Iran protest demos spiral into armed clashes, a general strike. At least 21 dead
The four days of anti-government protests in Iran have tipped over into exchanges of gunfire. A general strike was called for Tuesday. The death toll jumped to 21.
The regime in Tehran was taken aback Sunday night, when protesters across the country stormed bases of the Basij (the Revolutionary Guards domestic police arm) and set them on fire. This was not disclosed until Monday, Jan. 1, when Iranian state television reported that “security forces had repelled attempts by armed protesters to take over police stations and military bases.” It was also officially revealed that at least 12 people were killed in nationwide protest rallies since Thursday.
The regime refrained from cracking down hard on the protest movement hitherto because it was expected to peter out. This calculation was based on three considerations:
- The mass demonstrations trumpeted by the world media never materialized. The rallies, though widely spread across hundreds of small towns, are not large. DEBKAfile reports that most rarely exceed a couple of hundred, with 500 protesters at most.
- The protesters are mostly working class, farmers or unemployed. Absent are the intelligentsia who powered the 2009 street uprising and the Tehran “bazaaris” (upper middle class merchants who also stayed away in 2009). Students too kept their distance, except for small rallies at Tehran university/
- The movement appeared to have no leaders or tacticians orchestrating its ebb and flow. Even a partial shutdown of social media was expected to nip it in the bud.
Nonetheless, while lacking any clues to a guiding hand behind the outbreaks, officials in Tehran are beginning to scent that it is not entirely spontaneous and one or more wirepullers may be at work. This was indicated by two new developments:
The national strike announced for Tuesday was one; and, also, for the first time, on Sunday night, small bands of demonstrators pulled out guns and started shooting at Basij forces. Those forces were then permitted for the first time to shoot back in self-defense. State TV reported at least 21 deaths in the national protest rallies. DEBKAfile’s Iranian sources estimate that the number of fatalities is likely to rise as the week wears on, since the Islamic regime is bound to try and break the national strike before it paralyzes the country.
The coming issue of DEBKA Weekly, No, 784, out on Friday, Jan. 5, will study in depth the anatomy of the new Iranian protest movement and its likely repercussions for the region. Our intelligence experts will expose the secret war which clandestine Western and Arab agencies are waging behind the street demonstrations against Iran.
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Armed clashes coming to America also…….when the Yanks find out this……
Ok now I have proof you will blame the Jews for anything, you flunking out of high school because jews made you do it…. Your mum and dad were probably siblings. You have an acute form of hate.
hard evidence…….not hate…..just evidence…..if evidence is hate then your world is completely different to everyone else’s…
Your hard evidence is zero none, all lies made by you and your nazi brothers. You are a coward hiding behind your masses of conspiracy truthers. By yourself you are pathetic and a cowering fool willing to beat-up on a single person with dozens of supporters. On your your own you are a crybaby like your leader in Charleston Va.
so funny. For Avram, the Patriarch, and Suriyah were siblings. Yitzhak married a cousin Rivka and Yisroel married his two cousins.
see how the yehudiy cries out in pain as he strikes you?
Propagandists like you have been beating that dead horse for 16 years. No is buying your BS. All serious conspiracy theorists eventually discover the “Three City States”. The cabal is a vicious and cunning enemy of Israel (and all of mankind). They installed the Mullah regime in 1979, and President Trump is a true enemy of theirs, which is why they’ve mobilized all their assets to destroy him.
Just curious “Benny is a fraud”, were are you from. 3 possibilities;
1.) Russia – and this would personally be my choice, since 85% of Russians are pro natzi, terrorist loving, Israel & Jew hating morons.
2.) A western nation – but you’ve got to be a libtard if you are.
3.) Any of the muslim majority countries – this is least likely since you seem to be at least moderately literate.
Either way your a douche.
It`s end times. I am so glad it is happening
Failed States ,which are mostly Muslim nations like Iran,Syria, Lebanon,Iraq, are incapable adjusting to the 21st Century where Western Civilisation’s culture dominates. Islam cannot come to terms of their irrelevancy and therefore offers nothing but violence as a response to legitimise their backwardness. Thos brave Iranian protestors who acknowledge the shallowness and cruelty of their Government should be supported by all who reject Bronze age culture that has no place in the modern world.
‘Islam … offers nothing but violence ( actually in response to violence) as a response to legitimise their backwardness.’
(scoffed the wild eyed rationalist sardonically brandishing his bulging quiver of genocidal holocaust super weapons)
1. Woe to those who plot iniquity and work evil in their beds; when the morning becomes light they perform it, for their hand has the power.
2. And they covet fields, and they rob; and houses, and they take; and they oppress a man and his house, and a man and his heritage.
3. Therefore, so said the Lord: Behold! I plot evil against this family, from which you shall not remove your necks, nor shall you walk erect, for it is a time of evil.
4. On that day he shall take up a parable against you, and he shall lament, “A lamentation has come about”; and he shall say, “They have robbed us! He changes the portion of my people! How will He turn to me to return our fields, which he divides?”
5. Therefore, you shall not have anyone who casts a line by lot in the congregation of the Lord.
6. “Preach not, those who preach; they shall not preach to these; [then] they shall not take shame.”
7. Is that what is said by the house of Jacob? Has the Lord’s patience grown short? Are these His deeds? Do my words not benefit the one who goes straight?
8. And the matter for which My people causes [Me] to rise as an enemy, because of the garment and the mantle that you strip from those who pass by confidently, who return from the war.
9. The wives of My people you drive away from the house of her delights, from her infants-you take away My glory forever.
10. Arise and go, for this is not the tranquility; in order to contaminate it, it forms bands, and the band is clarified.
remember 7:11
tractate Hagiga
‘WHAT IS ABOVE, WHAT IS BENEATH, what was before and what will be whoever takes no thought for the honor of this maker it would be better for him not to be born’.
sucks to be you, huh?
Idiot: the US empire has destroyed itself destroying Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, etc. And gained the hatred of the world.
Oh you poor sick little man/woman/ that what you spend your day on? Nobody but little heads gets off on this. Get off the computer and do something productive rather than post rubbish on forums.
Eh don’t think so. For one there are too many guns in the right hands. Second we Americans are so asleep that we don’t care about your conspiracies theories. Now the millenials that is a different story if you can get them out from behind the computer.
This outdated regime must be toppled and the sooner the better. It will eventually because history tells us evil may last but won’t last for ever.
Who actually must be stopped?
Who doesn’t know what is going on?
Will fail as usual.
Suddenly Trump so concerned about Iranians
My Shamouta mother is persian.
You are a fool Jim Camel! I thought you were talking about your mum. Such a son is expected from such a mum!
Your Shamouta mother is from Texas!
Could the cult fantasizing about little boys hiding in well bottoms days be numbered? No sissy boy Bushes, Clintons or Obamas tippy toeing around them anymore.
The Dotard lost in Syria.
Now, like Obama, he’s going to strengthen the Iranian revolution.
What a Dotard.
For what ever happens in Iran or th e Arab world they allwayse blame Israel and the Mossad :-)))
Will the persian and arab population ever understand that this is a joke???
The non Camel prick sucking minority of Persia are tired of their wealth being wasted by the IRGC and FAGATOLLAH to buy high end Camels with large schlongs for their perverted pleasure
I have a lot of hostility towards Persians because my Shamouta mother, who abandoned me at birth, is one.
Jim Camel probably is in the same line of work as his Shamouta mum. He is probably been used by Israeli lobby. I guess he has to pay them!
Sorry I have gone to your level. It was unintentional just tell us what you are talking about because you do not make sense at all. All you talk is about camel as if you have grown up with camels. It remind me of of Tarzan growing up with monkeys.
yours had a lot more humanity and consequently was funnier. poor Mr Carrol has been perverted.
You are angry that your Camel rejected your mouth yesterday. Do not take it out on me. Maybe your Camel prefers your Hezbohomo neighbor. You should have a war with him NOT me.
Jim, we have the picture on your camel stuff. Now, I am interested in your views please. Regards Dave
Thank you Dave for your support. My view is that the Mudslime world both Sunni and Shiia CRAVE camel prick soo much they can’t stop fighting and invading each other. They resent Israel because she is the only NORMAL people in the region who would lock up a CRAZY person doing this. Thank you for your support and Happy New Year to you!
The protests were massive.
Iranians from all over came together, screaming “Bring Back Savak!” “Bibi for Supreme Ayatollah!” “Yay Trump!”
Come back Shah!
Let’s pour some gas on this quickly.
lol i only read these comments to check on jim carrol posts. lol , dude is the ultimate troll
I post so the world can see the perversion of the Mudslime people and their leaders. ALL decisions they make are based on their obsessive and ADDICTIVE craving for Camel SHLONGS. This is the cause of their rabid hatred of each others and the GREAT people of Israel.
Sir, please. We want a free Iran. My family can’t read your comments. Or won’t.
I want to educate you and your family about this CRAZY issue so it can be STOPPED!
Delirante sarta de mentiras del régimen criminal de Irán
Vean aquí quien miente descaradamente
can you imagine how many dead condom nationality @brits’ and Americans’ there would be if they stormed police stations and army bases. Truly laughable morons, you fckng cretins can’t even jaywalk without being shot. Kill yourselves, please.
It is people such as you with a shredded brain that are the best advertising NOT to ever start swallowing Camel prick juice.
Carrol offers nothing but ‘ad eminem’ as a response to legitimise his backwardness.
kiss. kiss.
Jan 2, 2018 @ 3:36 at 3:36
‘Islam … offers nothing but violence ( actually in response to violence) as a response to legitimise their backwardness.’
(scoffed the wild eyed rationalist sardonically brandishing his bulging quiver of genocidal holocaust super weapons)
1. Woe to those who plot iniquity and work evil in their beds; when the morning becomes light they perform it, for their hand has the power.
2. And they covet fields, and they rob; and houses, and they take; and they oppress a man and his house, and a man and his heritage.
3. Therefore, so said the Lord: Behold! I plot evil against this family, from which you shall not remove your necks, nor shall you walk erect, for it is a time of evil.
4. On that day he shall take up a parable against you, and he shall lament, “A lamentation has come about”; and he shall say, “They have robbed us! He changes the portion of my people! How will He turn to me to return our fields, which he divides?”
5. Therefore, you shall not have anyone who casts a line by lot in the congregation of the Lord.
6. “Preach not, those who preach; they shall not preach to these; [then] they shall not take shame.”
7. Is that what is said by the house of Jacob? Has the Lord’s patience grown short? Are these His deeds? Do my words not benefit the one who goes straight?
8. And the matter for which My people causes [Me] to rise as an enemy, because of the garment and the mantle that you strip from those who pass by confidently, who return from the war.
9. The wives of My people you drive away from the house of her delights, from her infants-you take away My glory forever.
10. Arise and go, for this is not the tranquility; in order to contaminate it, it forms bands, and the band is clarified.
Jan 2, 2018 @ 3:49 at 3:49
Jan 2, 2018 @ 3:54 at 3:54
remember 7:11
tractate Hagiga
‘WHAT IS ABOVE, WHAT IS BENEATH, what was before and what will be whoever takes no thought for the honor of this maker it would be better for him not to be born’.
sucks to be you, huh?
Debka should moderate its comments. 90 % of these comments are low grade Internet garbage, it doesn’t help the site’s credibility at all. It’d be better not to have comments at all than to have this.
Been reading Debka for 10+ years, just a friendly suggestion.
Shut the fucking comments board, Mossad.
The world doesn’t want to hear the shit from your troll brigade of perverted wackos.
Batten the hatches. Hasan’s coming to al-Quds, riding a goat.
Or a camel.
You censor, but never Carrol.
He serves a role–distract from reality, hide truth behind animal porn.
Kinda like hollywood.
Why don’t you send Carrol out to arrest and rape 16 year old prisoners?