Moscow answers Trump: Smart missiles should fly towards terrorists
The Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman replied to Trump’s tweet on Facebook with the comment that smart missiles should fly at terrorists not a legitimate government. She asked: “Have the OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) inspectors been warned that smart missiles will eliminate all alleged chemical weapons-related evidence on the ground?”
Well you couldn’t of put that better,Russia is demanding that it is attacked after all Russia and its allies are the real terrorists..Och its going to really hurt,Meanwhile in Washington London & Paris empty threats of retaliation are being met with ridicule and laughter..
well… lets see. the rumors are that they will hit back at israel too. if that happens, israel will probably retaliate with maximum force across syria (and lebanon, if they fire from lebanon) and the war will begin (and surely hezbollah will attack from lebanon after that). this is a very bad situation, but on the other hand, at least israel will have american and allied forces involved.
I agree…Hezbollah has thousands of missiles ready to go. (Thanks Obama for contributing all that money to insure that Iran can buy and build more weapons to attack Israel and Western Interests.)
The situation leaves no room for optimism…this could be the end of The World as we know it.
At the very least, many will perish…G-d help us all.
A smart Assad would fly to Moscow, to get vodka citizenship as a refugee for an year or two.
He better fly elal as i hear the vodcow nation has been known to drain and drink brake fluid from aircraft for it’s alcohol content.
What if the government forces ARE the terrorists. In case of Iran they sure are, the mullahs main foreign policy is based on supporting the terrorists, and then denying it shamelessly.
alah the satan and muhamad is his pig
What about GPS and small smart rockets?!
Has anyone noticed a change in GPS resolution in Juda or Shomron?
Russian missiles should fly toward the white helmets, as American missiles fly toward the Free Syrian Army. Problem solved both terror groups back by the Globalist and Turkey eliminated.