Kim: NKorea developing new A-bombs, H-bombs and ICBMs
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un declared Tuesday that the development of new strategic weapon systems including the “A-bomb, H-bomb, and ICBM Hwasong-15 with indigenous efforts and technology” and the completion of the “state nuclear force,” serve as “a great historic victory of our Party and the people of the country.” The North Korean leader said this while awarding scientists and officials who contributed to the construction of the Hwasong-15, the intercontinental ballistic missile, which demonstrated the capacity to reach mainland America when it was first tested on Nov. 29.
It is worth remembering that North Korea is working hand-in-glove with Iran at every step of their offensive capacities.
If Israel can have 200 a-bombs, so can other countries!
You’re not a very intelligent person, are you?
I sure hope there is a plan B
The greatest weapon North Korea has is that woman announcer on their propaganda TV station who is on steroids and uppers. She has so much love and obsequious over-the-top praise for the “dear leader” that her head is going to explode one day and incinerate the entire country. See her here: