Burning tires, low turnout for Hamas’ second Palestinian demo
Black, toxic smoke hangs over the Gaza-Israeli border Friday afternoon since Palestinians began igniting the thousands of tires laid there for the second round of Hamas’ March for Return. Only a few thousand Gazans turned out this week, including gangs of armed youths attempting to breach the border and plant explosives for Israel soldiers. These incidents are drawing IDF fire and tear gas and resulting in injuries. Hamas predicts that the incident will gain momentum later this afternoon. But so far, its goal to cloak the entire border with black smoke and so stymie the IDF’s efforts to hold the line. appears to have fizzled. The fire brigade called in by the IDF is fighting the flames hanging over the burning tires with hoses and other equipment. The Engineering Corps is also strengthening the border fence at the Karni crossing where Palestinians were trying to break through.
The reports by the mainstream media (MSM) say that the numbers are just as high as last week. They are probably using the Hamas propaganda without looking into it themselves. they also ignore the violent provocations, the fact that the purpose of this terror theater is to take all of Israel away from Jews and the toxic effects of burning tires. Normally left-wing media care about violence, pollution and terrorists who want to take over other countries but when it concerns Israel, the MSM fall back on their antisemitic reporting and always support terrorists and cast them as victims.
In the US, it’s not making the news at all.
I monitor France 24 and other EU stations…they are 100% behind the Terrorstinians and not ONLY invite spinmeister pundit “experts” who hate Israel and tell their listeners that this is a peaceful demonstration meant to break the so-called blockade, but the anchors also ply these propagandists with questions that focus on demonizing Israel for protecting its borders from savages who have tried with terrorism, war and propaganda to wipe out Israel – it is in their bloody charters!!!
So true gfk-Anomy.
Also interesting that media not mentioning the closed gaza-Egypt border.
We know hamas won’t receive same media support if they demonstrate against & terrorize Egypt.
That is an important point: Al Qaeda-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood-ISIS-Iran-Hezbollah have a war with Egypt right now taking place in the Sinai; some of the jihadists find refuge within Gaza and yet nobody says that Egypt should be allowing Terrorstinains into Egypt or open the Egyptian border to the Terrorstinians. The Terrorstinains do not gather on the border with Egypt to throw burning tires and bring with them the weapons of terror to target Egyptian forces. The Terrorstinans know that they get the UN-EU-Global Leftists more interested in their f56ed up agenda if they attack jews and say that they will be “returning” to take ancient israel away from Jews and give it to their own invaders and people without a claim to anything except Jordan and the Arab countries with their co-religionists who use them as proxies to terrorize the Jewish State.
The lowest life-form, self destroying scum in zoological history… What else is there to add ?
And the U.N (United Nazis) are still supporting their “just cause” – as long as it also harms the Jewish state !
Majority of UN including Europeans is just the same low life. Not interesting any more.
My name says it all
I know ho can change the wind.
Dop napalm on the tires and the mudslime around