Hamas leader threatens to pulverize Tel Aviv, praises Iran’s support
“if Israel attacks us, we are capable of turning any of its cities into a ghost town,” said Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in a speech in Gaza on Monday, bragging that Hamas owned “thousands of self-produced anti-tank rockets and thousands of mortars hidden in hundreds of kilometers of tunnels.” The Palestinian terrorist chief turned to Kachol Lavan leader Benny Gantz’s comment that any government he may lead would not tolerate rocket fire from the Gaza Strip, and said: We are expecting you, if you do form a government, you will rue the day you were born.” He went on to threaten: “We will pulverize Tel Aviv day and night non-stop for six months.” The Hamas leader offered heartfelt thanks to the Islamic Republic of Iran for its support: “We would have got nowhere without Tehran’s money, weapons and knowhow.”
The longer Israel waits to stop hamas’ terrorist actions, the stronger hamas becomes. hamas hasbeen terrorizing Israel with rockets and Friday protests for over a year, yet Israel has very little to defend itself or attempt to stop these terrorist actions.
That only emboldens hamas, and allows them to develop more missiles, more tunnels, and more hatred toward Israel.
There will be a war. Whether it is just hamas, hizbollah and/or iran, the longer Israel waits the stronger their enemies become, resulting in more injuries and deaths to innocent Israelis.
It is time to wake up to this reality, and stop hiding the truth. Our defensive approach does not work against people who want to kill us. They view our approach as a sign of weakness. It is time to change the strategy, go on the offense (a real offense) and put an end to the terrorism and threatened annihilation.
Our slogan has been “Never Again”. It is time to ensure that for the future.
Don’t forget to pack plenty of underwear
I have watched Israeli leaders since Yigal Alloyn destroy the nation. All religious, military, political and intelligence leaders except for Dado, Ghandi, Raful and a few others have failed at developing strategy for what has been going on for 5 decades.
Stupid people, arrogant too talk while someone is speaking. Go to the Knesset and observe what DOES NOT HAPPEN in a normal nation. Everyone speaking at the same time ! Add to this insanity the refusal to allow the few more intelligent people to manifest and you have a pitiful basket case in spite of all if the wonderful and unprecedented accomplishments. George Washington and his generation were brilliant men who listened to all others speak before forming their thoughts prior to their speaking to others. Our people are Liliputians by comparison. How many exiles do you think America’s Founders would need, if any to listen WHOLEHEARTEDLY TO GOD ??
The observance of the relevant parts of our written Torah is a STRATEGIC MILITARY IMPERATIVE. Tzahal MUST observe brotherhood, Shabbat and holidays EVEN symbolically or as we had with a Seder brought to the Yarden for a half hour break.
It was very holy !! I’m sure God loved it! Kashrut, Thanking HaShem for food. It doesn’t have to drag on forever either.
Give soldiers departing for leave enough time so they don’t need to speed to get home before Shabbat. You get the point, Normal consideration will give us what will please God.
First REMEMBER that Israel was designed to FAIL if the WRITTEN Torah is ignored. Rabbis SHOULD BE the bravest most intelligent military Generals NOT DRAFT DODGERS.
This is why these fools DO NOT WANT MOSHIACH, all their prayers and songs notwithstanding! Tzahal is ORTHODOX FRIENDLY! !!! Let’s start getting normal and destroy all of our enemies with SURPRISE, SPEED AND FEROCITY so they can NEVER even think about it again.
And do not make the INSANE MISTAKE of thinking what the world will say if we REALLY DESTROY our enemies like they would !!
Excellent comment, but Armageddon is coming to wipe out Mudslimes worldwide and any other false religion after the King sits in Jerusalem.
So your solution is only temporary.
How true. How very very true.
Gaza is trying to provoke Israel into revealing its “secret weapons” ahead of the war with Iran,they are delusional it will not happen.They should also note that the difference between a tunnel and a grave is the length,their tunnels can take more dead terrorists.
Respond with traditional bombardment east to Southwest so everyone hast run Sinai.
Talk is cheap, moo-slime.
Message to Hamas leader, be careful of what you wish for as turn about is fair play.
Hmmm, . . . me thinks if the braggart could do it, . . . it would be done, . . . trying to buy some support from someone else with rhetoric.
By now, the words of two-legged Hamas rats are much more credible, than the impotent, endless demagoguery of Bibi and Co !!
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An answer to Sinwar should concise, maximum 3 points as follows:
1. Carpet bombing with napalm all places where he’s been since weaned;
2. Give Gaza 2 days to lay down all weapons including kitchen knifes and rocks of all sorts;
3. point 3 much to obvious, explanation for not need.
Yes, Aladdin: this was pretty much Nazi Germany’s whole final year – and 100% right on !
It took Dresden and Hamburg gigantic firestorm bombings, hundreds of thousands
gruesomely burnt Germans: in a horribly poetic justice for innocent millions of Jewish victims…!
The holocaust was a hoax, yes there were deaths caused by starvation as the railways were been bombed but the real victims were the German people much like the Palestinian people who have had there land stolen and their futures destroyed. There is a reason why you always have pogroms, its your actions. Hamas are behaving badly because you left them with no choice.
“The two have a shared narrative: Peace will never be established with the Palestinians. Negotiations – yes, partial agreements – definitely, but not trust, not recognition that they are a people with equal rights in this land, not even recognition that they are equal human beings, exactly like the Israeli Jews”
– The above is your religious law and until you move away from this racist evil thinking you will always have problems that are caused by your own actions. Not all Jews suffer from this racist religions belief but far to many do.
So, “You reap…” a few dollars for your laughably insane, hate-filled grossly ignorant post….
@Yosef. Well put, the ignorant author understands nothing of history. Those that do not understand history are doomed to repeat it. Also, not only does sound travel to heaven, but evil hateful thoughts and the written word as well. When his fate soon devastates him it will be because his arrogance and contempt has triggered it.
Thanks much, Charles and Ron !
The only thing getting pulverized is going to be his Koooos Imo
Blah, blah, blah…..
They say, “Come, let us wipe them out as a nation
so that Israel’s name will no longer be remembered.” https://raptureandendtimes.com/2019/11/02/the-rapture-algorithm-7-signs-of-the-end-times/
After the interview the kidon should not interfere with Yahya Sinwar body.
A small DNA sample from the brain splatter on the wall are enough.
Also, a picture is not required, but highly appreciated.
Thank you for cutting out the bold typeface. See, your posts are more powerful without them.
Is it me, or do Muslims always make ridiculous exaggerated threats all the time they could never back up. After awhile you realize how infantile and silly Muslims really are and why don’t we just step on them again, like we did 4 times in history.
…It is not just you, John Wilson. Islam followers lived in fairy-tales of 1001 nights for over a thousand tears,,,
So to be clear, you’ve squandered your international aid money by building a network of munitions dumps under your cities. Most armies store their munitions dumps AWAY from their families. Does Hamas care nothing for the Palestinian people?
IRONICALLY, the donkey-brained ayatollahs are Forcing the otherwise timid, cowardly Bibi to soon use weapons of the Judgement day ! (And we know what they are…)
Here is something for my Israeli friends to think about:
The Yemenis can’t shoe a horse, but they can fly a missile in one window and out the other, so Iran is obviously providing them with the technology to do so.
Meanwhile Hamas can’t hit a town. LOL! So Iran is obviously NOT providing them with the same technology as they are providing the Yemenis.
Further food for thought: Hamas has fired hundreds, if not thousands, of missiles over the wall and into Israel. Almost all have been too inaccurate to hit something as big as a city and have landed in open fields or fallen prey to antimissile defense systems. Why has Iran not advised Hamas to fire these same missiles AT THE WALL? They have not fired a single missile at the wall. Imagine the damage Iran could do to Israel if they blew hundreds of holes into the wall and then herded a million Palestinians through the gap at gunpoint — women and children first! Woohoo! What would the World’s press say about Istael gunning up women and children as they poured through a gap in the wall? It would be a problem for Israel.
But Iran doesn’t do this simple thing. Instead they fire thousands of missiles into empty fields and in the direction of Iron Dome and Patriot batteries? Why?
Because they need Israel alive and strong and well if they are to use the threat if its destryction as their Second Strike target — they go so far as to warn, via Nasrullah, that a certain ammonia tank is an easy target and should be drained.
Think about it.