Israeli air force struck Hamas infrastructure after rocket fire

The Israeli Shear Hanegev district went on rocket alert early Monday, although the launch apparently fell short of its target and dropped inside the Gaza Strip. Israel responded with an air strike against Hamas infrastructure in northern Gaza.
In an interview to the Palestinian Al-Quds paper published Monday, Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Israel would step forward as the first government to finally “reconstruct the Gaza Strip, build a Palestinian seaport and airport,” and restore the joint industrial zones at the Karny and Erez crossings, which Hamas destroyed some years ago. These proposals, Lieberman stressed, were "contingent on Hamas stopping its construction of terror tunnels, firing rockets and smuggling arms."
The defense minister emphasized that Israel has no plans to reoccupy the territory, initiate a new war or enter into negotiations with the radical Islamic Hamas rulers of the Gaza Strip. He pointed to Hamas’ investment of at least half a billion dollars in recent years for restoring its military infrastructure. “If the Palestinians of Gaza force another war on Israel, Gaza will be completely wiped out,” he warned

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