Israeli drones struck two balloon teams in the Gaza Strip Mar 19, 2019 @ 22:51Mar 19, 2019 @ 22:51 Diane Shalem 1773 Views 3 Comments Israel drones targeted two balloon teams getting ready in Gaza to launch them against Israel. There were no Palestinian casualties. Previous Next
salman rushdieMar 20, 2019 @ 0:29 at 0:29Permalink they fired 50 meters from them, and they run away for a new try tomorrow……why are they not firing on terrorists I do not know Reply
Dwight55Mar 20, 2019 @ 22:14 at 22:14Permalink Let me have that joy stick, . . . I’ll show you how to stop the “balloon boys” once and for all. Reply
they fired 50 meters from them, and they run away for a new try tomorrow……why are they not firing on terrorists I do not know
Let me have that joy stick, . . . I’ll show you how to stop the “balloon boys” once and for all.
“Struck” ? So where are the casualties ?