Lieberman steps down as defense minister, says govt kowtows to terrorists
Avigdor Lieberman resigned as Israel’s defense minister on Wednesday, Nov. 14 over two issues: Israel’s assent to the transfer of $15m to Gaza, and the Gaza ceasefire after nearly 500 missiles were fired into Israel. Lieberman found both decisions unacceptable and accused the government of failing to fight terror, citing “threats from the north, the south and the west” as pretexts, but were tantamount to “capitulating and kowtowing to terrorists.”
He called for an agreed date for a general election as soon as possible, after withdrawing his Yisrael Beitenu (Jewish Home) party from the government coalition.
Answering reporters’ question at the Knesset, Lieberman laid out in detail the reasons for his resignation. The cash payment to Hamas and the ceasefire were no better than an attempt to buy short term peace and quiet at the expense of long-term national security. He disclosed that Hamas allocated the first sums of the $15m of Qatari cash to the families of its agents killed in border clashes with Israel troops on the Gaza Strip, which meant that Israel was helping to fund terrorist actions.
Orders in writing from the prime minister at times forced him to act against his convictions, he said and cited the fuel deliveries permitted for Gaza without making any demands of Hamas. Lieberman stressed that humanitarian aid to the population should be subject to the termination of terrorist operations, the return of the bodies of fallen Israeli soldiers and two hostages held by Hamas, and a Hamas commitment to halt the mob assaults on Israeli troops guarding the Gaza border fence.
DEBKAfile reported earlier that during the security cabinet meeting on Tuesday, the defense minister was overruled in his demand for a major military operation against the Palestinian terrorist organizations led by Hamas and Islamic Jihad for subjecting southern Israel to a savage rocket assault. He discovered that Netanyahu and the army chiefs had already decided that Israel could not afford to simultaneously take on Hamas and the pressing threat from the North, and therefore Israel must accept Egyptian and UN efforts for a ceasefire. While cabinet ministers were discussing the Gaza issue, Netanyahu was running a parallel diplomatic track with international and Arab contacts outside the room. That is why he ended the critical cabinet session with a vague communique: “IDF attacks on Gaza will continue as required.”
The defense minister and his other cabinet members had the sense that the prime minister had cast them in the role of film extras while pursuing the real action, totally at odds with his views, somewhere else. He had moreover cut the defense minister off from the military chiefs over whom he had charge.
Lieberman is the third defense minister to opt out of a government led by Netanyahu. His predecessors, Ehud Barak and Moshe Ya’alon, have become the prime minister’s bitterest critics. Netanyahu will need to appoint a new defense minister without delay, given the urgent security challenges confronting the country. Rather than a cabinet shakeup, he may decide to call a snap general election and meanwhile appoint a temporary stand-in as minister of defense.
Time is over due for Israel to completely wipe out the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorist infrastructure and be done with it once and for all in order to be ready to move on and concentrate on the other fronts threatening Israel.
After 60 odd years still thinking peace from barrel of a gun! How has it been working? Hezbollah still here! Hamas still here! Definitely Iran still Here! Syria still here! Keeping up with the same actions after so many FAILED results is PURE STUPIDITY.
As Einstein said: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results…”
What happens when you roll dice, deal cards from a shuffled deck?
You get different results.
It was not just Hamas Situation bringing down the IDF Commander and Defense Minister by firing Rockets, Fire Balloons, Air Drones, Burning Tires to over run the Border Security, it was doing it without Firings a Shot and in return given more Fuel Supplies and $15 Million Dollars? Israel takes it as a sign of strength but Hamas takes it as a sign of weakness and will do more not less, later.
Just look at the title of Debka’s previous article on this same subject:
“Can Gaza ceasefire free Israeli Air Force to tackle Hizballah missile upgrade plants?”
Since when has Hamas and Islamic Jihad ever honored a “ceasefire” without breaking it at their convenience?????????
If left unchecked, just what does anyone think would happen between Israel and Gaza within a nanosecond of intense hostilities breaking out between Israel and Hezbollah?????????
Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza need to be completely neutralized right now!
THE TRAP IS THERE: Attack GAZA with 2 or 3 divisions, and, the next day HIZBOLLAH attacks us from the North or even via the East Golan. Three fronts…
But this will happen anyway.
The prelude to World War II was a never ending series of French and other Allied powers unwillingness to take Hitler’s strategic violations of the Treaty of Versailles as a threat. The State of Israel and the Jewish people CANNOT afford to entertain the suicidal delusions of the Israeli Chamberlains in the government, in the military and in the intelligence community (LOL).
yes bibi is chambelin peace in our time under any conditions
Interesting devolepments.So the IDF can’t take on 2 fronts at the same time? let’s face it Hizbullah and Iran/Syria/Russia will take notice and act sometime in the nearby future.Get ready with or without Lieberman.
Bibi knows… That simply wiping out Hamas, Hezbollah is simply not quite the answer. Hezbollah has shown at least a decade of restraint. Hamas. In a strange turn of events. Has shown a strategic limitation of not striking Tel Aviv. It does seem as though really Hamas actually wants to talk. It seems Israel prefers the option to talk too. Sometimes violence is not always the answer. Sometimes. It can cause more problems. And that it seems to be the shared fate of both sides. It is clear that Hamas actually does not want the IDF blitzing the Gaza strip. It seems Israel also would rather not have to keep sacrificing costly operations on the Gaza strip. Israel is actually quite a humane country. On a last note… It is a bizzare turn of events… That actually God has really placed a strategic adversary around Israel. Because no matter how bombs and bullets Israel uses. It is not always the solution. This is something that God has ordained throughout history. A thorn in the side to keep Israel humble. Better… To accept the thorn in the side… Honestly. Life is not one season. Just as we accept the daytime. Should we also accept the night time from God too. As much as I hate to say it. God has put Hezbollah and Hamas around us. Which is why it is a difficulty for Israel. Because it’s ment to be this way for now.
It seems that fits the historical precedent, his chosen people have never been without a monkey on their backs…
Time has come for new people to come in , and not have the ” Council of Elders” run the country to its end ; Yes its end ; Time to get rid of all those Liebermans, Kahlons , Bibis , Bennets and everyone . No one is capable of proper thinking , they are in total a contempt to a country that was ruled once by some potent people . Do not need no Barak , Livni , and any other loser united . Its time as well to put the religious right outside the Knesset , together with every other group representing themselves and not the country .That includes Arabs , that represent enemies , or themselves , and not the country.
Seems that Government forgot now for over 15 years , why they are being elected . To represent the country , not some stinking interests of some party or groups of people ,that come and go . As well needed someone , that is not ex commander -moron of some special ops . Needed pure intelligent , brutal technocrat , that will do what is needed to internal apparatus of thieves and rapists in government of Israel , and than either make peace or bring end to everything . And not create some dogma, and invisible enemies , that only exist in Bibi`s mind and totally delusional members of Knesset.
Easy (for you) to grandstand without recommending anyone.
He’s recommending himself, Stan!
blow yourself up
Well we got rid of the monkeys on our back in our most recent elections in Florida and Georgia. Appeasement has never worked. A strong Israel is just as capable of being generous and kind as a prostrate, pliant one. And the former can respond if Israel’s enemies are deceitful…the latter cannot.
Your saying to talk to hamess. No logic. There in business to make money. There employees are Iran Head Terror, Inc. The choice is very clear. Neutralize Iran today or do it later with more casualties. We cannot afford to wait longer.
Because you have not accepted Yeshua (Christ) and still want the Best coming from God.
Now that’s funny!
Ps 2:12 –
Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.
1Why have nations gathered and [why do] kingdoms think vain things?
2Kings of a land stand up, and nobles take counsel together against the Lord and against His anointed?
3″Let us break their bands and cast off their cords from us.”
4He Who dwells in Heaven laughs; the Lord mocks them.
5Then He speaks to them in His wrath; and He frightens them with His sore displeasure.
6″But I have enthroned My king on Zion, My holy mount.”
7I will tell of the decree; The Lord said to me, “You are My son; this day have I begotten you.
8Request of Me, and I will make nations your inheritance, and the ends of the earth your possession.
9You shall break them with an iron rod; like a potter’s vessel you shall shatter them.”
10And now, [you] kings, be wise; be admonished, [you] judges of the earth.
11Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with quaking.
12Arm yourselves with purity lest He become angry and you perish in the way, for in a moment His wrath will be kindled; the praises of all who take refuge in Him.
You keep using the word “God” as though it’s a baby blanket for security. But invoking “God” or protection is meaningless. Did God save Jews from the destruction of the Temple, the Crusades, the Holocaust? Does protect Jews (or anyone else)? Terrorists killed Orthodox Jews praying in Israel and innoocent men, women and children in their homes in Israel, and recently Jews in a synagoge in USA, and people in churches. So where was God? You can’t explain it. Does God cause Cancer and other diseases? You can’t explain it, because God God is creation; it is life, God has nothing to do with intervening in one’s life. The people of israel will protect themselves only by having a strong army and fortitude and acting smartly against its adversaries and being united, not bickering among themselves. Nothing more, nothing less.
By the sword shall all the sinful of My people perish, those who say, “The evil shall not soon come upon us.”
“Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it
It is futile for you who arise early, who sit late, who eat the bread of toil, so will the Lord give to one who banishes sleep from himself.” (Tehillah 127)
‘…hail shall sweep away the shelter of lies, and water shall flood the hidingplace.’
Behold God [has] a strong and powerful [wind], like a downpour of hail, a storm of destruction, like a stream of powerful, flooding water, He lays it on the land with [His] hand.
And there shall be on every high mountain and on every raised hill, canals, rivulets of water, on the day of the great slaying, when the great ones fall.
Right decision for a change. He did not want rockets hitting airports, making all flights uninsurable, thereby isolating is real.
Gaza is what happens when barbarians think they have the upper hand and go unchallenged.
well done mr lieberman it is time for bibi to go away!!!! bibi want arabs to love jews !!! but it is not possible. the arabs hate jews . if that is not true why they dont have any official relation with jew state!!!
Nope ! Arabs don’t hate Jews. Arabs hate Zionism and zionists ie Mr. doberman !
Ha ha, arabs don’t like free, independent jews that can fight.
Only like the jews from before, the ones you could spit on……
Arabs/Muslims hate EVERYBODY, even fellow Arabs/Muslims.
Hence 500,000 dead in Syria, war in Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Fascist Iran, Sudan, Algeria, Egypt, …
Hamas say pay us 15 million, we pay
Hamas say stop shoot or will shoot Ashdod, we stop
Hamas say Liberman should resign, he resign.
Those f@#&ers manipulate us lik Sacha Baron Choen in NRA party
Its Putin loving Netanyahu who should of stepped down this man is leading you down a black hole
Invoking G-D
Baying for the extermination of indigenous people surrounded by usurping colonizers.
How dare they try to resist G-D’s chosen people.
Modus vivendi
Why not? That’s how America was built.
those who work wickedness are built up?
we praise the bold transgressors. Yea, those who work wickedness are built up. Yea, they tempt God, and they have, nevertheless, escaped. טו. : : : 16. Then the God-fearing men spoke to one another, and the Lord hearkened and heard it. And a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who feared the Lord and for those who valued His name highly. טז. : 17. And they shall be Mine, says the Lord of Hosts, for that day when I make a treasure. And I will have compassion on them as a man has compassion on his son who serves him. יז. : : 18. And you shall return and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him who serves God and him who has not served Him. יח. 19. For lo, the sun comes, glowing like a furnace, and all the audacious sinners and all the perpetrators of wickedness will be stubble. And the sun that comes shall burn them up so that it will leave them neither root nor branch, says the Lord of Hosts. יט. : : 20. And the sun of mercy shall rise with healing in its wings for you who fear My Name. Then will you go forth and be fat as fatted calves. כ. : : 21. And you shall crush the wicked, for they will be as ash under the soles of your feet on the day that I will prepare, says the Lord of Hosts. כא. : 22. Keep in remembrance the teaching of Moses, My servant-the laws and ordinances which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel. כב. 23. Lo, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord, כג. 24. that he may turn the heart of the fathers back through the children, and the heart of the children back through their fathers-lest I come and smite the earth with utter destruction.
Israel that practically begged to return to the ceasefire:
The short conflict demonstrated that:
– Israel is deterred. It does not want to launch another war on Gaza.
– The siege of Gaza, by Israel, Egypt and by the Palestinian authority under Mahmoud Abbas, failed. The reputational cost of the siege became too high after Israel killed some 160 Palestinians during weekly protests along the demarcation fence. It had to allow diesel fuel and money from Qatar to reach Gaza.
– The siege failed to prevent that Islamic Jihad, Hamas and other groups acquired a larger number of missiles and other new capabilities.
– The Palestinians in Gaza are united. The resistance against the occupation is alive and well.
For decades the Zionist entity was able to attack its neighbors as it pleased. That changed. It no longer dares to step into Lebanon for fear of Hezbullah’s reprisal. Syria’s western airspace is closed for Israel thanks to the new S-300PMU2 air defense Russia delivered to the Syrian army. The resistance in Gaza has new capabilities and surprises for Israel should it attack.
IDF = Inbred Deviant Filth
HAMASS – Heathen Arabs Making Arabia Savage Shit.
Hamas is getting more and more aggressive. It seems that de-escalation strategy only stirs up Hamas. It is like with any other criminals, never encourage them in their wrongdoings, it only gets worse.
the IDF is meant to be very powerful and the IAF…
israel can’t fight a 2 front war? why not? israel in 1967 and 1973 had to fight Egypt in the south and Syria in the north (and Jordan in the East a 3 front war!)
surely israel has prepared to fight a 2 front war???:
Southern Command vs Gaza or Egypt – The main air bases are near here, Nevatim with F-35s and Ramon with F-16Is and Hatzerim with F-15Is.
Northern Command with Merkava MkIVs with Trophy and Ramat David airbase with F16s up north. Golani with Sayeret Golani and Sayeret Egoz and Unit Alpinistim.
They can’t do this? The North is a narrow frontier with Lebanon/Hezbollah and Syria into Iran.
Russia is there and Russia deserves a hiding before it becomes too arrogant.
Then Central Command to contain the east Jordan/Saudi.
And homefront command to contain the Pals and Arabs.
The North is a major warfront- to fight this battle is like taking on a major power like Germany.
But the south vs Hamas is not so- and Israel cannot do this? pathetic, really.
No wonder Lieberman resigned. Netanyahu is a corrupt arrogant traitor- he can go to Moscow and kiss ass with Putin and stay there.
Even Putin is refusing to deal with him now.
If Netanyahu will not definitively defend Israel, then this corrupt coward must be removed and replaced by someone who will, by any means neccesary.
If Netanyahu will not definatively and decisively defend Israel by any means necessary, then this corrupt coward needs to be removed and replaced with someone who will, by any means necessary
Avigdor Lieberman thinks the only solution to peace comes from the barrel of the gun, how naive this guy is, does not fit to be a leader of a country which boasts itself to be the only democratic in the Middle East.
Democracy has nothing to do with defending your country and its citizens. I prefer to see Israel as a dictature which is in peace, than as a democratic country with all its women in nikab.
This evolving existential challenge calls for Chess, not noisy checker players. In layman’s terms, here are two ideas to consider”
Spend lives and treasure on a strategic war, decapitating the adversaries pulling the strings.
Load the bases before doing the heavy hitting.
Does not anyone remember when the last long Gaza war went on for over 1.5 months because Israel was striking back on a tit for tat 1:1 ratio with Hamas. In order to win anything you have to strike on at least a 5:1 ratio back just like Russia has been doing in Syria. Anyways, the Gaza war stopped right after Israel began after 1.5 months of bombing empty buildings to strike Hamas’ leadership Hamas wanting a ceasefire. Bibi knows how to play dirty political games with our lives. He prefers to preserve Hamas because it offers a counterweight to Fatah and the Palestinian authority. As long as Hamas disagrees with Fatah, Bibi does not have to deal with the Palestinian Authority and their agreements, requests and issues. However, at what cost to Israel can Bibi continue to allow Hamas the dangerous power that such a terrorist group should not have? Bibi believes that if Hamas is wiped out, the PA will take over Gaza and Gaza and the West Bank will eventually be parted from Israel. As long as Hamas exists, the Palestinians are divided.
The Trump admin is strongly strongly favorable to Israel.
The US is more powerful than the entire EU.
EU is not as anti Israel as before.
Bolsonaro admin is strongly strongly favorable to Israel.
Brazil is more powerful than the entire Arab World combined.
The Arabs aren’t as anti-Israel as before.
Israel needs to wake up to the new beautiful reality.
IAF can strike Hamas at will.
No restrictions at all.
Strike strike strike…
Bomb Hamas into unconditional submission.
The International Community stands with Israel.
The political map has changed for Good.
You are Welcome
Shalom & Dash Ham
Bolsonaro 17 ???????
After strike, strike, strike, and submission……invade and occupy permanently.
5 points about Lieberman r̶e̶s̶u̶r̶r̶e̶c̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ resignation
The deface minister has left, but he is far right.
Lieberman likes Egyptian football but would challenge Mohamed Salah only at ping-pong.
Just when you thought Lieberman was gone he came with his resignation.
Putin knows now for sure that Pushkin was a descendent of Ethiopian Jews.
Моссад не следовал нормальным процедурам
5 points about Lieberman r̶e̶s̶u̶r̶r̶e̶c̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ resignation
– The deface minister has left, but he has far right.
– Lieberman likes Egyptian football but would challenge Mohamed Salah only at ping-pong.
– Just when you thought Lieberman was gone he came with his resignation.
– Putin knows now for sure that Pushkin was a descendent of Ethiopian Jews.
– Моссад не следовал нормальным процедурам
Ignoring terrorism only works for as long as you accept numerous casualties of your own people among as acceptable collateral damage.
It worries me that Israel feels it cannot take on Hamas militarily. If this is the case, then what happens when Hezbollah, Iran with Russian aid and advanced equipment start a war in the north and then Hamas joins in at the same time in coordination with their jihadist soulmates?
The right response would have been an immediate massive bombing, the cut off of electricity, supplies and water, a destruction and raid of Hamas’ banks and funds and an ultimatum to stop war now or face mass deportation to Qatar (dropped from 20,000 feet).
Appearances can be deceiving. All the players know that wiping out Hamas is not really going to get rid of them. Even if you dislodge the Hamas party the future becomes the PA. How really believes that Israel will regain Gaza? So you push Hamas down, but they have an entire generation of supporters. They just continue behind the scene waiting to come back. The only way to make a difference is to take real control. Does anyone think the EU and others will allow that to happen?
What is really happening is that these people are preparing for new elections. Once elected they will flip and do the same things that Bibi is doing.
E tu, Brutus?
This inauspicious ascension of Yvet ‘Borat’ Lieberman aka ‘Hillary’s Gamechanger’ to co-captaincy of the Titanic II is the Perfect Storm – there could never be a better figurehead for the Apartheid as it goes down at full speed ahead than this clueless Kahanist Moldavian
That Israelis and Diaspora went down trying to fight it out as an Apartheid – that thats what history records – wasn’t insanity – it was just that they were fresh out of any working better ideas once the Israeli/Israeli Lobby drive on Iran was so dramatically stung and sailed over the guardrails
During 2014 Operation Protective Edge the world held it’s breath then gasped in shock as Netanyahu blinked, swam the Rubicon of Jewish History threw his lot in with the Kahanists (esp Lieberman, Bennett, Smotrich, Adelson. etc), and ordered the attacks the ICC now is examining. Well that in addition to E1 Maale, The Nation State Law, the Palestine Annexation Law, and everything else.
Now it’s Groundhog Day in Gaza 2018 and this time Lieberman takes Netanyahu down because Bibi just received a call he couldn’t ignore – the Hague called and they’ve sent a chartered ICC plane down to pick up both the crew from 2014 and the fresh lot and any fresh indictees and repeat offenders for ‘Operation Gaza Earthberms 2018’
Yep, the Hague called and they want their Kahanists back
These now numerous straightjacketing Red Lines on Bibi were just what Yvet was waiting and he pounced in a way reminiscent of Madame Hortense, her eyes starting out of her head, reeling as the Crete hags rushed in to scavenge all
Meanwhile CIS is in America explaining the Chapter 7 upgrade to UN 2334 to the Diaspora and putting Annexation on the ballot in order to stop the Messianists and their Masada Complex-
Stick a fork in Apartheid – Yvet has Sung and it’s over
It’s a common American saying, genius – ‘the extra large plus size Ruebenesque lady has sung’ – Yvet has sung’ – it’s over, fini, kaput – GAMEOVER
The Diaspora has had enough – most of them anyway, and Bibi is going down with Trump like Thelma and Louise over the guardrails
Israel should bomb the Palestinians in Gaza just like the Russians bombed ISIS in Syria. Israel should not hold back. However, it would be a big mistake to send our soldiers into Gaza because the whole place is booby trapped and well protected (there are more than a million people in Gaza). It is not worth risking our soldiers lives when we can completely wipe them out with our air power with a serious campaign of shock and awe.
Hmm, how about this, then. Occupy Gaza, and then deport all who were not there pre-1967.
Well never mind, Mr Lieberman’s time was up anyway…Netanyahu is obviously working on something better. He just doesn’t want to share that yet.