Israel is at war with Islamic Jihad. Tehran weighs opening northern fronts as punishment for Al-Atta killing
By two targeted assassinations in Gaza and Damascus, Israel on
Tuesday, Nov. 12, went to war against the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Baha Abu
Al-Atta, chief of the northern Gaza command, was killed in an IDF bombing raid
on his home in Gaza city; Akram Al-Ajouri’s home in the Maze district of
Damascus was struck by two rockets. Some sources say he escaped; others that he
was injured. Al Ajouri was the liaison officer between the Palestinian Jihad in
Gaza and the Iranian Al-Qods Brigades and its chief Gen. Qassem Soleimani.
The Islamic Jihad’s first response was a wide-ranging rocket barrage against key
towns in central and southern Israel, including Sderot, Ashkelon, Ashdod,
Gedera, Rishon Lezion and Tel Aviv, after announcing that “there were no borders.”
Iron Dome downed some 20, including the rockets targeting Tel Aviv.
DEBKAfile: The IDF initially relayed messages to Gaza City that the slaying of Abu Al-Atta did not portend a new wave of targeted assassinations against Palestinian terrorist leaders, in the hope of persuading Hamas to stay out of it and let Jihad act on its own. This was intended to avert a major conflagration. This hope was largely unfounded because it is not in the power of Hamas or Egypt or even Israel to determine how far this incident escalates but Tehran. DEBKAfile’s sources report that when Israel’s security cabinet was convening in Tel Aviv on Tuesday morning, so too were senior officials in Tehran, Damascus and Beirut. They were discussing whether to punish Israel by opening a second or third front in the north.
The Palestinian Jihad also maintains armed forces in Syria and Lebanon, who may be conscripted in both countries for strikes against northern and central Israel in solidarity with their brothers in Gaza. The Gaza headquarters initially reacted to the death of its leader by announcing that their retaliation “would have no borders.” Then, after firing some 50 rockets, Jihad stated that as yet “unprecedented retaliation” was still to come, suggesting that Israel faced attacks from additional borders.
Any Egyptian or UN efforts to mediate de-escalation would be irrelevant in these circumstances since neither has access to this extremist Palestinian terrorist group or its Iranian masters. And Hamas can hardly afford to stand aside in the event of a multi-front conflict erupting and is likely to be drawn into backing a fellow Palestinian terrorist organization.
We need to remember that one mand terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. To the oppressed in Gaza prison colony and the other areas still occupied and surrounded by the IDF. So while the Zionists would prefer to just kill any freedom fighters that dare to stand up against their them the question is this a smart strategy or something that is just going to inflame the situation further? We also need to remember that it was through terrorism that Israel was created, read up on the Stern Gangs! Its just sad to see that Zionism has not learned anything about how to live in peace with their evicted neighbors.
@tommy,yes,it is written in the holy book of the adepts of the religion of peace,to live peacefully along side the neighbours…….
Too poor
@Tommy…Zionism is the greatest political movement in the history of the world…sadly, the evicted neighbors weren’t exterminated…would’ve been better for all parties involved.
It seems like Aldolfo
is correct then “read his comments down below ” when he says that Zionism is emulating the Reich, that your Rabbis agree that Hitler was correct but he was just on the wrong side. I really hope that Zionists like you you grow a heart and wake up before you cause all of Judaism to suffer the same fate as Germany, i do admit that rheir is a certain dark humor in this. Its also no surprise then that its now become antisemitic to compare Zionism and Nazism because its the same thing, as there is nothing more dangerous to your narrative than the ?truth?.
little tommy: In your mind the only “good” Jew is a dead Jew. You willfully ignore the history of Gaza to satisfy your own narrative. Israel ceded Gaza and has only seen rockets in return. Take your friend adolpho and leave!
Are you on about the fact that too many Jews where in Europe and Europe needed to get rid of the Jews? Is that what you mean?
What Permalink ignores is the one undisputed fact that makes all the difference:
The Arab freedom fighters over-arching aim was and remains: To Destroy Israel and Annihilate its citizens. The Israeli freedom fighters just wanted to be allowed to live in peace, even in an area a tenth the size of what Israel is now. Arabs rejected even that.
Today 20% of Israel’s population are FREE Arabs with voting rights and government representation. Where are the Jews of Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Iran? You and others talk of Israeli apartheid? There isn’t a culture that practices apartheid more than what has and is being practiced in countries under Sharia rule.
If the barbarians stopped terrorizing, then Israel would not have to defend its people and country against them. This is a war between civilization and those who reject it and want to replace it with Islamic State.
Israel surrendered Gaza in 2005. It is not Israel’s fault, that Gaza is a sh**hole. Gazans have had fourteen years to develop an economy. Jew haters like you are flummoxed by Jews who physically defend themselves. The Stern Gang operated against the British colonial masters. They plus the Irgun is why the British left Israel.
Absolutely correct and well said.
Call them whatever you like, call them angels, if you will. But, just know you and all your buddies will either die or lose big. For 70 years your creepy Leftist Jihad mindset, has believed Israel will fall, and all you see is that everything the Jews do is successful. While the countries surrounding Israel and the creepy spiritual misfits terrorist gangs, just suffer more and more.
Coming for you next tommy
The Mossad is in the uk
Watch out there’s a Jew behind you
So anyone who speaks out against Jewish Crimes is fair game to be killed? ?You realize what you ate saying is designed to terrorize your opponents into keeping silent? This is the definition of terrorism, its aim is to extort change through fear. ?How are you and those who agree with you any different from Hamas? ?They kill, and terrorise to achieve their political goals and yes this is exactly the same methods used by Jews to create the Zionist State of Israel!?
The people in Gaza are doing fine, it is far from a prison. Lots of restaurants and beautiful shopping malls built with Qatari and other gulf money, it’s like Dohar . Villas overlooking the Mediterranean rival the ritziest parts of the French Riviera, Monte Carlo and Nice. The car of choice is the ubiquitous and expensive BMW 5 series. Night life, private schools, NGO and European money raining in, they are doing swell.
You are correct – the big lie is that Gaza is an “open prison.” Open, yes, but only a prison if Hamas or Islamic Jihad or any number of Islamic terrorists want you to be a prisoner. The people of Gaza are the prisoners of terrorists among their own who are their leaders. Maybe the people will end up giving their leaders the Muammar Gaddafi enema treatment. The Hamas-Jihad leaders deserve it more than Gaddafi.
Israel created a state for the jews and their has been a war against them ever since. There is only one way to finish this and is a clear winner. Time will tell and only god how it will end.
poor little Tommy, u break my heart! it’s just a quick send off to meet their goat virgins, so in a way these roaches should be grateful for this favor…it beats me how one can remain so wilfully blind/misguided in their mind, defying logic & facts; mais putain reveille-toi!!!
If we are to talk history, and given that this skirmish concerns an organization styling itself “Islamic Jihad”, perhaps it is time to recall that Islam itself was established through terrorism by its warlord founder Muhammad.
That is true actually
ypu’re insane or stupid…the UN ans the UK carved out the area and after the 6 day war Israel kept more land that shoulda been in the beginning. I pray they wipe out their leaders as its them who want to fight and sacrifice innocent people to forward their evil intent. not freedom fighters more as fighter’s against freedom. like the democrat’s in america..stiff-necked and no hearing just mouth. their judgement is coming are you with them? Israel will never succum to you people..evil mind and heart violence is all you know. reap what you sow..
Total garbage. a terrorist is a terrorist and is defined as a person who is willing and able to indiscriminately murder civilians (including children) when and wherever possible. So its a blatant fallacy that one man’s terrorist is a another man’s freedom fighter.
The Torah demands that we drive them out permanently. HaShem knows what is best for His Chosen People.
Not true. As the article says the Stern Gangs fought against Britain. Yet it was from the Britain mandate that Israel was created. The Israel leadership was alllied with Britain and helped by Russia at the time. The stern gang leader was killed and their politics did not survive. Only some of its fighters went into the IDF
Iran, watch out, Israel is soon coming to ur neighborhood .
That’s insane, when the Jewish people returned to their homeland after being forced out by the Romans in 70 AD, along with all the others who occupied that land throughout the centuries, Mark Twain stated that that land stood desolate. There was nothing there, just as the Bible states that God would cause that land to be desolate until He caused His people to return. So when the Jewish people returned to their God given Homeland, they made it bloom!
And as far as calling terrorist, “freedom fighters,” their nothing more than murdering terrorist who want to not only steal the land from the Jewish people but their entire goal is to concur the entire world for Allah.
Traditional Islam, that which many call “radical,” is hardly a religion of peace. Iran clearly strives for a world governed by Islamic law. Living in peace takes BOTH sides to play nicely with each other, and there is little evidence of that from traditional Muslims or Iran and any of its proxies…
Israel evicted NO-ONE. After the UN granted Israel independence, Arabs were encouraged by their leaders to leave Israel and temporarily occupy refugee camps until the conquering Arab armies would destroy the new nation of Israel, then they could return. Things didn’t work out the way they were supposed to.
Gaza belongs to Egypt, If it’s a “prison colony,” it’s Egypt’s colony! The Stern Gang ‘s mission did not terrorize Arabs. Its mission was to encourage Britain to abandon the British Mandate over Israel.
Don’t lie.
Soleimani , Khamenei Rouhani ,and other devil whorshippers need a little heat
Yes thats why the NAZI’S created the ovens…
Didn’t you know, “Adolfo”, that the side YOU supported……………………LOST WWII ?
We lost? No we have become through Zionism and its you who pay homage to us by keeping our beliefs alive, as you are attempting to become us and even your Rabbi admire and admit that Hitler was the most correct person there ever was, and was correct in every word he said… he was just on the wrong side.
The real Holocaust was not when they murdered the Jews, that’s not it. All these excuses – that it was ideological or systematic – are nonsense. Humanism and the secular culture of ‘We believe in man’, that’s Holocaust”. So you may outwardly disagree for appearance sake, but inwardly you agree with us, you thank God for us every day for without us you would have no Israel, it was us who provided the materials for Tel Aviv. Your mistake like that which the Arabs are making was to not to leave when we asked.
SHlTler head, FYI, the Israelis are NOT the unarmed Jews of WW2 or Khybar.
Happy Nakba from the IDF and IAF and USAF!
In the light of the supra-gigantic attack, urgent all our brothers Palestinians est of Jordan must temporarily run to safer ground in Jordan and Egypt. After victory however, you should came back in the new and enlarged Arab state to enjoy the spoils of war.
You are a wise and wonderful man Mahmoud, not to mention extremely visionary.
Israeli airstrikes in the Palestinian Territory of Gaza have killed two key commanders of the Islamic Jihad Organization and their spouses, while two people, including the son of a jihadi commander, were killed in an operation in the Syrian capital of Damascus. Have gone Israeli missiles have also been fired by resistance organizations.
Israeli airstrikes on Syria and Palestine kill four people
A good example of what you are saying Adolfo is Israeli Police going to Arab neighborhood and taking,say Arab joint list and their children…..a cowardly act against innocent peaceful……we are taking about the heat of war, burning enemy combatants Adolfo, in this case rabid dogs
It is common knowledge not to buy a lottery ticket the day your path is crossed by a black.
But, if a man with sympathies for jihad crosses your path, these being reputed for very very very bad luck, we seriously warn players to skip a whole full month.
In totally catastrophic situations, like Tommy crossing your path, it is recommended to instantly turn and throw 3 bricks or larger rocks over your left shoulder in a rapid succession.
Never allow the bad luck to stop you finally grabbing the big jackpot!
Time to finsih off the whole bunch ( including those in the north ).
Hopefully, the two-legged rats, both in the south and the north will make it Impossible for the IDF to restrain anymore, and finally unleash the REAL means…
It is common knowledge not to buy a lottery ticket the day your path is crossed by a black cat.
But, if a man with sympathies for jihad crosses your path, these being reputed for very very very bad luck, we seriously warn players to skip a whole full month.
In totally catastrophic situations, like Tommy crossing your path on an empty street, it is also recommended to instantly turn and throw 3 bricks or larger rocks over your left shoulder in a rapid succession.
Never allow the bad luck to stop you finally grabbing the big jackpot!
To effectively kill a snake, . . . cut off it’s head. Works every time.
Maybe someone brought this up in an Israeli war cabinet meeting, . . .
It is much more effective than laying on the ground and wrestling with the snake on his terms.
@Dwight55 & Gersh… Where were Russian Defenses in Damascus? Iran, Experimentation is now under Examinations wondering if Hamas was in on the Elimination of PIJ Atat too?
We live in a time when many are actively looking to spread Goodness and Light. To those intent on spewing vitriol:
A little light chases away much darkness! Perhaps it is time all men learn to shelve their baseless hate, and recognize a Maker in creation, and his ultimate plan for peace and harmony when we follow in His ways.
Israel surrendered Gaza in 2005. It is not Israel’s fault, that Gaza is a sh**hole. Gazans have had fourteen years to develop an economy. Jew haters like you are flummoxed by Jews who physically defend themselves. The Stern Gang operated against the British colonial masters. They plus the Irgun is why the British left Israel.
Yes you used terrorism to push out the British and the Palestinians are attempting to achieve the same via the same methods. You elected the leaders of that terrorist group to he your leaders, heck you even made him your President. So how can what the Palestinians are doing be construed as wrong when they are just doing the same thing for the same reason. Besides the Palestinians actually owned the land and are really semitic. 95% of you are not semitic and those that are abandoned, ran away, or sold their land. As a result any claim that you may have had expired centuries ago. Now that does not mean that you do not have a right to be in Israel, rather that the methods used are the problem. Had you just bought the land without putting the Palestinians under any duress then everything would have been fine. But you did not, you chose the German WW2 methods as Aldolfo rightly points out and seemingly with your Rabbis blessing….
Tommy. We are going to find you and liquidate you. You are a supporter of our arch-enemies, therefore, you are our enemy. You are on the list. You should have been more careful, habibi.
We are coming for you.
Tommy, we’re NOT coming for you, because you are worthless.
My lawyers are waiting for your net worth Jeff and jail as your new home.
Tommyski go back to pleasuring your goats and swilling your cheap Vodka.
Commie Tommy,
You LOVE losing.
Happy Nakba!
I hope Hamas remembers to say thanks for now Israel is knocking off its opponents. Hmmmm
Go ahead Iran, make “Unprecedented Retaliations”, IDF is Prepared & Not Standing Down?
“unprecedented retaliation” still to come:
Hopefully the hate-filled insanity of the two-legged rats in Gaza and the North will finally FORCE the IDF
to unleash their Entire Means – to paralyze the terror creatures for years to come…
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Israel is being squeezed by Tehran and that is not in the best interests of Tehran. Maybe a strike on the Mullahs homes in and around Tehran would send a message that if Iran even looks like it is supporting Islamic Jihad with Barry Money; Israel will hit Iran hard.
@Sonny… See it the other way. Iran has been Cornered by America President Trump & now seen as it always was, a Failed Shiia Religious State under Persian People Protest. Even its Proxies are dealing with Civil Uprisings in Lebanon, Iraq, & Gaza. Turkey, Russia, & Syria Boxed in as well. Iran can Launch some Small Back Attacks but can’t finish them. Besides, it is the Proxies Shiia Servants Dying. Iran has no choice but to Sit & Watch!
All Jews must converting to islam or Chrisitiany
They must become Arabs.
Judaism has no future in Palestine
What this thing a “palestine”?
I know of pathological, palabra, and palooka.
Also, there is palindrome, like for example kcid ym kcus
!enimsaY RABKA
Abbas… Without Judaism there would be “No Christianity or Islam”, G-d Chose the Jewish People First with Message so Gentiles & Arabs could Find, Earn, & Adopt Salvation! Welcome To G-d’s Plan!
Everything was fine until the UN carved out immediately a designated piece of land specifically for rejected Jews of Europe. Europe doesn’t want Jews. The UN needed to dump Jews somewhere. Where? Israel. And they simply evicted everyone in the land with real estate deeds and land. And farms, with immediate effect. At that time the Arabs did nothing wrong.
It was the west that made Israel today. Although I dislike some Arab people. And I hate Islam. Its perfectly understandable how these people must be either terrorists or freedom fighters.
How did the Jews feel when the Nazis too back there country? What are Jews doing in Germany anyway?
How did Nazis feel when Jews took over there entire country?
The Jews are the most cursed people on earth. For Israel loved Joseph the most… But Judah gets the same treatment as easu.
Yes, yes, yes!
At that time we Arabs did nothing wrong, except perhaps a war or two or three.
The only problem was we lost a little.
All o them.
But, there is hope in an Islamic Time Machine.
We start again, maybe we win!
Goy, The MOST CURSED person in the world is the SMELLY TOOTHLESS HARLOT who gave birth to a LOSER like you!
Stop cheating us goy, your leadership told you to leave so that Jews can be wiped out of the land, except you were beaten square, that’s how you become rufegees……. simple mind with simple reasoning
The Iron Dome is operating at 37% successful intercept rate! I suggest all affected head to bomb shelters NOW!!!
The Best Defense,
is a Good NAKBA!
Disappointed in this unmoderated comments section.
There should be some ground rules / posting etiquette for a civilized discussion.
Too much to hope for?
Ignore the mentality deficit and learn from whats drives them and why they think the way they do. Know that and you are never going to be caught on unawares and be left unable to answer. I dont believe in safe spaces, it leaves people weak and unable to handle real life. But less goy drama is always a good thing.
Well Yahoo is going to get his much needed escalation, and that was always the intention with this. We should have dealt with this Islamic roach quietly and indirectly and avoided all this damage to our economy or risk the lives of our people. A simple gas leak, car bomb, a binary agent in his food or water… there are so many ways.
think of the forward, not what happened.
the question is what will Iran or its proxies do.
they will do nothing as they should do nothing.
Ata will be replaced and is already yesterdays history.
Iran is in itself suffering due to the embargoes. be sure of that
everything they say is partly bluff. partly because they would fight back, but will quickly succumb,
Israeli power is far greater than most know and i do not speak of their nuclear bombs.
so, it will soon become, same old,same old and the world will go on.
all participants know this.
Video Service
@Maoz61… Ditto, Well Reasoned & Stated! Kudos
Israel has stood up to Iran Shiia Regime thinking it can have Proxies Plan Attacks on Israel Homeland. One Day Soon, the Iranian Regime will be wakened at Night Seeing Bombs are Landing around Them & Their Families Right in Tehran. No Doubt About It!