all they need is one or two tons of
,allow the debris to spread. Very affordable and very efficient. Think of it as the equivalent of modern roach control ?
Bye, Bye Tehran?
Depends on the Aytoolas of Satan.
An Iranian biological or radiological attack against Israel or the US would be precipitate the end of the Iranian empire.
Cobalt would be my go to weapon as well. But i don’t ever see Iran using anything like that, unless of cause it has been nuked. Then ye i think that would be foolish not to retaliate in kind.
But in a conventional war China and Russia will supply Iran as a means of testing weapons and keeping the war going while they rearm. American has to get ready for the rise if China and if it is distracted from this path China will end up with military supremacy throughout Asia and down to Australia. So a proxy war for them via Iran would be a a great gift especially as American will not be able to sustain the cost and equip its military.
Russia and China will NEVER supply Iran. With Iran offline, oil goes up in value and Russia makes big bucks and so does the US.
Russia is egging Iran on to national suicide.
I think he just told us that Iran does not have enough money to pay him and his troops to attack Israel so the Iranians are going to have to do it themselves. They like living too much.
Snake Nasrallah doesn’t have enough clean underwear to take on Israel.
Funny how a third party is saying that Iran will not use third parties
In the meantime we”ll be striking them again and again.Time to pay a visit to your bunker and level it.
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The truth is most of the terror tunnels are being built in Lebaneese territory at this time and Hezbollah are the truly elected officials of Lebanon! There is little difference between Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, etc they all foam at their mouth when they talk about Israel!
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Are we just starting to see the beginnings of an ideological “crack” between Hezbollah and the Iranian regime?
No doubt a wide one already exists between the “non-affiliated” people of Lebanon and Iran…………..and maybe between some of those Lebanese people and Hezbollah as well?
The fat rat Nasrallah is a big hero – from his deep underground rat-hole…
Why not take out Lebanon first? Why allow a 2nd FRONT to remain in place? We warned them to make a choice; to stop being terrorists, and the LIBtardian argument that one man’s terrorist is another man’s Freedom Fighter is Failed Jimmy Carter positioning, Failed Bill Clinton positioning, Failed GWB Bush positioning, and Failed Obama Apeasement.
We NUKE Lebanon… they don’t get the extended “we will rebuild you again” War THEY think is coming to them.