Iran’s attack on US bases in Iraq is just the start
Head of the Revolutionary Guards Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh said on Thursday that the missile attack on American bases in neighboring Iraq was only the start of a series of attacks that will take place across the entire region. Satellite photos of the damage to the US Al-Asad Airbase in western Iraq showed at least five structures, including hangars and buildings, “hit hard” by the Iranian ballistic missiles launched on Wednesday. “Some of the locations struck look like the missiles hit dead center,” said one analyst, confirming advances made in the upgrading of Iran’s missiles for improved precision.
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1. Prior to the 1930s this rogue country was called Persia.
2. In this capital of Iran approximately 27 people die each day from diseases related to air pollution.
3. In this Islamic republic, by law, it is illegal for men to wear shorts or neckties.
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This ayatollah is the supreme leader of the largest terrorist organization in the world
Have a feeling Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh will soon meet his virgins… lol
The 2 missiles launched at the Ukraine airline is just the start.
We have homemade splendid missiles capable of downing Allah Himself and all His angels from the skies.
But only if our homemade splendid radars trick us into believing He is an American tomahawk.
In which case, the fault is upon Him because disguising Himself into an aggressive tomahawk.
Allahu Akbar, no black boxes for you!
This is state secret, do not go in details more than “We don’t give the black boxes because the boxes are orange, they do not know what they want, that’s all”.
There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that this is not the end. It is not merely “just the start”. It started 1,400 years ago and never stopped and will not stop until… (fill in the blank ___________________).
Nothing akbar on allah, neither on his demons. They will burn.
Not at all, the dumb Americans respect stupid Western Civilization values for life and well-being fulfilment of the individual, they have a disgust for death and not ready to jump for war.
While our superior Shiite Civilization does not care, we value only martyrs, which is to say happy to count corpses. And we have proved it greatly with millions dead in our wars.
Its true if those Anglo American would not wipe out all the Indians, Azteks , Vietnamese, Laosians , Japanese , Itaqis and Iranians , Half Africa, Half Latinos , Isles aboriginals , Indians. What is the count around 200-300 millions counting about 50 years back to keep it nice . In today figures its about 2-3 billion people Anglo Americans exterminated. But this time the game is on them. Trust this they are about to eat the garbage they fed everyone . And this is not exactly from Iranians . All the Americans , Canadians ,. Anglos are a game now . The game began –just enjoy the view of it as it comes , together with Israelis ….
That’s not the stupidest statement I’ve ever heard, But it’s probably in the top five!
russians japanese how many millions did they slaughter in the last 100 years solemo sclermie use your real name stop hiding like a coward state your last name like most men do
A decorative windmill was apparently knocked over by one of the missiles, though it may have just been the wind.
Crazy comments
So correct me if I have got this wrong, but America undertook what Iran and Iraq called a terrorist attack that killed the Iranian General who had come on a mission of peace to negotiate with Saudi. So Iraqi’s Parliament has told the US to f■ck off and leave the country. The militias that are grateful for Iranian aid in the fight against ISIS are now getting upset that the US is behaving like a occupation army so are now launching a few attacks to get their attention. So whats the legal issue here guys? American needs to leave Iraq and if it does not then they are meat for the grinder. Americans would do the same if we told a foreign power to get out of America and they did not. So
the whirlwind and the Zionist loss of Iraq.
In general I do not corect motherf■ckers, because you are so deeply unhealthy wrong it makes me vomit, but this time I must highlight something – you are missing the “u” in one word, check 3rd word on line 3.
ali aka tommy from some arab country your always wrong when you grow up you will still be a clown
what is your real name coward
tommy:did you know that your stupid posts are a proof that you have a cancer in your brain
im betting that if iran keeps up this scharade, their ~8 million petrol vehicles will all be choked to death. by this, i mean their 3 gas producing refineries will get hammered by air munitions. lindsay graham hinted at this in his last statement. hope they learn how to ride a horse after that.
Inconvenient and politically difficult it may be; Iran since 1979 has goaded the United States into a formal declaration of war, duly transacted in a joint session of Congress. Tight, no exceptions naval blockade, “no fly zone” over entire border confines of Iran, etc.
US fifth column sabotage by persons sympathetic to Iran will result in roundup and arrest of Iranian nationals and others expressing word & deed support for Iran. This is where we are right now, on the knife edge. It remains to be seen how far along into this scenario Iran and their partisans wish to proceed.
Aside from overt Iranian/subsidiary group actions, blustering Iranian officials rattling sbres are setting the stage for “False Flag” events which, if high casualty, doom any dreams of new era Persian Empire.
O’wow imagine that The National Interest is saying the same thing as i am @Aladdin about Iran and Iraq. Its stange how so many here live in their own little factually incorrect world. As ive said for a while now ?Zionism? is a cancer and the sooner you all are rounded up and dealt with the better for the world. Be that reeducation camps or something more guaranteed to remove this stench from the world.
Sorry deranged disgusting motherf■cker, I’m not Jewish but I shiite on everything you’ll ever write, and on your web site, and particularly on that article.
Silly little man child Zionists are not only Jews, their are more Christian Zionists than Jewish Zionists sadly. Best you go and let that ?inner Zionist? out as it sounds like constipation has set in and you need to spend some quality time to clean yourself out ?. I can understand why you dont read other points of view of articles from established experts in the field, the truth is painful especially since you have build your spiritually home based on your ?inner Zionist?. So ye its gonna stink ?
America is the problem. A big problem. They are uninvited these days in most countries around the world.
Most countries want America out.
It was America’s fault for the downing of that plane and stirring up tensions with other countries.
America is foolish for getting involved in other countries conflicts.
As the proverb says. Getting involved in someone else’s dispute is like taking a dog by the ears and wringing them.
No one invited America to invade Iraq in 1991. Then they turned the country upside down.
And they are not interested in anything else but there own national agendas.
Even in the UK. No one wants American bases there either. A wife of a soldier accidently killed a motorist. She drove accidently on the wrong side of the road. It was an accident. But was suddenly given diplomatic immunity and promptly left the country.
Many people where not happy with the way America treated this.
The question now for most people in the UK is this…
Is America above the law and justice in the UK? And in other countries too?
Imagine your a good citizen in Iraq. You mean well. And suddenly the America’s decide to invade and control the country and turn the whole country upside down. And they just look after themselves only on there bases. Whilst the rest of the population is oppressed by occupying America and forces…
If was Iraqi. I would not be happy about that.
Now America is meant to be a democratic nation.
Iraq held a democratic vote in parliament and voted that all US soldiers leave.
The Americans don’t even care or regard other countries democracies. Just there own selfish national agendas.
God is on Iran’s side… For he has raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes to destroy Babylon… For it is the Lord’s vengeance….
What are you taking?
There is no such poison words like “democracy” or “vote” in Quran!
Do you realize?
If you saw the picture of the parliament you will see that about two thirds of the seats were empty. Only the Shia voted the Sunnis and Kurd members didn’t even show up.
stay put tommy:the army of breivig will throw you in the oven,with the people of your type,the afd is reopening the camps in eastern germnany for the million “refugees”
Enough! No swear words! or the curse of the battered Ayatollah Khamenei will fall upon us: “Soleimani’s hand will appear among you and the testicles will tear you away” … Let us pray that the great Donald will launch an attack to disintegrate the crazy Shia killer …
Tommy–You are a Loser, like the animals that gave birth to you
There should be a way to remove the infection in his brain.
Or alternatively to undo his wrong life, go backwards toward his birth, go hack there, and be born again perhaps successfully this time around.
Yeah, that’s it, I see it now ….
Gladiator: that “Tommy”, even if it exists – is mentally defective creature, at the level of reptilians… a
The US will surely leave Iraq because a war with Iran is not worth fighting.
America is the problem. A big problem. They are uninvited these days in most countries around the world.
Most countries want America out.
It was America’s fault for the downing of that plane and stirring up tensions with other countries.
America is foolish for getting involved in other countries conflicts.
As the proverb says. Getting involved in someone else’s dispute is like taking a dog by the ears and wringing them.
No one invited America to invade Iraq in 1991. Then they turned the country upside down.
And they are not interested in anything else but there own national agendas.
Even in the UK. No one wants American bases there either. A wife of a soldier accidently killed a motorist. She drove accidently on the wrong side of the road. It was an accident. But was suddenly given diplomatic immunity and promptly left the country.
Many people where not happy with the way America treated this.
The question now for most people in the UK is this…
Is America above the law and justice in the UK? And in other countries too?
Imagine your a good citizen in Iraq. You mean well. And suddenly the America’s decide to invade and control the country and turn the whole country upside down. And they just look after themselves only on there bases. Whilst the rest of the population is oppressed by occupying America and forces…
If was Iraqi. I would not be happy about that.
Now America is meant to be a democratic nation.
Iraq held a democratic vote in parliament and voted that all US soldiers leave.
The Americans don’t even care or regard other countries democracies. Just there own selfish national agendas.
God is on Iran’s side… For he has raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes to destroy Babylon… For it is the Lord’s vengeance….
the writing is a bit too small, please write it again this time with much larger lettering on a Cottonelle paper roll and give it in person to the checkpoint of the closest American consulate.
Iran Shiia Regime Attacks Are The Start Of The End Of The Regime Not The Start Of Any Caliphate Conquests, Defense, Or Revolutionary Expansion. Soleimani Was The First Death Overdue & Won’t Be The Last To Die!
The line has been drawn. If Iran proceeds, there shall be no mercy. We don’t play games.
Whats going to happen when they make the atomic bomb in 12 months?
Remember Stuxnet?
Think LitFuse!
That’s not the stupidest statement I’ve ever heard, But it’s probably in the top five!
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