Jordan’s Abdullah challenges Saudi rulers on Jerusalem
King Abdullah of Jordan Sunday Dec. 31 proclaimed himself the Servant of the First Qibla and Third Holy Mosque, throwing a religious gauntlet down for Saudi rulers.
DEBKAfile’s sources report that the king was challenging Saudi King Salman and Crown Prince Muhammad for abandoning Jerusalem, site of the Third Mosque, in the face of President Trump’s recognition of the Holy City as Israel’s capital. Abdullah emphasized this point by distributing a large lapel pin highlighting his role, which every Jordanian government official, lawmaker and military officer was seen sporting on Sunday.
The First Qibla marks the direction to which Muslims turn in prayer, whereas the Third Holy Mosque is Al Aqsa on Temple Mount. The Saudi royal house is the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques of Mecca. A serious rift has developed between the two Arab royal houses in Amman and Riyadh. Abdullah has lined up against Trump’s Jerusalem policy, while Saudi Prince Muhammed bin Salman and his ally, the Emirate ruler put him on notice to stop slamming that policy and suspend his ties with Saudi foes, Turkey and Qatar.
Jordan’s king gave his answer Sunday, by provocatively placing his religious role on a par with that of the Saudi royals. This escalating contest has the potential for blowing up into a wide confrontation with repercussions on the region, Israel and Jerusalem.
King Abdullah led up to this action 24 hours earlier by placing under house arrest three senior Jordanian princes who were accused of maintaining secret ties with the crown princes of Saudi Arabia and the UAE. DEBKA file revealed this development on Saturday. See the first story below.
According to Arab sources, the Jordanian King Abdullah has placed under arrest two of his brothers and a cousin, accusing them of secret ties with the Saudi and UAE crown princes.
Jordanian intelligence reportedly alerted him to communications Princes Faisal bin Hussein, Ali bin Hussein and their cousin, Prince Talal bin Muhammed were maintaining with Saudi Prince Muhammed bin Salman (MbS) and the Emirati’s Prince Muhammed bin Zayed (MbZ), with whom King Abdullah is at loggerheads. A statement released by the Jordanian military said that the three princes took early retirement as part of military changes underway in the Jordanian Army, but made no reference to their detention. At the same time. none of them have been seen since their reported house arrest.
King Abdullah raised the ire of the Saudi and UAE leaders by cultivating close ties with Turkey and Qatar, strong opponents to Riyadh and Abu Dhabi. On Dec. 16, DEBKAfile reported that the rift had peaked with the arrest of the Jordanian-Palestinian billionaire financier Sabih al-Masri while he was on a regular trip to Riyadh. To obtain his release, MbS and Mbz demanded that the Jordanian king break away from the Islamic bloc that the Turkish ruler and Qatar sought to establish to contest President Trump’s Jerusalem policy.
The three detained princes are senior members of the Hashemite Royal House of Jordan: Prince Faisal bin Hussein (55) is the son of King Hussein and Queen Muna and therefore Abdullah’s younger full brother. He has occasionally served as regent during the king’s absences abroad. Prince Ali 42) is the second son of Hussein and Queen Alia (who died in a helicopter accident) and is therefore the king’s half-brother. Prince Talal bin Muhammad (53), grandson of King Talal is a first cousin of King Abdullah.
The jolly Arab, does not need the Jewish people or Israel to fight with, as the Arab is the Arab’s own worst enemy.
Genesis 16:12
And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
…you have perverted justice to hemlock and the fruit of righteousness to wormwood
[Those who rejoice over a thing of nought, who say, “With our strength we have taken horns for ourselves.”]
For, behold I will raise up against you a nation, O house of Israel, says the Lord God of Hosts, and they shall oppress you from the approach to Hamath until the brook of the Arabah.
“…you have perverted justice to hemlock and the fruit of righteousness to wormwood”
It’s not nice to talk about the Arab League that way, iVaN !
Genesis 16:12
And he will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against every man ……
Observe that word “donkey”. Meaning that the have no proper senses.
Well spoken, and well done for using the correct Bible (Textus Receptus) Authorised / King James Bible.
Thank you. By the way, there are 23 Texti Recepti but only 1 King James Bible.
“Well spoken, and well done for using the correct Bible (Textus Receptus) Authorised / King James Bible.”
@Mr Wrath,
The correct Bible was already written thousands of years ago and was already 100% correct in its original form and language.
he’s called ” jahsh ” ( wild donkey ).
Oh my, King Abdullah will have to get his Welfare Checks from another source…Iran Perhaps?
Billy Bragg is a troll
He may as well fight with another Arab state. None of them have done very well fighting the Israeli’s.
One wonders where the seventy-year mutual, if usually quiet, security arrangement between the Jordanian monarchy and Israel, beginning with grandfather King Abdullah has gone?
I would not call the 6 day war in 1967 a mutual arrangement, this agreement only happened after the fake peace accord between the 2 countries. Fake as they hate the Jews, and it is only an agreement between the old king RIP and Israel. Can be easily shredded by the parliament of jordan as they incite and call to violence.
It is easy to say this king in Jordan is loosing control…or country and politics. The deal by the first king is real. It is only unreal in the hands of one such as present king who strives for greatness because he “thinks” he has American support. He has lost his own peoples support having to lower himself to arresting his own relatives to keep control. This is all just talk as of now…jordan is nada! Its royalty is lost to the new emerging face of Arab unity arising in the middle east at this moment. Saudi and its supporters are seeing common sense and this old fool in jordan thinks it an opportunity for him lol.
The truth is, he is actually the King of what should be Palestine….What an unpleasant reality!
BINGO! Which explains exactly why Abdullah is out-of-step is Saudi Arabia, he must not ruffle the feathers of his Palestinian subjects. Unfortunately for Abdullah, he can push that only so far. Jordan is a country invented by the U.S. President Trump holds the trump card of foreign and financial aid to Jordan.
Come on, folks! No such place as Palestine. The Gaza strip was Philistia (home of the Philistines). The term Palestine was created by the Romans to insult the Jews who were in continuous rebellion to Roman rule. There is no ethnic person in that part of the world who has any genetic connection to Philistia…aka Palestine.
This shallow projection is just wishful imagining. Also, ‘Arab unity’? Surely not a thing to place ones trust in. Never was. Never will be. I would venture that the keepers of the Zionist colonial project should have much more to fear from Arabia’s ‘unity’ of necessity, than Iran. The emasculation of Iran would change the situation entirely.
“One wonders where the seventy-year mutual, if usually quiet, security arrangement between the Jordanian monarchy and Israel, beginning with grandfather King Abdullah has gone?”
@David Turner,
It went the same way as the “security arrangement” with Turkey!
What else is new for the Middle East ???
Typical arab fratricide! Abdullah is rising and he needs to eleminate his possible competitors to the throne. He is becoming a dictator….and the most probable candidate of the Antichrist of End Times.
but judaism is totally against Christ and muslims hild him to be your messiah…was gibt es, Shamus?
“but judaism is totally against Christ and muslims hild him to be your messiah…was gibt es, Shamus?”
Your comment makes absolutely no sense and shows a total lack of even the most basic historical perspective.
You’re long over due for a REALITY CHECK, iVaN!
Sorry, judaism is in total opposition to the historical Christ figure, whose mission the antichrist of Christian scripture opposes. Judaism propagates the idea that Messianic Jews are not legitimate members of the community, are not to be acknowledged, and in some cases, are even worthy of death.
The first century patristic Father Justin Martyr noted this:
“…But these Jews, though they read the books, fail to grasp their meaning, and they consider us as their enemies and adversaries, killing and punishing us, just as you do, whenever they are able to do so, as you can readily imagine. In the recent Jewish war, Bar Kocheba, the leader of the Jewish uprising, ordered that only the Christians should be subjected to dreadful torments, unless they renounced and blasphemed Jesus Christ.”
In desperation, the rabbis at Yavne came up with a benediction which could identify any secret messianic Jew in any orthodox congregation at that time. It was called the Birkat ha-Minim.
That’s reality.
‘For apostates let there be no
hope, and the kingdom of arrogance do Thou speedily uproot in our
days; and let Nazarenes and heretics (minim) perish as in a moment;
let them be blotted out of the book of life and not be enrolled with the
righteous. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, who humblest the arrogant.
Rabbi Gamaliel instructed Rabbi Samuel the Lesser to concoct
and compose this malediction, as the Talmud reveals: “Said Rabban
Gamaliel to the Sages: Can any one among you frame a benediction
relating to the Minim? Samuel the Lesser arose and composed it.”
They then wrote letters which were circulated throughout the
Diaspora with a copy of this malediction and instructions to add it to
the Amidah Prayer, which was recited daily in all synagogues of that
What happened to Samuel?
“These eighteen are
really nineteen?-R. Levi said: The benediction relating to the Minim
was instituted in Jabneh….Our Rabbis taught: Simeon ha-Pakuli
arranged the eighteen benedictions in order before Rabban Gamaliel in
Jabneh. Said Rabban Gamaliel to the Sages: Can any one among you
frame a benediction relating to the Minim? Samuel the Lesser arose
and composed it. The next year he forgot it [29a] and he tried for two
or three hours to recall it, and they did not remove him. Why did they
not remove him seeing that Rab Judah has said in the name of Rab: If
a reader made a mistake in any of the other benedictions, they do not
remove him, but if in the benediction of the Minim, he is removed,
because we suspect him of being a Min?-Samuel the Lesser is
different, because he composed it. But is there not a fear that he may
have recanted?”
“The first century patristic Father Justin Martyr noted this:
“…But these Jews, though they read the books, fail to grasp their meaning, and they consider us as their enemies and adversaries, killing and punishing us, just as you do, whenever they are able to do so, as you can readily imagine. In the recent Jewish war, Bar Kocheba, the leader of the Jewish uprising, ordered that only the Christians should be subjected to dreadful torments, unless they renounced and blasphemed Jesus Christ.”
The first century individual you quote obviously had an agenda which eliminated any sense of historical objectivity on his part.
““…But these Jews, though they read the books, fail to grasp their meaning, and they consider us as their enemies and adversaries, killing and punishing us———–”
BTW, when you quoted that specific sentence, did you forget about the Crusades and the Inquisition and World War II ???????????
“Typical arab fratricide! Abdullah is rising and he needs to eleminate his possible competitors to the throne. He is becoming a dictator…”
That sounds like the same thing the President of Turkey is doing——-and those 2 are now “good friends” and lately seem to have the same foreign policies regarding the region!
The antichrist is clearly described in the Bibke as an ecumenical Assyrian Roman Catholic Jew, not a Muslim.
“The antichrist is clearly described in the Bibke as an ecumenical Assyrian Roman Catholic Jew, not a Muslim.”
Just what is an “Assyrian Roman Catholic Jew”————and what “bible” did you get that from ???????
I agree with David quoting Genesis 16:12. Descendants of Ishmael cannot obtain peace through Allah.
Only the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob can bring peace between Israel and Ishmael… and He will
NOT much longer the Palestinians WILL have a land of their own…..Jordan ! THAT’S where they belong, Palestinians go to Jordan, you have a Palestinian Queen there ready for YOU !
“NOT much longer the Palestinians WILL have a land of their own…..Jordan ! THAT’S where they belong, Palestinians go to Jordan, you have a Palestinian Queen there ready for YOU !”
This unfolding scenario is starting to sound like the opportunity for the Palestinians to migrate from Gaza and from Judea and Samaria (AKA the “West Bank”) back to their true homeland (AKA the Kingdom of “Jordan”) and establish the “State of Palestine” over there———–as you mentioned, their Queen is already there waiting for their arrival!
All of u pigs know deep inside that the only family thT will kick ur asses are the hashemites… u can spread ur lies and disinformation as much as u want… reality is that you in Israel and ur brethren in Saudi are surrounded by Hashemites, whether they are sufi hashemites or shia hashemites or ahlulbayt supporters… from yemen to oman… uae to qatar… iran iraq syria lebanon… turkey egypt and sudan… and obviously the spearhead of AlHussein bin Abdullah II ( Al Mahdi ) will rule you…you will have rights to worship in ur synagogues with ur ugly wives lol… but sovereignty over jerusalem will not be compromised
Come and take it armchair pacifist, are you willing to go to walhalla for that. (it is the place you like more then life)
“All of u pigs know deep inside that the only family thT will kick ur asses are the hashemites… u can spread ur lies and disinformation as much as u want… reality is that you in Israel and ur brethren in Saudi are surrounded by Hashemites, whether they are sufi hashemites or shia hashemites or ahlulbayt supporters… from yemen to oman… uae to qatar… iran iraq syria lebanon… turkey egypt and sudan… and obviously the spearhead of AlHussein bin Abdullah II ( Al Mahdi ) will rule you…you will have rights to worship in ur synagogues with ur ugly wives lol… but sovereignty over jerusalem will not be compromised”
@Hashemites 4ever…
Just wanted to inform and update you to the fact that your beloved Jordan has lost every war they participated in against Israel, including the one in 1967 where the Israelis liberated the eastern section of Jerusalem!
Now, if you want to make things right for the region, your phony “King” (who, by the way, is only there because the British gave his great grandfather the throne as a reward for his services) can step aside for the Palestinians to rule “their own” over there.
As for your “predictions”, it looks like you need to send your crystal ball out for calibration, as it’s not giving you accurate data!
HASHEMITEMAN: That fake mosque atop the temple mount was originally a Byzantium church which invading Muzzies repurposed for their own use when they occupied Jewish land, see:,_Jerusalem)
In in 614 in the belief that a restoration was in in their grasp, the Jews retained the Hunnic Khazar and other mercenaries, made an alliance with the Persians and had them invade Palestine , they overwhelmed the Byzantine garrison in Jerusalem, and made Jewish Exilarch Nehemiah ben Hushiel governor of Jerusalem. Within months he was killed by a mob and Christians revolted against Persian rule and to appease them the Persians gave them a Christian governor. For five years they struggled to maintain their grip on the cit. Eventually the Persians, overextended, pulled out and the Zionist suffered a great setback. At this point the crypto jewish nationalists to garner support from the religious jews introduced their false prophet Mohammad as a type of militant Elijah. However the Prophe, when Moshaich ben Dovid failed to make his entrance, failing his mission was rejected by the jewish orthodoxy . Thereafter a new jewish religion began to evolve the one which we now see today metamorphosed as Islam. So, at this juncture, evicted fro the kingdom of Iraq, we have the beginning of the formation of two new orthodoxies, the one of Ashkenasi judaism, nurtured in the kingdom of the Khazar and that of Islam.
Sounds like you’d be a good screenwriter for the fictional “Game of Thrones”.
HASHEMITEMAN: Jerusalem is Jewish. You need to focus on your own religious sites and return to any one of the 20+ Islamic nations in the region. There are several which you have completely destroyed which need your immediate attention. As already mentioned, the agreements made with Arabs today will be broken tomorrow. There is peace only when Arabs see no point in invoking the murderous commands of your Islamic holy books because they understand that they will lose.
It already has. Makes all you said just so much jiberish, didn´t it lol
Jerusalem…was and always will be the Capital of The Jews. Nowhere in The Koran is Jerusalem cited as a holy place. Tanach mentions it over 100 times….The only thing you will rule over is Sand and Flies!
Much much more than 100 times
about 600 in Tanach altogether
LOL, your ludicrous rants are all you have.
Jordanians =notorious Camel genital molesters and fondlers
All of u Know deep inside that the only family that will kick ur asses are the Hashemites… u can spread ur lies and disinformation as much as u want… reality is that you in Israel and ur brethren in Saudi are surrounded by Hashemites, whether they are sufi hashemites or shia hashemites or ahlulbayt supporters… from yemen to oman… uae to qatar… iran iraq syria lebanon… turkey egypt and sudan… and obviously the spearhead of AlHussein bin Abdullah II ( Al Mahdi ) will rule you…you will have rights to worship in ur synagogues with ur ugly wives lol… but sovereignty over jerusalem will not be compromised
“————-sovereignty over jerusalem will not be compromised”
@Hashemites 4ever…,
You’re right—————-Jerusalem will remain a united city and the eternal capital of Israel!
,LOL, your ludicrous rants are all you have.
(looks like I posted to the wrong person last time)
Jordanians are notorious cowards and camel prick lovers
Its nearer than u think u little bitch
“Its nearer than u think u little bitch”
@Hashemites 4ever…,
Such an impressive, intellectual comment———————
We can’t wait to be pleasured by your Sharmouta Mother again. We remember her from the last time we kicked your cowardly Jordanian asses.
Alawites. Sissites, Bintalalites, Hashemites, Shiites, Sunnites, all united under the same sacred beliefs.
What causes their divisions?
The holy places from makkah to jerusalem has been ruled consistently for thhenpast 1400 hundred years by the Quraysh tribe of the Prophet Muhammad… and for most part under the direct faimly of the prophet namelt the Hashemites… since World War I unfortunately the West managed to give away these holy places causing a huge rift across the muslim world… and thats why You find today Israel and Saudi in the same boat… current leaders of major muslim countries today are mainly sufi or shia… sects that believe in The hashemite role over holy places… whether its egypt, turkey, pakistan, iran, regardless of their problems they will persevere for their religion as israel is persevering… so its only a matter of time
Hopefully Saudi will turn around because if they follow through with this they will definitely be over within the coming two years
“——— jerusalem has been ruled consistently for thhenpast 1400 hundred years by the Quraysh tribe of the Prophet Muhammad…”
@Hashemites 4ever…
Jerusalem has belonged to the Jewish people for well over 3000 years, long before Muhammad ever had that “nocturnal dream” that he “flew there on his steed” (with no evidence what so ever that he was actually ever there).
“… since World War I unfortunately the West managed to give away these holy places causing a huge rift across the muslim world…”
As you should know, the “huge rift across the Muslim world” occurred with the founding of Shiite Islam versus Sunni Islam relatively soon after the time of Muhammad———and the 2 sects have been at each others throats ever since——-long before the “West” had anything to do with it!
The Temple Mount has belonged to the Jewish people for well over 3000 years———–long before there ever was such a thing as either Shiite Islam or Sunni Islam!
It’s only a matter of time before you Savages kill each other off in tribal warfare. Every Nation, Culture, Kingdom that has stood against The Jews has fallen. G-d Almighty has never abandoned us completely….Hence, we survive and thrive! I guess some followers of Mohammed are too ignorant to acknowledge that.
The Jewish Temple is not one of your Muzzy religious sites, HASHEMITEMAN! That temporary domed structure was a church before it was conquered by occupying Muzzies and a mosque built in its place. Maybe you could go tell macron that the Eiffel Tower is also an Islamic religious site and that you plan to build a mosque on its remains…he is such as wuss that he will probably let you!
“Basically octagonal, the Dome of the Rock is more typically Roman or Byzantine than Islamic. ”
Here is the Christian view of what the dome of the rock and surroundings means to them – a lot more than it’s insignificant religious meaning for Muzzies other than to show domination and conquest over others and to push other religious groups out and make jihad and terror rule over the land and over every human.
What causes their divisions? – Them same sacred beliefs lol! When something is obviously a fraud … it has contention. The contention to the muzzies is, who will rule. They know their “religion” is a lie, and therefore they all want to lead and control the fight. Real religion would have a geopolitical leader and only one. Much like the pope. Not always loved by all Christian´s, but respected none the less. Islam will always have contentious behavior and in fighting for that very reason. Its false! No respect!
Jordan will soon cease to exist. Their soil was stolen from Israel by the British – haters and enemies of Israel. Hence, the Land will soon return to its rightful owners as promised by the King and Creator of the world, HKB’H.
Try to make it cease to exist… all middle east regimes have gone except the hashemites… that should be a sufficient indicator that they are here to stay
“Try to make it cease to exist… all middle east regimes have gone except the hashemites… that should be a sufficient indicator that they are here to stay”
@Hashemites 4ever…,
If enough Palestinians migrate to “Jordan” and it becomes the “State of Palestine”, in that scenario, the “Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan” will, at that point, cease to exist and would no longer be “here to stay” !
How is an Arab named El Masri defined as a Jordanian-Palestinian ?
Why would an israeli have a family name “al halabi”!!! How old are u mate… people move around from region to region over the years whats the big deal… probably ur mum is russian and ur dad is polish so i dont know what the hell ur talkin about
“Why would an israeli have a family name “al halabi”!!!”
@Hashemites 4ever…,
That says it all———-those who live in Israel are Israeli citizens——-and they vote and work and shop and travel just like everyone else in Israel.
Maybe they’re doing something right which you’re not aware of————–
Time will tell … lol … ur so naive… and know nothing about the history of the region… makes sense since u only got here like 70 years ago… u all know that judaism is a religion and not a race … if the land belonged the semitic israelites our direct cousins 3000 years ago… they managed to get thrown out of it for denying the Messiah Jesus Christ… and most of the israelites that remained in the region either converted to christianity or islam or remained jewish as the case is with the samaritans of Nablus… now in light of your lack of knowledge in the region… as I told u your assumptions about the arab states and their alliances are subject to a myriad of misconceptions and disinformation… and this web of lies that i got tangled in is not a problem with u personally .. it is a populace wave of arrogance and genocidal appetite prevalent in christian and jewish zionists heads… u think putins russia and their moves in the middle east eith turkey iran syria and egypt mean nothing… u think the US will be able to save u when shit hits the fan in the south china sea and easter europe… its a big gamble… all i am saying mate prove me wrong and lets wait and see how my Hashemite Kingdom is gonna disappear lol… what a fuckin wanker
HASHEMITEMAN: People do not become Muslims willingly (unless they are leftist dunces or useful idiots for jihadists): one is forced into it or are born into a faith without an exit unless he/she wants to be branded an apostate and suffer the evil consequences.
Reality has never been a strong point among Muslims. So tell us how successful Islam has been when every Muslim nation is a failed state unless propped up for the time being with oil money. As for Jordan, the home of fake Palestinians, it will fall in time just like Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, not a question of if, just when! Enjoy the bitter fruit of your culture.
Jordan also belongs to Israel to the 2 and a half tribes. If king hussein wants to join up with Iran and Qatar its time we reconquer our land. They all bunch of Fakestinians. Besides I don’t feel bad for any of these muslims or arabs. They have 600 times the amount of land Israel does and are over 1.5 billion muslims bullying 6 million Jews and they are not ashamed about this and trying to murder us before during and after Holocaust. The G-d of Israel will defend The People Of Israel and the Islamic worlds war is against G-d himself. If only the Muslims would accept the Seven Noahide laws of though shalt not murder and throw out their nazis in their midst who foam at the mouth when they hear the word Jew then muslims could live in peace with muslims as well as with Jews.
You will do nothing… Your punk a** will do nothing
Its so funny how ridiculous u guys sound… u actually believe god is with u? There are over 3.5 billion human beings today who are believers of Jesus… who liberated humanity from the severe injustices caused by your 70 pharisees and their corruption of god’s revelations… he liberated Jerusalem from the evildoing israelites… and henceforth the christians of the east have stuck shoulder to shoulder in protection of holy places of jerusalem under the custodianship of the Hashemites… 128 countries submitted to that inc and not limited to russia china japan uk france india amongst many other non muslim countries… in addition to the pope… All we have done over the past 70 years as jordanians in line with out Hashemite leadership is extend the hand for peace with all surrounding countries but unfortunately ISrael- ISIS minded extremists from all religions have remained staunch in barking at us from all sides and it is time to change out posture… as I said u keep talking trash and kee trying to convince urself that these 1200 year old buildings built by arabs belong to u… it will not mean anything until u knock them down and takeover the remaining parts of “israel” … i dare u to annex the west bank and send the palestinians to Jordan… and I dare you to attack Jordan.. as I told you u guys lack manhood.. ur only way to get rid of is is to nuke us… because in conventional war ur asses will get kicked as it did in 1968.. when u wanted to take jordan lol… tough luck… u cant do nothing
What is it like believing in the lies?
a) “because in conventional war ur asses will get kicked as it did in 1968”
b) “as I said u keep talking trash and kee trying to convince urself that these 1200 year old buildings built by
arabs belong to u”
c) “All we have done over the past 70 years as jordanians in line with out Hashemite leadership is extend the
hand for peace with all surrounding countries”
Oh, that’s right your just another sheep.
Trust me mate… christian zionists have gathered u here like the sheep u are to slaughter you as they have did back in Europe to get u here in the first place… oh you poor herd of lost bastards gathered from all corners of the earth … if all races except the semitic ones… the only semites amongst u “true israelites” are the arab jews … all of u europeans are jewish converts and are fulfilling an imperialist plan which u will end up paying for
You drink TOO much FERMENTED camel prick juice.
and yet you come here begging attention from Jews
What’s getting your dander up, HASHEMITEMAN? Do the Muslims not have enough countries (56) to destroy already? Once they defile their own countries and turn them into bloodbaths, I guess they need new land and civilization to conquer? Do they need one more to create real hell on earth? I do not think that the Christians are on the side of Islam…just some of the “progressives” who are interested in surrendering and replacing Judaism and Christianity with some form of Communism with a smattering of Islam for the sake of multiculturalism. Jihadists, on the other hand, use these “progressives” for propaganda purposes and to complete their domination through jihad and now immigration (which “progressives” invite upon their own countries).
You are drunk loser. Too much fermented Camel prick juice for New year’s Eve. Go away and worship your fake prophet or the Long haired fake good and leave the Great Jewish people alone or we will have to invade and STOMP on your LOSER ass.
First off read your Bible! And don’t you dare call yourself a Christian you freaking natzi. Your A punk who has no understanding of the Holy Bible or what the Son of GOD stood for.
Christian, Conservative, Americans, stand with Israel and the Jewish people. Disregard what this natzi scum bag says, he doesn’t speak for American Christians and most assuredly doesn’t speak for JESUS CHRIST.
Israel we are here for you, breath with you, and will be more then honored to die for you, and the land that The ALMIGHTY gave you!
Hang on everyone. There will be some turbulence before y h w h the elohim of Israel restores his kingdom. May it come soon.
“16” Centuries before Muhammad was born Jerusalem was the capital of Israel.
Hashemite forever want to attack Jerusalem and when they do I suggest they dont they won’t have a home to return to.
Typical Arab tribal culture.
I used to have a great deal of respect for Abdullah but am really beginning to question if that is misplaced. I realize he has a large population of so called Palestinians but is that any excuse to be found on the wrong side of history?
not as easy being king as one would think
Reality has never been a strong point among Muslims. So tell us how successful Islam has been when every Muslim nation is a failed state unless propped up for the time being with oil money. As for Jordan, the home of fake Palestinians, it will fall in time just like Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, not a question of if, just when! Enjoy the bitter fruit of your culture.
Understandable. Warns the Saudis off Jerusalem. Talks on Jerusalem may come sooner than most expect.
Note to Hashemite Man: while your ancestors were swinging from trees, eating bananas, scratching their asses and pulling each other’s puds, my ancestors were serving as priests in the Temple of Solomon.
Ganja Man: you’re smoking bad weed. The only reason Abdullah’s “kingdom” has not tried to attack Israel since 1967 is not because of a 1994 peace treaty. It is because li’l Husi’s son Abdudi knows that it would have been nothing for the IAF, having basically destroyed Egypt in 2 hours by taking out its entire air force on that fateful June 5th, to run a few more sorties on June 8th and make Amman look like London after the Blitzkrieg. In retrospect perhaps that was a mistake, but li’l Husi got his country back in the same way that Israel allowed 10’s of thousands of utterly defeated, despairing, starving, thirsty, barefoot and captured Egyptian soldiers to return home alive instead of letting them die in the desert or finishing them off. At the time we felt that this was completely against our values (although in the intervening years many of you have caused many of us to questions whether those particular values need “updating” in the light of current events) and also of no practical use (again, some of us have reconsidered that position too – lucky for your ilk we are still in the minority…). You, perhaps, are too young to remember , or maybe this all happened before you dropped out of your mother’s taco, but I was there.
It is hard to be King. I want to bless the The Prince and King of Saudi Arabia. I pray for the well being and wisdom of the King of Jordan. I regret any form of religious hatred because hatred is not part of any of the 70 religions. Religious hatred is satanism. I bless the Christians to use special powers Gd has granted them to eradicate Evil. Rabbi Nachmans bones will be brought to Jerusalem and peace will be restored. Some will be eternally disgraced. Others will attain a level of joy unknown yet to mankind. No one will dare be jealous.
You are missing two points; the first I told them at the Mouflatsa in Ramallah, The second spells an important massage to the Ayatollah:
1) before and after Josef there are no priests in Egypt. During The period Pharaoh knows Josef, there are priests and much wisdom throughout the land.
2) the Maddi is real and he is Jewish. The name is Na Nach. The declining birth rate in western nations because of secular women’s rights creates a greater mortality than any “barbaric” treatment you can think up. Take control of you country by making peace with other faithful.
If the Shah repents, welcome him back.
Earth to Mordechai: you may want to consider a few days off all alcohol, narcotics and other reality distorting substances. You’ll be shocked at the clarity of thought a few days sobriety can bring you…
The Little Horn, the Scarlet Beast is rising. Abdullah has also the tacit support of Iran against Saudi Arabia. He is the Antichrist, while an obscure imam from Hejaz is the False Prophet of the Apocalypse. I knew the midget king will reclaim one day Mecca and Medina for himself one day. But Jesus, King of the Jews, will return and burn the Beast and the False Prophet alive in the tar rivers of the Arabian Peninsula:
“19Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth with their armies assembled to wage war against the One seated on the horse, and against His army. 20But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed signs on his behalf, by which he deceived those who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. Both of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. 21And the rest were killed with the sword that proceeded from the mouth of the One seated on the horse. And all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.”-Revelation 19.
Time to put to a end to the little fart called “King of Jordan” USA stop the welfare check.And Saudi Arabia follow suit.Let the fart line up with the other terrorists to get his alms from ayatollas Kakamenis