A secret Iranian long-range missile facility reportedly discovered
A team of California weapons researchers believe it has “stumbled” across evidence of a secret Iranian desert facility, “where Iran appears to have restarted its long-range missile program.” This is reported by the New York Times. Researchers at the International Institute for Strategic Studies said work on the site is often carried out under cover of night and focuses on rocket engines and rocket fuel. “The investigation highlights some potentially disturbing developments,” said Michael Elleman, a missile researcher who reviewed the material, adding that it could the first steps “for developing an ICBM five to 10 years down the road.” The press officer at Iran’s United Nations mission declined to comment on the findings. DEBKAfile: The discovery of this secret site comes two days after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo threatened Iran with unprecedented sanctions for continuing, inter alia, with the development of ballistic missiles, and other “malign” activities.
I’m shocked.
Just a baby formula factory
Enough of the lies. It’s NOT a long-range missile factory.
It’s just an innocent Poison Gas factory.
Damn, they have satellites!
I bet it’s the work of that new CIA woman.
This is why our great ayatollah always says the place of women is the the kitchen!
Continuing from another of your postings…
I, too, want to be unlike those who pillage, rape, and slaughter anyone. True Christians do not act as such. Oh, there are many people who might say they are christian, but their actions demonstrate something else.
I could spend great lengths discussing the large numbers of deceived ‘Christians’ today, but suffice it to say, they do not truly read and study the Holy Bible. It is truly sad and I can understand your negative examples you give, but that is no reason to write the foul things that you do. Peace.
They build rockets and missiles for decades, it’s not banned in nuclear accord
where is the verified satelite pics??? its fake news thats why the UN press office wont touch it!!US is AGAIN fabricating shit to put more blame on iran for a war.
It’s Israel that does the fabricating to pull the U.S. into their fight with Iran. They are just as guilty, if not more guilty, than Russia of interfering in U.S. politics/elections. Can’t wait for Mueller’s report.
Who Cares?
Iran would be much prettier in glowing nuclear green, . . . visible from Mars, Venus, or even Pluto.
Would do wonders for world stability as well.
Yes, the real Tehran problem is the complete absence of good neutrons.
Imagine this: the ayatollah palace is so cold to the touch, one can not boil
an egg on the floor tiles of the basement!
Did I hear KABOOOOM somewhere?… ?
It would read better as: Iran no longer has a secret long-range missile facility
I hear sand makes glass when it gets really hot. If there was some way to turn all their sand to glass, they could make Windows not bombs.
Murder, slavery, false imprisonment and torture, lying about it, targeting innocent civilians, planning murder on a large scale, deceitfully developing nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. What more will Iran need to do before the arab world will unite against her?
Just bomb them.
If ut was a formula factory they get imported formula fir free if not then it was just to bomb it.
Just do a blitz and bomb the scum
Well it looks like the israelis are the only ones who have the الخصيتين. (alchahisiatayn i.e. cahonies) to dial back Iran’s capacity to foment evil upon the world.