Trump says “Iran appears to be standing down” after missile attacks on US bases
US President Donald Trump noted on Wednesday, Jan. 8 that Iran’s missile attacks that morning on two US bases in Iraq caused no loss of American or Iraqi life and minimal damage. “Iran appears to be standing down,” he said in an address to the nation. If Iran changes its behavior and abandons terrorism and destruction, of which Qassem Soleimani was the architect, “we will evaluate our options,” he said. Tehran must understand that a deal will make the world a better place and bring prosperity to Iran itself. “We must all work for a better deal with Iran,” he said. Meanwhile, Trump announced new economic sanctions on the Islamic Republic and reiterated, “We will never let Iran acquire a nuclear weapon.
US military sources noted that while Iran for the first time attacked US military targets with ballistic missiles, a third failed and significant facilities were missed.
DEBKAfile reported earlier on Jan. 8: The US Ain al-Assad air base in W. Iraq and a US facility at Irbil, capital of the Kurdish republic, were hit by 15 missiles early Wednesday, Jan. 8, Tehran announced. Sources linked to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said that these attacks were part of a series still to come in revenge for the killing of Gen. Qassem Soleimaini. The source of the attack was not immediately clear – whether it came from Iran or a local Shiite militia. And although extent of the damage and casualties was equally unclear, the attack definitely notched up the friction prevailing between Tehran and the US over the killing of the powerful Al Qods general last Friday.
After urgent consultations at the White House and the Pentagon on how to handle this latest attack, President Donald Trump made this comment on Twitter: “All is well! Missiles launched from Iran at two military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties & damage taking place now. So far, so good! We have the most powerful and well-equipped military anywhere in the world by far! I will be making a statement tomorrow morning.”
DEBKAfile’s military sources: The missile strikes on the two US bases occurred shortly after the Soleimani funeral ended. It was in line with the revenge attacks that Iran has threatened to launch against the US military in Iraq and across the Middle East. US military facilities were already on the ready. On Tuesday, top war preparedness was declared at all US facilities in the region and by the armies of America’s allies, including Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The statement issued by Israel’ security cabinet on Monday, that Israel is not involved in the heightened tension between America and Iran following the killing of Qassem Soleimani, was simply an attempt to calm public concerns.
If one could harness the full Shiite hate energy, weekend voyages to Mars could turn from dream to reality.
look at this picture, specially secretary of defense and head of US general staff, They cry, but without tears. and this picture tell us trump message. its a big shame for us not for me. Their decision led to this shameful withdrawal from the region. we couldn’t answer to Iranian crashing response and we have to leave Middle East based on Irans power.
How Is That Breaking News If Iran’s Missiles All Missed? Sounds Like The Story Is Salute To Soleimani Missiles Fizzled & Wasted Today Just Like Soleimani Body Last Thursday!
@Tommy… More Like Going From Tehran Inter-City To Tehran’s Suburbs!
This wave of crazy murderers can only be stopped by cannon shots … Good luck to all those who fight for freedom and democracy. Good hunting and for them! The God of Israel is with us.
@Becker… Looks Like Threats Against Israel & Dubai Are Just More Crowing Like An Impotent Iran Rooster!
@RedDevilDawn… Maybe Proof Soleimani Is Not With Virgins In After Life & Sending Mad Message to Iran Regime For Not Saving Him?
What about the 68,000,000 aborted American babies and counting?
There is only one God and its not belong to Israel occupier regime.
anastasios:apparently,the ottomans did not kill all the greeks
Global Economies Do Not Fear Iran & Prove It By Buying, Rising, Living! &
Trump goes down
They kill more of themselves at one of their own funerals than they do launching missiles at the Americans…
@Reza… Called Iranian Victory Over Iraq Like 1989 When 500,000 Dead & Wounded Just Like Ali Death 632 CE. Over 200 Dead & 30 Missiles Only Iranian & Ukrainians Dead? Ayatollah Mirror In Face Disgraced!
typical savages…
Don’t you wish! This was a humiliating backdown by your terrorist gang in Tehran. Not a feather of a bird was harmed. 4 missiles fizzled, the remaining 11 landed harmlessly in the fields.
The bearded ones know not to provoke President Trump. They are shaking in their robes and having to frequently change their underwear.
The President will be guarded in his speech to be given in a few moments and will invite the terrorists to negotiate with no preconditions however, if they persist in pushing his patience, there will be NO MORE MULLOCRACY IN IRAN. You had better heed his words!
Donald Trump is the best President the Jewish people ever had.
Hi guys
Why it took so long time to publish even a short notice on your site about this attack? You are the first one writing about 35 missiles!
Thank you
35 missiles and no casualties? It seems like fireworks we made ourselves when we were teenagers.
Forget the US military bases that were all missed by the Iranian missiles. What about the Iranian missile that shot down a Ukrainian airliner killing 180 civilians that had departed Tehran airport at the same time?
Anticlimactic, farcical clown show.
@Anon… Only Shows Iran Missiles Must Be Near Targets No More Than 10 Yards To Hit One? No Refunds Just Lawsuits!
They kill more of themselves at one of their own funerals than they do launching missiles at the Americans…
They don’t sound like they’re too much to worry about.
Did anybody else notice, that where russian or israeli air defences would have shot down these missiles, the us did not even try to shoot them down
There were no Patriot anti-missiles protecting these air bases. The US knew Tehran wouldn’t dare tickle the US mustache. The US with its AWACS planes and satellite monitoring of Iran knew even before Iran lit the fuses on their skyrockets where they were and what they were about to do.
So far so good. Iran: 80 casualties. US: none.Truth??
black lives don’t matter. it’s the lesson.
Trigger-happy “elite” guards shoot down commercial airplane leaving their own airport — breaking news. In other news, same elite troops fire missiles into their country’s neighbor (… yawn). Leader of elite guards waves finger and threatens some more. They really have no clue what they’re getting themselves into…
they are by no western standards ELITE that translates from a 3rd rate power as saddams to regular trained soldiers = to the average foot soldier russia the usa germany france israel s korea england HAVE ELITE UNITS
Iran follows the path outlined by Moshe Arens… A missile force is by fair more challenging than an air force…
The People Liberation Army of China and the Islamic Republic of Iran have acquired the capacity to saturate the enemy defence capabilities with big barrage of missiles… Patriot and even S400 can’t intercept them all…
For those who don’t know who Moshe Arens was, he was an incredibly capable Israeli engener… The father of the LAVI…
I’m not pro US… I’m not pro IRAN… I’m 48 and I follow Middle East affairs since I was 10…something probably insane… But the Middle East is never boring…
“… But the Middle East is never boring…”
That’s why I often post this observation:
“Just another fine day in the Middle East…………………….on the horizon.”
The Iranians do not have the precise targeting capabilities with singular missles, this threat of swarm that is so oft repeated online is just bullsh!t… they are on the ropes, biting the hand that feeds for too long
Now I do not now who’s the Great Satan. Or shall I say Supreme Satan?
If you watch the video of the Ukrainian plane crashing in Iran, you can see that the Iranians fired a second missile at it while it was already engulfed in flames shortly before it hit the ground. They shot it down TWICE!
Maybe Ukraine hasn’t paid its protection money bill to the Ayatollahs this month? They are too busy trying to stay out of trouble with the Bidens! So IRGC sending Ukraine a message to PAY UP!
Much fuzz about nothing, Crushing response ??
80 american terrorists killed
God IS great.
Allah akbar
“80 american terrorists killed”
@ Abbas,
Abbas actually believes his own (and that of his friends’) propaganda.
Happy Nachba, Abbas!
So……it’s nice to see that in the 30 years since 1990 the Americans have progressed from Patriot Missiles that were incapable of shooting down Scud missiles to Patriot.missiles that are incapable of shooting down any missiles at all. Good show lads. I hear Israel may have a few systems that actually work going cheap.
@Abbas Woke Up Off Meds! 80 Million Iranians – Soleimani – 56 Funeral Stampede Dead – 35 Missiles = Culture of Peace Victory!
Abbas = acute mental illness: wish and Reality is one and the same for this miserable creature…
Who goes flying on a Commercial airliner from Tehran on a time like this?
You must be seriously suicidal….oh wait, that would include 99% of all muslims.
@Spiff… New Iran Tourism Fare From Tehran Airport To Runway Only 42,219.13 Rials But You Pay Your Own Funeral!
It’s more than boring, it’s the script of the all the forces involved in the Middle East and you can find it in the Old and Bew Testament : THE BIBLE!!
Israel is the next target. If you want to know how the power off Iranian missile is wait for tonight piggy zionist
chang:one of those missiles just struck your sister
“If you want to know how the power off Iranian missile is wait for tonight————————-”
@ Mr Chang,
Well, one thing Mr Chang actually got right in his post, in view of the circumstances, was just how OFF the power of those Iranian missiles were.
ok, I’m looking to news and trump account and see nothing. But if you check the Iranian news website (like presstv) you will find reality about the attack
” But if you check the Iranian news website (like presstv) you will find reality about the attack”
Where would anyone find anything even resembling the slightest sense of reality on any official Iranian news web site ?
Iranians have only proved to be stiff-necked and rightly so because they don’t learn history. A piece of advice for them! “What a small man seeks in others, what a great man seeks is in himself.”
if U.S. answer the Iranian attack, the Israel will disappear from world map until tomorrow afternoon
If you love your family or your life, left the Israel with them as soon as possible…. Supreme leader said it was just a slap, the revenge is something else and is coming… the second wave of attack will target Israel people…. left soon as possible that you can
If there is a proper war it’ll probably broaden to include Israeli targets inside and outside Israel too. The iranians will blame Israel for working behind the scenes to encourage the US to engage iran in a war. Some of these so called clergy in Iran see martyrdom as an honor and wont care about lots of people dying in Iran or elsewhere – battle fields and shopping centers, clubs, cinemas, synagogues, supermarkets, oil fields etc are all the same, the righteous will go to heaven, all innocents killed will be with God and happy etc etc . To some of them the worse case is the better as the end of times is signaled and the Mahdi along with Jesus will come back and sort things out.
Trump may have unleashed something that gets out of control quickly and be very hard to reign in, if at all. Even Netanyahu is distancing himself from all this now. What a mess!
“————— the Mahdi along with Jesus will come back and sort things out.”
@ David,
Who gets to throw the first punch?
@David – well mate, methinks it’s thrown already innit!? It looked orange to me.
Iran learning from Bibi’s attacks on Ghazza. Bombs to nowhere.
Jesus might come back, but the “mahdi” is a myth.
If the Iranians seriously attack Israel, the Israelis will nuke the Iranian oilfields and the Iranians will be as poor as Ethiopia or Sudan. They will never recover.
And a few months later salted nukes will be going off all over Israel ?, so yes please, pretty please Susan use nukes so this Ziotrash can be cleaned up ?. After all the land needs to be sterilized and allowed to heal and nothing does that better than fire. Its a fair swap a few million dead Iranians for the end of your Twisted People’s Apartheid State
Someone please put me back in my straitjacket.
Nobody wins in a war. We are all in danger. Let the hostilities end now.
Iran is playing with FIRE !.
Nuclear Fire !.
@Arn.Sweden. – the fallout of which will reach you and your family too. Just like Chernobyl except probably worse. You can’t control the weather Arnie.
Actually Fukushima released more radioactive nuclides. Tens of tonnes. In fact, more than all of the atmospheric testing experiments… It’s the gateway event for the atomic holocaust.
Netanyahu: Netanyahu warns of ‘resounding blow’ if Iran attacks Israel
My Comment: Netanyahu and all IDF and whole Israel couldn’t defend themselves against simple rocket of Palestinian our simple solders of Hamas.
How the want to fight with powerful Iran?!!!!!
“My Comment: Netanyahu and all IDF and whole Israel couldn’t defend themselves against simple rocket of Palestinian our simple solders of Hamas.
How the want to fight with powerful Iran?!!!!!”
@ “True Radar”,
When PUSH comes to SHOVE, your “Radar” may need to be re-calibrated!
Oh Iran, that was 40 km’s off from hitting a US base?
Iran’s missiles didn’t exactly miss. Yeah, some did not make it to their intended targets but some did.
There were apparently no human deaths or injuries but there was damage with reports of a hangar being damaged and maybe equipment inside? The Iranians aimed at the base/airport and they hit. Their targeting wasn’t likely targeted at individual building/structure/person because they don’t have that ability.
Now that Iran has conducted its symbolic direct attack on the day of Soleimani’s burial one might expect follow-on attacks by its proxies. Iran can only hope for a muted USA response.
true radar:no one cares for your “comment”,put it in a convenient place
Anyone remember when Iran fired a missile hundreds of kilometers into Iraq to take out a terrorist group that had attacked it and was able to hit the individual rooms where the meeting was taking places with their ballistic missiles? So if they choose to not go after the location where the troops were cowering there was a reason for it like a deal has been agreed and America is pulling out to save the Trump election campaign. Iran will be receiving satellite imagery from both Russian and the Chinese. Also why was the Patriots so inadequate, Iranian missile superiority or all part of the deal so the show had to go on ?
And so says———————?Tommy?!
Even I don’t remember when Iran fired a missile hundreds of kilometers into Iraq to take out a terrorist group that had attacked it and was able to hit the individual rooms where the meeting was taking place with their ballistic missiles.
I don’t remember Iran hitting individual rooms from a very long distance. I’m not saying it could not have happened but I don’t recall that. The attack on the big Saudi oil facility suggested they might have some precision but there are/were factors to cause some doubt.
But the idea that Iran could have easily hit our troops is a bit problematic. It isn’t clear they have both the accuracy and the warhead for that – and personnel are not necessarily static.
But I think Iran is probably relieved that there are no reports of casualties.
The above link shows one of the missiles that landed 40Kms off target in the village of Hitan in Heet, and did not explode. It broke open to show an alarm clock, some old printed circuit boards, three mouse traps, a fan heater, several fireworks and a half drunk bottle of vodka.
A offering to the Ashkenazi rats hidingin the area, agreed not a very good offering to draw them out. Everyone knows just drop some change in a public place and you will see the Jews scrambling to collect it. So next time use better Jew bait guys…. ???
Is it any wonder that ?Tommy? was actually the first one there to collect it in order to supplement his income from his masters in Tehran who don’t have enough money to pay ?Tommy? all that well for his posts due to the continuing sanctions placed on Iran!
Poor ?Tommy?, still upset because the side he supported LOST WWII !
I really am such a flippin’ moron sometimes, aren’t I Dave?
@Susan Doyle: An “alarm clock”? well that should be posted to Trump. It’s a message.
And once again, so says—————————?Tommy?!
And so says foxnews….. Orange David
Any relationship to the Orange Haired Messiah or just a fanboy lol
I hope they save some of the fermented gizm for me, Big Jim ?
We have been attacked on a regular bases and we don’t need any prerequisite excuse to hit Iran; we could use the one of the many attacks that have taken place since 1979. We could just put all the names of the fallen American killed by Iranian IED’s in a bingo cage and just pick out one of those names and say this is for Private Michael so and so and hit one of the 52 targets or the Ayatollahs outhouse what ever we want we need no excuses we have enough of them!
Magnitude 4.9 Earthquake Near Bushehr Nuclear Plantl
America & Iraq Forces Warned By Iran So No One Hurt!
Looking to hear from the war many war college professors hereabouts prepared with lecture/discourse on naval blockade and “no flight rule”.
Any and all Iranian mosquito boats on the water targeted,,,,
What is lacking: Formal US Declaration Of War. It would stem from loss of a US capital ship and or high casualty count at US base…. Try to avoid that!
Debka, there were but 15 missiles fired at Iraq by Iran – not 35. And of the 15, 4 fizzled and the remaining 11 dropped harmlessly in the fields surrounding the air bases.
The President, by showing strength and resolve in the face of bullying terrorists, stood firm and Iran backed down. Any other message derived from the events of yesterday are pure mendacious propaganda.
POTUS Won Showing Soleimani & PMU Deaths were Acceptable by the Ayatollah & Proxies Servants Approved them to while on the run from Iraq. World now can see Iran Regime only cares about its own Survival.
More likely that a deal was agreed and that the US is going to soon be pulling out replaced by NATO. In return Iran put the missiles around the base to show their people that they had hit back. This could also explain why zero Patriot intercepts occurred. So this works out as a win/win for both parties. The US brings its troops home and Trump does not lose the election and destroy the US economy. IRAN does not fight a war that it cant win and see’s the US leave. So a great outcome for both parties or it could just be that this was a warning shot and we are about to go full proxy war.
@Tommy… Hmmnn, that just as likely means America Wins even more as the Largest Global Energy Supplier without Expenses Protecting Customers that can Pay to Protect Mideast. One American Contractor and Iran Lost IRGC General, PMU Chief, 36 Militias, 56 Funeral, & 83 Iranians Plane & 35 Missiles. Good Job America!
POTUS looks more orange than usual. Ouch!
not to mention Melania she looks fatter and fatter every day
No one is Fatter than Hizballah Nasrallah. Bunker Hiding puts on Weight. Soleimani ended life 1 Lbs of Body Parts now that was a Cheap Funeral for One Arm-Hand Ruby Ring!
Sooner or later there will be a real big clash.The race for a nuclear weapon is in full swing , so the IDF with or without the USA has to act.In the meantime stay alert.Curious how Trump had react if there were casualties., this time only sanctions / as usual.Lucky guy.
It is common knowledge not to buy a lottery ticket the day your path is crossed by a black cat. But, if a man with sympathies for Soleimani crosses your path, type of garbage being reputed for radiating very bad luck, we seriously warn players to skip a whole full month.
In totally catastrophic situations, something like Tommy crossing your path, it is recommended to instantly turn 180 degrees and throw 3 bricks or larger rocks over your right shoulder.
Never allow the bad luck to stop you from finally grabbing the big jackpot!
Well good move by iran. Next they’ll test their first nuke and then orange man will have to ask nicely.
Hey, now that the Soleimani balloon is deflated, what about Nasrallah?
Always keep focused on priorities, always!
EU needs to propose a NATO Tax on Europeans that Recoups Past Dues not Paid to Protect their Oil & Gas hey need. They can do that with putting and Paying Directly taking over some US Bases in the Mideast & a Colonialism-Imperialism Reparations Fund as well for former Colonies including America with Tariffs on their Products.
@David… Nope, America will just give Nukes to Arabia & Gulf States & Iran can’t do anything ever again. Iran is far Smaller than the USSR they will eventually collapse too!
Now new affordable and easy to win – Jeopardy! and category Arson
Out of 200 arsonists arrested in 2019 Australia over 50% are of this persuasion.
Yes Jews are well known for starting fires and trying to collect on the insurance. Take ?9/11 ? perfect example of this underhanded behavior, still its sad to see that they are up to the usual mischief ? down under as well.
It’s such a shame that I’m so impotent I can’t do anything about it except make silly comments on dubious websites.
Green Zone HIT! I Repeat! Green Zone HIT!!
Confirmed two hits of Green Zone Interior. Katyusha type with low yield.
It appears Tehran launched some of its smaller missiles for the January 2020 strikes. Iran possesses much larger rockets that possess greater range and payload and eventually could carry nuclear warheads.
Now if they only had the guts to use them ?
look in youtube und listen to voice of Trump
his voice is shaky and sad
that is voice of a loser
Just to many bigmacs and to little exercise. But he sound like he was under a lot of pressure, no doubt from the Jewcons who are desperate for America to fight another war for Israel. Its funny how when thinks looked like they were getting serious Bibi wanted to sit the war out (Foxnews), but as soon as he was told that there would be no American retaliation then he reaffirms that Israel will support America. Lol a standard ?Jewboy? mindset of trying to get the Goyim to do there fighting. Israel Lions and America’s Greatest Ally is just another trope and public relations ploy where the truth is just the ?opposite?
I really love the fermented gizm, Big Jim, you know that…and you’re also teaching me that I must just be docile and shut up about Zionism, because it really is the greatest political movement the world has ever known.
@Abbas… Maybe you need a Hearing Aid? Dyslexia is a Hearing Problem as seen as Abbas Culture of Peace!
I had an image of the destruction of the Base, pretty “interesting”… Dozens of impacts and destroyed buildings…Media don´t report that! But the Delirious People Living in “Trumpistan” are believing they Win! DEBKA got wrong, again. Congrats on Your “sources”! Simple shameful that everyone´s fears Iran! Israel needs to fights it´s WAR! What a Difference makes Ariel Sharon, against the corrupt and coward “Bibi”. Launch all the Nukes in Iran, 180 by my accounts… Maybe just 100 in 100 most populated cities! No one would do Anything… After it invade what would rest of the Country, and put mullah in dog jails… Don´t believe in those hypocrites Christians, they dream of an Destruction of Israel. If Israel doesn´t take the IRI they will destroy Israel…
I can tell you hizballa is not standing down you mazafaka
حزب الله يحب أن يمتص قران كاملطوال اليوم
hizballah is your finisher in 10 to 1000 years from now you mazalaka
mazafaka tha kok saka!!
Israel unveils breakthrough laser to intercept missiles, aerial threats
The EL SHABAB Is Invincible!!
So is The Fateh! The Death bringer!!
kok suk is good. but even the Chinese trans are faster than he AD-216!! GET REAL!!
نیروی هوایی ارتش جمهوری اسلامی ایران
Their 150 J-10 fighter jets is a force to be reckoned with!
hey will come in wave after wave after wave!!!! no mercy !!! no mercy!!!!!!!!!!
who is the real mazafaka here?
JC… Don’t you mean IRGC LOSS? POTUS National Speech with Joint Chiefs Background was Full of Unity, Substance. & Vision for the Future for Iran & America. Sticks need not Bend when Carrots can be Shared together! Hardliners can become Deal Makers!
@Jahi… Good point, look how Nixon & Mao Open Up China & Deng Economic Reforms made China a New Global Power on the Rise just like in Ancient Times, at the same time Persia Ruled? President Nixon & Carter Recognized China in the 1970s & Iran’s Revolution in 1979 has made Iran Weaker compared to China Today!
Justice is a two-edged sword, It can cut both ways!
@Anon… Quite interesting on Global Powers not caring about SSoleimani Death. Even Beijing has been careful not to say anything positive about SSoleimani or offer condolences, despite Iran Shiia Regime declaring 3 three days of mourning with movie making public relations a spectacle of national funeral rites that killed another 56 Iranians. SSoleimani ends in whimpers glad to be gone globally. Predictable to say the least!
President Trump is a trifle more trustworthy than the majority of Iranian Shiia Regime. It is why most understand that nearly everyone in this part of Regime harbors a secret guilt, which, if their true name were found out, might expose them to the most severe reprisals. Leaders of both Nations don’t seem to realize what kind of ordeal they are about to undertake in their capacity for the ordeal to underestimate or their own?
the ordeal underestimate the ordeal to undertake ordeals, but the ordeal of the ordeal is undertaken by the ordeal itself and underestimates the capacity for the ordeal? could you elaborate a little more?
Trump is just lucky Iran’s dad wasn’t there, because he would have beat him up.
Iran has to go home now, because his momma calling him for supper.