Iran, Hizballah gird up for guerilla, rocket attacks on US forces in Iraq, rockets against Israel

After recovering from the fallout of the Ukrainian jet disaster, Tehran will revert to its plan of assault on US bases across the Middle East, starting in Iraq. That was one of the deductions made by DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources from the synchronized threats coming on Sunday, Jan. 12 from Revolutionary Guards chief Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami and Hizballah chief Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut.

Gen. Salami, speaking at a closed session of the Iranian parliament, said: “Our operations against the United States are not over.” Nasrallah: “The response to Soleimani’s killing is not a single operation [the missile attack on two US bases in Iraq] but rather a long course that leads to the ouster of American forces from the region.”
The Hizballah leader, reflecting his Iranian master’s voice, added that the attacks on the US military in Iraq should be taken by Israel as a serious warning of what lies ahead if attacks on Iranian targets continue.
The two Shiite military leaders’ words debunked the sanguine assessments prevailing in America and Israel that by hitting the two US bases, Tehran had closed the account for the killing of al Qods commander Qassem Soleimani. Indeed, bucked up by the Trump administrations non-response to that strike, the Islamic regime is determined to press on. Undeterred by the embarrassment caused by being caught out in a lie over the shooting down of the Ukrainian airliner, killing all 176 people aboard, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have continued non-stop to pump large quantities of rockets and other weapons systems, such as heavy mortars and equipment for guerrilla warfare, to the Iraqi Shiite militias under their control.

Those militias were ordered until now to hold back from participating in Iran’s latest strikes against the US. This was mistaken for Iranian restraint, when, in fact, our sources report, Tehran is only taking time – two or three weeks at most – to replenish the militias’ stocks of weaponry and prepare the fighting strength for the next, escalating stage of its campaign.

Iran appears to be planning to replicate the Shiite militia campaign conducted 14 years ago which harassed US forces in Iraq on the move in convoys and in bases with IED roadside bombs. Another part of this plan is expected to include rocket strikes against Israel.

Until then, Iran is not desisting entirely from aggressive operations. On Sunday, Jan. 12, the Al-Balad air base, 70km north of Baghdad, which is also used by US forces, took 8 Katyusha rockets. Four Iraqi troops were injured.

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99 thoughts on “Iran, Hizballah gird up for guerilla, rocket attacks on US forces in Iraq, rockets against Israel

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 7:47 at 7:47

    When the Iran Shiia Regime Claiming they Represent Allah in the Qur’an. Instead, Weaponize Other Nations into Killing Innocent People, Imprisoning Protesters & Spending Persian Oil Money on seeking Nukes, Exporting Arms, & Missiles is why they are not Holy Men but just Greedy Men doing Evil to Stay in Power.

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 9:43 at 9:43

      birr ortodoks yahudisi olarak söylüyorum iran bizim kenan dillerinden hami sami dil ailesinden akraba olduğumuz ülkedir iran israil kardeş ülkelerdir ama siz bilmiyorsunuz

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 11:47 at 11:47

      These filthy criminals are not satisfied with having just murdered 176 people, must kill more. Sick cowards.

      • Jan 14, 2020 @ 3:34 at 3:34

        Those so called filthy criminals did not murder 176 of them , Canadians did . It could be said that Israel had a hand in all those pretty things. And please do not play yourselves some innocent fcks , you took out a wrong guy , for which your country has an unknown answer coming , and its not from Persians. Its a game Israel has started in which them and Americans have a good chance how it ends…..

        • Jan 14, 2020 @ 18:49 at 18:49

          “O Solemio…” the aria the clown Pagliacci sings. Alone as you are in your hatred, you chose an apropos name, fool!

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 14:48 at 14:48

      it is time ot bring the B 52,bomb 24/24 7/7 until there is no coackroach left

      • Jan 13, 2020 @ 21:02 at 21:02

        Didn’t work in Vietnam Frank. Why would it work now?

        • Jan 13, 2020 @ 21:10 at 21:10

          yes but the nuke did work in japan

        • Jan 13, 2020 @ 22:19 at 22:19

          Difference is the Vietnamese or deeply bankrolled by the commies, whereas the mullahs are quickly going broke and cannot sustain.

        • Jan 14, 2020 @ 0:29 at 0:29

          Thirty-one B-52s were lost in the Vietnam war. The B52 flew more than 124,000 bombing sorties over Vietnam. The U.S. lost almost 10,000 aircraft of various types and flew more than five million sorties. The U.S. also had as many as half a million troops in Vietnam. Yet, we still lost the war after eight years of fighting. Vietnam successfully went underground. Iran has gone underground. Iran is also five times the area as Vietnam. While Vietnam is about the size of California, Iran is about the size of the U.S. east of the Mississippi River.

          • Jan 14, 2020 @ 18:52 at 18:52

            What a vast parking lot that could make, if Iran continues the foolishness that heretofore the US tolerated but will no more.

            Vietnam wasn’t a lost war on the battlefield. It was a lost war because Democrats at home have no idea how to fight a war. Now they are on YOUR side again! You can’t fix stupid!

          • Jan 16, 2020 @ 1:37 at 1:37

            The game has changed since then, much newer modern military technology.

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 16:56 at 16:56

      good question best question yet.

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 20:24 at 20:24

      The actions you listed ARE representative of Allah in the Qur’an.

    • Jan 14, 2020 @ 2:56 at 2:56

      And why Islam is a false religion.

    • Jan 14, 2020 @ 20:00 at 20:00

      Still waiting for Israel to take out Nasrallah……

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 7:56 at 7:56

    funny cause all you terrorist claim to wipe Israel off the map and now you are saying that this is a warning, make up your minds.

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 8:16 at 8:16

      Maids, Janitors, Butlers & Cooks Servants like Hizballah are told what to do as Servants to Shiia. What they do will come back on the IRGC Becoming Buried Bleeders, Hizballah Drugs & Banking Crime Bosses, & Iraqi Militia Homes & Neighborhoods. This is happening just as Persians Riot throughout Iran & when the IRGC start to grow weary Killing their own People. The IRGC will Refuse To Fight for Shiia regimes as well. It is like the Fall of the USSR! Many thoughts it would never become a problem & then all sudden they were torn apart like a Jezebel into Pieces! Once Protesters Fight Back the regime will be on the Run with their Families.

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 9:05 at 9:05

      Drone strikes: yesterday was the criminal Soleimani and So Muhandis, soon will be Nasrallah and Salami.

      • Jan 13, 2020 @ 17:27 at 17:27

        Mullahs are Messianic, won’t go down without a fight to the Death but their fighting Dog, the Rev Guards and Quds, have to see the writing on the wall, that Sanctions, Drone Strikes, Morale, their business interests, all going South for them and they have limited time left to protect it.

        Keep Max Pressure, Sanctions on them, bomb all proxies, weapons, rat lines in Syria, Yemen, Iraq, let the body bags into Tehran increase and the Regime Change could happen this year.

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 7:59 at 7:59

    The Age Of Rage Against Tyrants in Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen & Gaza now have to Deal with Escalation of Protesters now seeking the Militia Proxies Deaths & Not Afraid To Reveal When and Where They Travel as well as the Homes they Live In with Weapons. It is not work for the Taliban, Hussein, Bathists, Syrians, Or Isis & Now It Will Not Work For PMU, Hizballah, Houthis, Hamas, & IRGC. The Hunters are now being Hunted & Put in Boxes to be Buried. Salami & Nasrallah are being Traced & Targeted as SoleimanI, Baghdadi, & Al-Muhandis now in the Ground!

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 8:32 at 8:32

    They will be playing with fire if they kill one more American.

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 8:42 at 8:42

      Try thousands….

      • Jan 14, 2020 @ 18:54 at 18:54

        Bring it on, fool!

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 9:47 at 9:47

      iran israil hami sami dil ailesinden ve güneybatı asya dillerinden akraba kuzen halk olduğumuz ülkelerdir iranla diplomasi elçilikleri başlatılmalıdır iran bizim abimizdir

      • Jan 13, 2020 @ 21:08 at 21:08

        Yani kardeşinle birleşmelisin.

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 8:41 at 8:41

    You asked for it now you have it. It’s open season for the infidels.

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 9:30 at 9:30

    Clock is ticking.Nasrallah and co / Mullahs your days are numbered.Time to meet your “virgins “.

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 9:52 at 9:52

      bir ortodoks yahudisi olarak söylüyorum iran israil hami sami dil ailesinden ve güneybatı asya dillerinden akraba kuzen halk olduğumuz ülkelerdir iranla diplomasi elçilikleri başlatılmalıdır iran bizim abimizdir

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 19:44 at 19:44

      @StrikeEagle… Deaths Come in 3’s Salamni, Nasrallah, & Khamenei from the Complicity of their Most Devoted Servants! Whose Palms are “Always Open to ALM The Highest Bidder” just like what happen to Saddam, Bin Laden & Soleimani Betrayals. “Lessons of Persian Guards That Beheaded Darius For A Gift To Alexander!”

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 9:34 at 9:34

    They do worship Allah@GT001, problem is which Allah, remember the God Allah predates ISLAM and was a pagan deity in Mesopotamia region.

    I knew they will avoid open warfare coz they can’t put up, but the US can hunt them, this time they don’t enjoy the total support and their significant haters from the sunnis, Kurds and even Shias.

    Apache helicopters, reaper drones and C-130 gunship. The rats will be buried in the desert like their leader solemani.

    They should stop scaring people with a dead snake…. Iran is Dead

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 15:12 at 15:12

      @Robert… Well said, they have No Idea how America Pentagon Darpa Innovations with Israel AI, Arabia-Gulf States-Pac Rim Funding have made Advances Years Ahead. Throw in EU, China, & Russian Duplicity that uses Conflicts, Arms & Drugs Economics as Partners for their Own Benefits for Centuries? The Iran Regime not knowing the World now sees they are better off without the Shiia Regime. Artificial Intelligence Surveillance & Local Buying & Selling Profits Merging is Ending State Sponsor Terrorism, The Persian People are Tired Dying For, Of, & By this Small Shiia Regime as well.

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 20:46 at 20:46

      wait for some months and you will see who is dying…

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 9:43 at 9:43

    birr ortodoks yahudisi olarak söylüyorum iran bizim kenan dillerinden hami sami dil ailesinden akraba olduğumuz ülkedir iran israil kardeş ülkelerdir ama siz bilmiyorsunuz

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 9:48 at 9:48

    iran israil hami sami dil ailesinden ve güneybatı asya dillerinden akraba kuzen halk olduğumuz ülkelerdir iranla diplomasi elçilikleri başlatılmalıdır iran bizim abimizdir

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 9:50 at 9:50

    bir ortodoks yahudisi olarak söylüyorum iran israil hami sami dil ailesinden ve güneybatı asya dillerinden akraba kuzen halk olduğumuz ülkelerdir iranla diplomasi elçilikleri başlatılmalıdır iran bizim abimizdir

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 9:50 at 9:50

    bir ortodoks yahudisi olarak söylüyorum iran israil hami sami dil ailesinden ve güneybatı asya dillerinden akraba kuzen halk olduğumuz ülkelerdir iranla diplomasi elçilikleri başlatılmalıdır iran bizim abimizdir

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 12:33 at 12:33

    The article underlines that Trump has not learned the lesson that every attack by Iran must be met with an overwhelming response. Trump only reacts when American blood is drawn. Maybe Trump and his advisors think that by allowing a face-saving strike after the Soleimani killing, Iran is standing down. Same mistake as the non-reaction to the attacks on shipping and the Saudi refinery. Slow learner Trumpo. Ultimately Iran’s military infrastructure needs to be destroyed. Nothing short will work.

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 15:24 at 15:24

      @Bahian… Your Thinking is Old & Wrong that State Sponsor Terrorism can Fight Forever. Innovations are here to stay and global Economic Prosperity Rules Today! Concepts like Imperialism, Communism, Caliphates, & Barbarians At Nations Gates are Dying & Over. The USSR was Far Bigger & Powerful But Still Broke Up. Once America-China Signs 1st Stage of Trade Deals Economics Will Prevail Globally & Freedom is Exploding in Iraq, Taiwan, Lebanon, Hong Kong, South America as well. Iranian Regime Thinking are Far Smaller Potatoes & Proxies are Doomed Too like Thieves in the Night they will be Swept Away!

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 12:39 at 12:39

    Please come to the best news Also Sardar Sallami died i told all news agaency Israel did it because Israel will always do it right.

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 13:41 at 13:41

    I wonder if the US will have Israel’s back as the Islamist warmongers in Iran deploy their murderous Hezbollah proxies against Israel.

    It seems the victory lap that the US is taking is not only dishonest, it is also dangerous.

    If being showered with missiles without responding is victory, then I would hate to see what defeat looks like.

    The US and Israel should have taken out the nuclear research and development facilities at this time.

    Wishing the problem away and pretending that the regime will stop after their victories (which, to the Iranian Ayatollah and his mullahs, include the killing of 176 men, women and children in a missile attack on a commercial airliner).

    Islamists are not deterred by words.

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 19:54 at 19:54

      @Islamists… Islamists Actually Removes Islamists When They Refuse To Change & With The Blessings of Allah, Inshallah! The Final Solution For Mideast Culture Os Peace Was Written Long Ago On The Persian Cylinders Of King Cyrus That Embraced Judaism Instead Of Choosing Elimination On Earth! A Great Prophet Will Rise & Change Shiia In Iran & A Greater Leader In Persia Will Adopt The Wisdom Of Cyrus For All Mideast Nations Profits Again From 600 BCE & 632 CE!

    • Jan 14, 2020 @ 19:20 at 19:20

      You’re correct. Islamists are not deterred by words. However, they have been and will MOST CERTAINLY be deterred by what follows the recent deterrence which was more than words.

      Don’t think you can bully Trump like you bullied those who preceded him. It will be a most deadly miscalculation!

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 14:23 at 14:23

    Maybe America should do the right thing and bring its troop home. Iraq has told America that it needs to withdraw its troops but the Americans are refusing and continuing to behave like an occupying power. If America continues to behave in this way its only logical that the patriotic Iraqis will move against them. After all America has been launching attacks against the militia groups which is against the Iraqi governments orders. How would the American people behave if a foreign power was doing this in America?

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 15:34 at 15:34

      @Tommy… America is going to do just that as Pentagon AI, Space Forces, & Robotics will be replacing Troops & Surveillance Out Terror Fighters, & Global Banking will turn them into Servants just to Survive. China, Russia, EU want to Survive & Thrive as well. Mutual Global Goals do not want Iran with Nukes and you are Witnessing the End Game for the Tehran Regime. Your Agitation for Spreading Hate can also be Traced & Held Accountable. This Is Not A Threat Just An Example You & Many Others Must Change Old Ways Of Hateful Thinking! Abraham Message Will Prevail!

      • Jan 13, 2020 @ 15:43 at 15:43

        Strange is it not how those benefiting from double standards while running a apartheid ethno state that tramples on the rights of the indigenous population is apposed to others have the ability to defend themselves? I agree with a nuclear weapons free Middle East, so if you are not a hypocrite then Israel has to be included in the same resolution restricting Iran.

        • Jan 14, 2020 @ 14:03 at 14:03

          tommy:did you see who are the neighbours of israel

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 16:51 at 16:51

      You are supporting the wrong side – the side of Islamist terror and conquest.

      I suppose you would have spoken the same in defense of Nazi Germany, and against those fighting against the Nazis, when Germany and Japan were “occupied” by the Allies …and you would probably have shed tears regarding the suffering of Nazis under the occupation of Allies …and ignored the fact that the Nazis were set on conquering the world during the last century just as the IS State of Iran wants to do today.

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 19:38 at 19:38

      First of all, the Iraqi parliament resolution was non-binding. President Trump is serious about wanting to get out of the Middle East, and has said several times, he will be happy to leave Iraq. All they need to do is make arrangements to repay the US for building the state-of-the-art military bases they invested in. That’s only fair.

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 14:44 at 14:44

    Monday and a new week of work ahead. Of course Debka starts with loading our plate with ‘FEAR IRAN’ … by the weekend I am sure Debka will be claiming some victories … bombed this & Yahuu that to feel great for the weekend. Then next Monday we start all over again! The Debka Way!

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 15:42 at 15:42

      @FakeDebka… Debka Informs, Sponsors Ideas, Debate, & wants a better Mideast & World as well, Nothing More. Islam both Sunnis, Shiia will join Judaism & Christianity will become what it Proclaims from Words of Abraham “Turning Strangers Into Families & Enemies into Friends for Mutual Prosperity Survival of Mankind,” not Nuclear Holocaust. Human Freedom With Prosperity Will Prevail Not & Hateful Communities Isolated Until They Change As Well!

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 15:35 at 15:35

    The attacks from Iran and Hezbollah will start up again when THEY decide. They have plenty of options so lets not delude ourselves into thinking that Solemani’s departure means the Mullah’s death party wont go on. What about the anniversary of the Revolution in Feb? It would be unlike them not to put on a show for that dark day.

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 15:48 at 15:48

      @Gurky… You are Correct They Will Start Up Again but have no idea they are under Tracing Surveillance as well just like when Soleimani Last Orders To Proxies Servants to Go Home & Take Weapons To Your Homes To be Used Another Day. Then Soleimani Died & IRGC Killed More Civilians Persian by Mistakes & Lied About It! It is like sending back Coach Roaches to their Nest & Breeding Grounds. We Know Where They Are Now & They Have No Chance Of Survival Unless They Change In This Brave New Global Of Economics?

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 17:58 at 17:58

      War is wilderness. So Israel must stop killing and making some tricks in the region. Since they suffered in all their history, I dont understand why Jewish kill the others now. Cant you see that all of the
      Publics hate Israel and Israel has not an ally in the region. Thats why afraid of Irans balistic miss. So instead of fearfulnes, try to follow the peace way, dont think about to expand your borders, stop the tricks and stop killing. Instead of producing nuc. Weapons use your brains for usefull things for all humans. You can not kill everyone in the region. Choose peace. Dont forget that Turks dont have any problem with Jewish and I believe that, Turks only will save and rescue the Jewish again as in the past. Jewish are clever, honost, hardworkers etc. Good people individually. As araps, turks, iranians etc, jewish are also the citizens of this region from the beginning of the history. We can live together in peace and share our bread all together. In that case, you would not need the protection and support of an untrustuble country (america). So try to restore the relations immidiately with the regional republics. Regards…

      • Jan 13, 2020 @ 18:47 at 18:47

        Faith – let me explain. Jews like all other countries sometimes need to “fight” for their existence. That is the blessing of our modern State – we now have the wherewithal to just that. Also important to understand what “fight” means – it means our Army will do whatever (and I mean whatever) it takes to kill the spirit, lives, property and nation that is trying to kill us. Doing what we have to do and what we will do is gruesome, disgusting and brutal. It is a true shame what we have to become to be the fighters that can win – but we know it and we are doing it. Difference here is we truly are not interested in harming those that are not interested in harming us.

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 16:00 at 16:00

    salami works well, I like salami.
    but turn your cell on vibrate, slide in your pants, then call yourself from another line.
    this is what I call real bds!

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 17:18 at 17:18


  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 17:54 at 17:54

    How many salami’s are there out there. Will this one have to be sent to the deli of the devil as well?

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 20:04 at 20:04

      Wayward Servant Followers of Soleimani & Salami Are Like Zombies That Starve To Death Since They Are Already Dead In The Mind & Spirit Of Living! Soleimani Memory Is Already Forgotten & Buried!

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 17:58 at 17:58

    War is wilderness. So Israel must stop killing and making some tricks in the region. Since they suffered in all their history, I dont understand why Jewish kill the others now. Cant you see that all of the
    Publics hate Israel and Israel has not an ally in the region. Thats why afraid of Irans balistic miss. So instead of fearfulnes, try to follow the peace way, dont think about to expand your borders, stop the tricks and stop killing. Instead of producing nuc. Weapons use your brains for usefull things for all humans. You can not kill everyone in the region. Choose peace. Dont forget that Turks dont have any problem with Jewish and I believe that, Turks only will save and rescue the Jewish again as in the past. Jewish are clever, honost, hardworkers etc. Good people individually. As araps, turks, iranians etc, jewish are also the citizens of this region from the beginning of the history. We can live together in peace and share our bread all together. In that case, you would not need the protection and support of an untrustuble country (america). So try to restore the relations immidiately with the regional republics. Regards…

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 20:08 at 20:08

      @Fatih.. Israel did not Kill One Civilian But Iran Killed 1 American & Then Iran Killed Over 2000 Iranians Civilians, Protesters & Proxies! Maybe Iran’s Shiia Regime Should Reflect On Lying About That Too Now That Persians Want Them Removed?

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 20:23 at 20:23

    @GST001 you must either be slightly retarded or just a straight out liar. How many thousands of protesters has Israel shot over the years, from young children throwing stones, to marches along your wall to cage the Palestinians? Of these tens of thousands that have been shot many have died and many times that have had their lives destroyed as you Ziotrash shoot to cause permanently physical disability though loss of limbs or destruction of the joints.

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 22:30 at 22:30

      I forgot to mention that these little sh*ts are not Israeli citizens….so that doesn’t count.

    • Jan 14, 2020 @ 0:12 at 0:12

      @Tommy… Neither, those are Your Lies & We Post Corrections of Iran Regime & Tommy’s Hateful Misinformation!

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 20:40 at 20:40


    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 23:40 at 23:40

      But I am willing to swill your fermented gizm, Big Jim.

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 20:52 at 20:52

    The Americans need to leave. They have there own nation. Get the f£&k out. Most countries don’t want American bases on sovereign soil anymore.

    They are unwelcome. They are like Jews. Make there homes everywhere. And only serve there own interests. And have nothing to do with the local population. But usually take from nations. Such as oil.

    Countries are better off without America. They only make matters worse. Most of the world is fed up with America’s foreign policies.

    • Jan 14, 2020 @ 6:32 at 6:32

      What the the f£&k are you talking?
      They do not need to leave, we need them to leave!

  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 21:25 at 21:25


  • Jan 13, 2020 @ 22:00 at 22:00

    The usual, mentally defective posters are here:
    However, unless our world totally renounces the criminal dictatorship of the ayatollahs, the world will share their fate. The heroic Italian people hanged their brutal dictator Mussolini, upside down in 1945 .
    The ancient Persian nation could and should do same: and needn’t even pin their smelly skirts…

    • Jan 13, 2020 @ 23:43 at 23:43

      My Zionist friend just gave me a woody.

      • Jan 14, 2020 @ 0:20 at 0:20


        • Jan 14, 2020 @ 14:00 at 14:00

          I also get one when daydreaming of thy schlong comfortably nestled you-know-where, Big Jim.

      • Jan 14, 2020 @ 5:45 at 5:45

        For now Zionist fellows do not protest much, but our pig-ungrateful Iranians do.
        It follows that the most important enemy of our regime are the Iranians.
        Hopefully, we know to identify them, they are the ones without IRGC membership in the family, easy to make lists and go grab them.

  • Jan 14, 2020 @ 2:12 at 2:12

    Dear Tommy it is all lost, these ungrateful people do not deserve a supreme pious like myself.
    I would flee country but my own security would not allow, they say all together or nothing.
    Turns out, with family, uncles, cousins, nephews, etc, they are millions.
    Ok, I said, we stay and throw the Iranians out.
    Turns out they are millions too.
    Not decided who goes.
    One thing is sure: I can not drive a bicycle with my long robe.

  • Jan 14, 2020 @ 2:48 at 2:48

    They never thought America wouldn’t shoot back, this time.

  • Jan 14, 2020 @ 4:40 at 4:40

    What’s the limp salami waiting for? jokers…

  • Jan 14, 2020 @ 8:01 at 8:01

    It’s the time for Jewish people to abandon the Israel territory because the war with Iran will happen soon and our army with U.S. army help can’ stand against this attack. Nothing can stop our failure, so it’s better for Jewish family that save their life’s and flee from Israel as soon as possible.

    • Jan 14, 2020 @ 11:42 at 11:42

      “————–so it’s better for Jewish family that save their life’s and flee from Israel as soon as possible.”

      @Edy Cohen,

      Some liberals (outside Israel) were saying that in 1948, 1956, 1967 and again in 1973………….. liberals, always on the wrong side of history!

      • Jan 14, 2020 @ 21:09 at 21:09

        Edyy is really an Arab or other Jew hater – no Israeli Jews think like that. He is dreaming that this could be – but the moral and actual situation on the ground are quite the opposite.

  • Jan 14, 2020 @ 8:27 at 8:27

    Obviously Iran already had the winner card in it’s hand if any war start between U.S. and Israel against Iran.

    • Jan 14, 2020 @ 9:01 at 9:01

      If they are such winners why don’t the play their hand? clowns…

      • Jan 14, 2020 @ 9:13 at 9:13

        They are much clever than Israel and U.S politicians. Just wait and see how they finish the game. All of this propaganda which Israel and U.S. share with nations will fail finally.

        • Jan 14, 2020 @ 14:05 at 14:05

          They’ll finish the game in exile after they’ve been overthrown…moron.

  • Jan 14, 2020 @ 15:20 at 15:20

    The Iranian Regime has lost the Respect of the Persian People. This will not go away anytime soon & it will propel a Sea Change in Mideast Current & Future Governments. Now The Shiia Springs Of Broken Proxies is Here & Now!

    • Jan 14, 2020 @ 22:06 at 22:06

      🙂 🙂 🙂 Ha ha ha GST001 very wrongly mistaken are you!

      It is quite opposite, the Persian People has lost the respect of the Iranian Regime! The the Iranian Regime is founder of the IRGC Republic better known under the nom de guerre Islamic Republic of Iran.

      The IRGC Republic is the most advanced form of Islamic democracy and the best ever type of society.
      People who do not love the Iranian regime are enemies of the people of Iran and deserve to die.

      Now the people of Iran start to murmur against the Iranian regime? We reject such behavior, they have lost the respect of the Iranian Regime and deserve to die. They are millions, but the regime has IRGC security battalions just for such traitors ™️.

      People deserve to die™️.

      People deserve to die™️

  • Jan 14, 2020 @ 17:33 at 17:33



  • Jan 14, 2020 @ 17:42 at 17:42

    You got it. Debka either reports that Iran is about to murder Israel and then that Israel just bombed, obliterated, leveled, destroyed, smashed and crushed Iran.

    Why is there no news on what happened in the Knesset yesterday in relation to the criminal case against Netanyahu?

    answer; Not in line wih Debka’s line of propaganda strategy. Simple.

    • Jan 14, 2020 @ 21:25 at 21:25

      Is that the same as Iran’s Leaders cleaned up the airline crash site and with outright lying for 3 days afraid to tell the truth about shooting down the plane then blame others for doing it now killing protesters again?

  • Jan 14, 2020 @ 17:45 at 17:45

    JIM CARROL; are you still around? Or were you the rabbi arrested yesterday in jerusalem for molesting 50 women and children? When I saw the news I immediately thought it must be you.

    • Jan 14, 2020 @ 21:30 at 21:30

      The rabbi was arrested and justice will be held, did any irgc been arrested held for shooting down killing 176 people, or shiia leaders arrested for lying, or any iranian held in jail for killing protesters waiting for trial?

      • Jan 14, 2020 @ 21:52 at 21:52

        LOL. A criminal is running Israel that is proving to be unsinkable and you worry about Iran … fix your own backyard first.

    • Jan 15, 2020 @ 15:09 at 15:09


  • Jan 17, 2020 @ 18:17 at 18:17

    What has to happen at this juncture is President Trump addresses the nation and states that any attack by Hezbollah or any Iraqi Shiite Militia on US forces in the Middle East will be seem as attack on those forces by Iran and will result on a full retaliatory strike by the US military on Iran.

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