Iran blames CIA official for Iranian protests
Iran’s prosecutor general, Mohammad Jafar Montazeri, Thursday accused a CIA official of leading a week of Iranian protests against the government, with intelligence support from Israel and Saudi financing. A senior Trump administration official disputed any US role in the protests, saying it had not expected them to occur. “The protests were entirely spontaneously generated,” the official said. By Thursday the demonstrations had dropped in scale after 21 people had been killed and hundreds arrested. Montazeri said the CIA official sought help from exiled Iranian groups and planned to turn the protest into an “armed” insurrection by mid-February, the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
The catastrophic state of the economy, and the tyranny of the ruling regime, had nothing to do with it.
Like the CIA had nothing to do with the catastrophic state of the economy, or the tyranny. Honestly, you fags really don’t know when to quit digging, do you?
Islamofascist behaves like a spoiled child, and is rightly punished.
Marg bar Iran and all ayatollahs!
when people of your type are out,the cia will stop digging
Sanction the FAGATOLLAH where it hurts. Ban import of Camel treats and Poison the ones with the largest shlongs. This will cause mayhem and probably a civil war. They have been begging for massive measures for a long time. Gloves come off now
The mullahs have more confidence in our CIA than I do. But I hope they are correct. Nah, wishful thinking.
Decent people suffer because the Fagatolah Kakameniac is not in the muslim paradise giving pleasure to camels and goats.The CIA should help him to reach paradise.
The Persians ARE Savages. If you only knew how sore my Anus is from Nasrallah and Sulameini goosing me all night long. I don’t mind this too much as I take it for the cause but when they pass me to the FILTHY militia men I get very angry. I am too sore to do what I truly ENJOY which is to FUCK every damn Donkey I can find. I love their smell so damn much
Why should CIA do this. They could just go and kill the evil old man in Iran and look out if the Hydra develops a new head that needs to be killed too.