High-level dispute on Israel’s response keeps Hamas incendiary balloons coming
Further animated by Israel’s non-retaliation, Hamas stated Sunday night, Jan. 19, that it would keep on shooting incendiary balloons from the Gaza Strip into Israel until “its demands were totally met.” That night, several more clusters landed on the Israeli side of the border for the fourth day in a row, some with explosives attached to cause panic.
Hamas strategists see their chance to capitalize on the dispute among Israel’s leading security authorities by harassment free of the risk of an all-out showdown. Defense Minister Naftali Bennett, IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi and Shin Beit director Nadav Argaman are at loggerheads over how to deal with this nasty, low-cost device which the Palestinian Hamas terrorists dreamed up for harassing Israel. There was a pause for some months in the balloon assault after the daily raging fires of last summer.
The deadly toys have been upgraded for this renewed campaign: Lead balls are now mixed in with the regular explosives attached to the balloons in order to maximize casualties.
If it depended on the recently appointed defense minister, the IDF would retaliate for this assault in the same way as it does for rocket attacks. Their source is known. Hamas has subcontracted the balloons to Palestinian clans in southern Gaza and they are using the device to serve their own interests. Some, for instance, are pushing for increased Israeli import quotas for their strawberry crops.
The IDF chief and its southern commander, Maj. Gen. Hertzi Halevy, are convinced that an escalated military attack on the balloon-throwers causing Palestinian casualties would ignite the entire front and set off a new round of rocket fire against southern Israel and even beyond. Playing down the upgrades of the balloon threat, the generals believe that the Israeli neighborhoods abutting on Gaza can put up with it for a while until it dies down.
Argaman, director of the Shin Bet security service, which is the main repository of inside intelligence from the Gaza Strip, disputes this assessment. He does not see the balloon assaults fading in the absence of a disincentive; Hamas will carry on as long as it can without risk.
This Palestinian group is not much impressed by the warnings of reprisals channeled by Israel through Egypt, certain of a wide gap between those warnings and Israel’s willingness to follow through. Hamas leaders see the decision-making lacuna at the top of Israel’s government. Normally Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu would step in to resolve the differences between the various security czars. But at the moment, he has his hands too full with his own troubles – fighting a campaign for his Likud’s re-election while at the same time struggling for parliamentary immunity from prosecution after being indicted on three counts.
Infighting at the top also besets the Hamas rulers of Gaza, pitting the pugnacious Yahya Sinwar against the group’s political chief, Ismail Haniyeh. The latter was welcomed with honor befitting a head of state by Iran’s leaders when he arrived in Tehran for the state funeral of their top general Qassem Soleimani.
Haniyeh’s trip to Tehran was in flagrant breach of a pledge he gave Cairo – that was referred to Washington and Jerusalem – in return for permission to travel abroad. For this act of defiance, Haniyeh’s popularity in the terrorist movement has soared. This could easily trigger further aggressive action.
This assessment generated the re-deployments this week of Iron Dome anti-rocket batteries around the Gaza Strip and in the densely populated areas of central Israel.
On Saturday, the Palestinian Authority’s daily newspaper Al-Hayat al-Jadida (The New Life) called for murders in Jerusalem to halt the upcoming diplomatic event marking the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz to be attended by more than 40 world leaders. The opinion piece said: “One shot will disrupt the ceremony and one body will cancel the ceremony.” Hamas may see this event as a unique chance for an earth-shattering rocket attack on the unprecedented concentration of world leaders in Jerusalem.
Palestinian Authority: “Celebrate the memory of Auschwitz by killing a Jew”. Hmm…
Frankly, most of the world leaders who are coming are sympathetic to the Palestinians. Disrupting their day will not win the Palestinians any good will.
@Johnny… Palestinians have been offered Land & Peace 12 Times & continue to choose Death over Self-Rule. At the same time, Palestinians Living & Working in Israel Thrive in Protective Prosperity as they Choose. Each Palestinian needs to adopt that same type of Peace Prosperity for Palestinians Posterity in West Bank, Gaza & Israel whereby they can Foster Economic as great Neighbors Together!
The longer the morons of Israeli dDefense Ministry wait to stop Terror attacks (for fear of reprisal (which I can’t believe I’m saying)) the larger and greater the terror attacks will continue.
As the years have gone on hamas has not backed down; they have increased their Terror attacks and increased ways of inflicting fear and damage to Israel, knowing that Isreal will continue their non-reaction.
They say their reasons for non response is worrying it will set off a greater response by hamas, ie they are fearful of hamas, who is obviously in control of the narrative.
It is time the Israeli defense realizes the longer they wait the worst it will be when they finally have to retaliate, as it is giving Hamas and Hezbollah more confidence and more time to improve stronger and more accurate missiles and other Terror devices.
The Founding Fathers of Israel would not have put up with this ongoing Terror.
I also think that Israel’s retaliations are nothing but a big laugh. They announce to Hamas head of time,and therefore it gives time to their leaders and culprits time to hide, and do it all over again, threatening and
disrupting the lives of all Israelis. This has to stop once and for all. Is Israel more afraid of public opinion
than keeping the Israeli population save?
Animalstinians floating balloons using the hot air of their rhetoric.
What you call the border is Palestinian Land that has been taken via ethnic cleansing. So Boo hoo if the warcrimes, ethnic cleansing Jews have a problem with this. Don’t all people have a right to fight back when they have neen subject to ethics cleaning? Welcome to the Apartheid Nazi State of Israel.
What you call the Gaza border is the design and carries the sign-off of Arafat and Abbas, and yes he was for ethnic cleansing Jews. Lies too bold and scrambles do not work, try something else.
@Yasmine… Agree, The Land of Esau known as Philistine & Gaza have been recognized by Sons & Daughters of Abraham Judea & Israel Not Israel just like Egypt’s Sinai! Yet, How Palestinians & HAMas Choose to seek Self-Destruction over Rebuilding an Economic Paradise for Their Own People are a Terrible Choice As Well As an Example they have No Interests in Peace with Nations & Neighbors! The Leadership must be Eradicated as an Example as Dry Well Offering No Water for Survival! HAMas choose the Wrong Pathways?
Wrong…they are savage terrorists who lost land that never really belonged to them in the first place, therefore deserving of nothing but death, if they act up.
@Samantha… Disagree, & the History of Sinai Given Back to Egypt Proves Israel has No Fear in Giving Back Land that Long Ago was Not Part of Judea or Israel in Exchange for Mutual Propensity of Peace. Israeli’s did the same in Gaza by giving Palestinians that Land as well. There is No Ethics Cleansing by Israel in Lands it does not have in the Sinai Nor Gaza. Quit Blaming Israel for Deeds of Death happening in Gaza when it is Ruled by HAMas & Palestinians choosing to be Servants to Iran Shiia Regime!
When you choose to fight expect to be Hit back also and better not cry for help coz it was your choice.
Just know that in your choice of fight you shall get killed in numbers.
Israeli leadership, you let Hezbollah grow into a monster, you let Iran grow into a monster now you want to let Hamas become another monster.
“Israeli leadership, you let Hezbollah grow into a monster, you let Iran grow into a monster now you want to let Hamas become another monster.”
It was the so-called “international community” which was responsible for that, not the Israelis.
Says the terrorist……
“What you call the border is Palestinian Land that has been taken via ethnic cleansing.”
@ Samantha,
That land has belonged to the Jewish people for well over 3000 years, long before the Romans renamed it “Palestine” and long before there was ever such a thing as Islam!
The population of the so-called “Palestinians” (who were known as Egyptians and Jordanians prior to 1967) has been steadily increasing, even after modern Israel reclaimed their land.
A Soleimani Legacy is Required for Hamas Ismail Haniyeh!
“A Soleimani Legacy is Required for Hamas Ismail Haniyeh!”
All in good time and the right moment will come…………………….without so much as the slightest warning.
A good set of binoculars or a telescope can see the balloons being readied or at least arising. A good sniper should be able to knock them down from upwards of a mile with the proper equipment. Casualties of the balloon preparation folks are simply a price for stupidity.
One can see the Danger of Blow Back Upon Hamas & Gaza? During WWI, German’s Decided To Use Mustard Gas in a Battle but when they Fired it the Winds Of War actually Blew Back the Gas Upon Their Own Troops. Hamas should think again how this Tactic will Comeback upon Gazans & Offers No Advancement of Peace for their Families, Friends, & People! It Is Hamas Societal Suicide Sooner Or Later!
Tojo Japan sent incendiary balloons to US West Coast Forests Circa 1942-1945.
How did that work out?
@Anon… Did not work out well. So, it proves 3 Things,
1. Fugos did not win any war!
2. Japanese Military Leaders were Executed.
3. Japan Submission to America’s Unconditional Peace Made Japan An Economic Power by Disarming Them!
Lessons HAMas & Gazans Should Learn from History!
Sniper knocking down balloons is nonsense, might wound birds or even worse: bees!
There is science into the Balloon Shield, learn it, exercise it, apply it.
The horizontal component of the speed of balloons follows exactly the speed of wind as a vector.
And so, once you have detected a balloon you know the launching pad area is situated along that vector.
You do not know the exact distance, but this is not a problem.
Now, you place 3 to 5 pieces of 81mm mortars on that vector and start shooting progressively farther along.
Soon enough the launching from that area will stop.
The wind might then carry some sort of swearing insults or screams like sounds back toward you.
It is a sure sign of balloonus interruptus.
After the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo in 1942 on Japanese Soil. Japan Feeble Avenge Response was 9,000 Japanese Balloon Bombs known as “Fugos” made it as far Kansas, Iowa, Arizona & Michigan & 15 States, but Wildly Inaccurate. A few Japanese Subs Fired Shots at California Refinery, Fort Stevens & Launched a Float Plane that Bombed Oregon Forests with Incendiaries From 1944-45. The “Fugos” only Fatalities 1 Pregnant Woman & 5 Children Killed only Combat Casualties on U.S. States Soil during WWII.
Wrong…they are savage terrorists who lost land that never really belonged to them in the first place, therefore deserving of nothing but death, if they act up.
Absolutely true.
And they’ve started wars intended to exterminate Jews, and refused peace endless times.
When you are right, you are right!
Lead is highly toxic. Balloons carrying lead over crop fields, in an acid rain environment are really a weapon with long reach.
I do not understand why this threat is not eliminated by, or with authorization from, the IDF. What is the point of allowing it to continue?
@ND… The IDF will Come Up with a Solution to this Balloon Lead Pollution as it did with the Intifada! Never Underestimate the Goodness of the Mind to overcome the Criminal Minds of HAMas, Hizballah & IRGC Proxies. Smart Solutions Always Beat Dumb Decisions From Decagons!
Don’t forget that my discount for guys serving in the IDF is still valid. So look me up on Grindr guys and lets have some fun
A Faction of Hamas has decided the Pathway to Terror is to Follow Iran’s Shiia Regime, IRGC, Hizballah, Al-Qaeda, Iraqi PMU Militia, & ISIS by Killing Innocent Civilians & Destroying Governments in search of a Caliphate Shiia Paradise of Hate, Chaos, & Destruction in the Name of Ali’s Allah? The Time has come for Mideast & Global Powers to Unite & target, Hunt, & Remove such Thoughts, Tactics, & Blow Back Targeting of their Elites, Leaders, & Families that benefit from such Death Deeds of Destruction that Khomeini, Yasmine, Hussein, Qaddafi, Bin Laden, Baghdadi, Soleimani & Khamenei Practiced with Delight until Removed from Existence. Until they see the Futility of such Devastation Actions on their own & will see Changing Towards Allah’s Goodwill to All is the Way to Salvation for All. Some Hamas Leaders have chosen Self-Destruction & Inshallah!
Bibi is the weakest leader Israel has ever had! He has squandered IDF deterrence and allowed Terrorists to daily threaten Israeli Civilians. Maybe there is a real Jewish leader who will defend all Israeli’s?
Moishe… Disagree, over 3500 Years, Abraham’s Jewish Culture as been the Target of Strangers but still Thrives & will continues to Survive over the Evil of Cain, Haman, Hitler & Khamenei! Bibi is not the Sole Nor Soul to be Blamed for Deeds of Evils against Jewish People! It has been that way before 1948 as well!
Have you ever took the time to contemplate the beauty and simplicity of a noose?
Sit on a chair and take a looong look to nicely looped noose, it might turn more fulfilling than any humperbacking thing.
Why would Palestinians desire to disrupt 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz in another country, if they do not fundamentally hate Israel?
Palestinians are not capable to live in peace as neighbors with anybody, they are a major nuisance for any nation.
Except if the live on an island, or in a pit.
So me a people who have been subjected to ethnic cleansing for decades who have no animosity towards their oppressors? Look at the Jews who even centuries later have a chip on their shoulders for been booted out of almost every European nation. The “holocaust” and how no other people have ever suffered as much nonsense, but they will make one or two movies every year to keep the narrative alive. Yet their is always a cause and a effect relationship as to why pogroms occur. The way they treat the Palestinians is proof enough of this.
holocaust denier, how do you explain this event in Jerusalem – 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz? Representatives of 1 billion people.
Well let me start by saying that i’m very sure that people would have died in the work camps, but i believe that the Zionist narrative was created to get a state. So how, well after the War it would have been beneficial for the Allies to further break the German people and this narrative helps with that. Further to that Jewish Media control and lobby groups would have done the rest. Its interesting to know that even General Patton who was in charge of the US occupation wrote to his wife that the story was ?bogus????
@Tommy… European Colonialists were Booted Out of Every Nation as well, from America to Africa, Asia to China & India, & Mideast, South America, & even Israel! Israel Thrives, Survives & Prospers! EU must dal with Brexit now as England leaves EU!
Perhaps the best, and simplest, solution would be for Israel to drop 5 explosive-balloons on Gaza for every balloon that Hamas unleash!
Let the residents of Gaza persuade its Hamas leaders to halt their aggressive behavior.
@Dan… Disagree, why Kill Innocent Civilians that support Hamas when Technology Exists to remove Each Hamas Leader, Balloonists, & His Supporters in their own Homes Alone. Soleimani & PMU Crew all taken out with 1 Strike & Buried in a Shoe Box & No Iranian Leader or Soleimani Friends & Families chose to Avenge him. They knew what Soleimani did ended his own life & they prefer to live as opposed to died for his memory.
Agree, why adopt Balloons Bombs & Kamikaze Suicides Tactics that did not work in WWII? New Technology ended Japanese Resistance knowing the Emperor was Endangered by his own Junior Military Corp the Night before his Surrender Speech! If Japan stopped the Losing why does anyone expect Hamas can make that Tactic into Winning? Hamas is showing how weak they are by using Burning tires & Balloon Bombs!
Everybody is in a festive mood for the celebrations. Balloons are just part of the party. Bring your tap shoes, this will be a wonderful celebration in honour of all the Jews who have occupied the luxurious Auschwitz facilities.
You say the Israelis are NOT the unarmed Jews of WW2???
Happy Nakba to Pal-e-SWINE!
marg bar gaza will soon be in israeli borders 2 million arabs begging to cross into another sand box sini south lebanon a no mans land israel will make a buffer zone go on dance now the next war soon you will be begging the UN to plead with israel to stop advancing as usual by the MIGHTY IDF this time full scale israeli might
LLiss… Nope, more like Hizballah’s Nasrallah will soon be Gone sending a Bigger Message the Days of Hizballah are near ending just like ISIS with Families in Exile Camps & Growing too Old to Fight Separated from Home as well. We are Witnessing The Last Days of Judas Goat Led Terrorists!
Israel on Palesvinians is like a person knowing he got cancer, but would just seat and rub his belly hopping to cure it.
The Soleimani Deaths Proves Targeting Leaders is an Absolute Response before Gaza is Totally Destroyed!
Turning Soleimani into Salami was a great idea. Just keep knocking out the leaders and the rats will just stay under cover and not poke their heads out anymore. Or better still just bulldoze palestine into the sea and let the sharks that turned Osama bin laden’s body into excrement look after them.
then there will be peace.
Exactly, Arabian Bin Laden Hiding & Watching Porn Died in Pakistan & Soleimani Died in Iraq & Shoe Box Remnants only required a Grave the Size of a Rat! Baghdadi & Grandchildren Blown Apart in a Tunnel could not Survive an Attack from a Dog that was Honored at the White House? Terrorism Is Obsolete & Leaders Dead & Gone Within Earth’s Land, Seas, & Air! Not Mourned Nor Remembered Or Avenged!
Mossad run disinformation site claims Russia guides Iran’s missiles…
This should get you guys a lot more traffic so thank VT for the free press ?
talk about fake news-those guys at VT did not even finish basic training.
@Rense… Technology, Robots & even Dogs are Tracking Terrorists & Leaders are being Betrayed & No longer Exists & Soldiers No Longer Needed as much as before, Soleimani Death by Tracing Missiles are Not a 1 Time Coincidence, it is Standard Procedure now. No Longer Need Humans on the Ground either!
Does Israel see Hamas and Islamic Jihad as equals to Israel? It would seem so as they look for ways to deter them. Deterrence should not be in the minds of anyone now – the Islamists have spent years mocking, terrorizing and killing Jews and it is time to go to war against them with the express goal to make sure that they NEVER AGAIN send another bomb, bullet or knife to kill Jews. What am I missing in my understanding of what needs to be done now?
Hamas & Islamic Jihad are Yesterday’s Dinosaurs whose Roars & Size are Diminishing Every Day. Global Innovations on Surveillance & Economic Existence will Make Underground Terrorists Obsolete. They are Not Equal to IDF! Now Once Hamas, Jihad, Hizballah, IRGC & IRAQI PMU decide to become Good Economic Traders Partners in the Mideast with Israel they will be Equal as Neighbors, Families, & Prosperity Partners. Why Spend On weapons To Kill Others When All Can Share Survival Together In Economic Benefits!
Truth Hurts Death now comes to Proxies & Terror Leadership more each year! It will continue to grow and target more as well.
Not true. They are not yesterday’s dinasaurs, they are today’s killers as the terror devices sent via balloons prove. So why do you close your eyes and try to minimize the threat – and council Israel to do nothing about it?
It’s pretty clear to all that the collapse of Netanyahu is the predominant factor in current Israeli events
Stopping Netanyahu stops a war on Iran, it’s as simple as that. We stopped the Netanyahu-Neocon war on Iran when we stopped Netanyahu. It’s a twofer BOGO deal
Well said, you’re obviously a scholar and gentleman. Are you married?
I have a high IQ and no sense of smell, plus I can wrap my tongue around 360°. How much money do you make a year?
Remnants Of Power: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/skeptics/libya-dead-115431
Death is happening to Terrorists Leadership no matter who is PM of Israel or President or EU, Russia, & China! Names & Replacements too numerous to Refute! Soon more will Abandon Terror, Militia, Proxies & Replacements. China has over 1 Million Islamic Asians Re-Education Camps under Surveillance & easily done.
I’m an Israeli and currently I seriously would trust more President Trump to take the security decisions on our behalf.
Russian police use spy camera to film opposition activist in her bedroom: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/01/20/russian-police-use-spy-camera-film-opposition-activist-bedroom/ If they can do this to Opposition Leaders it can be done to Terrorists as well when needed.
This may be a good opportunity for testing of the new Israeli “laser canon” to see if it can take out those balloon bombs even before they reach Israeli land.
That would be a entirely appropriate and reasonable action for Israel to take. Just set the laser to pop any balloons or microdrones that come within 100 meters of the “border ” even though its occupied land…
The use of a laser will provide a very positive descalation while allowing the Palestinians an ability to be defiant as is their right and duty to oppose the occupation.
Yet the world finances the Palestinian Hamas Arabs in Gaza and the Fatah Arabs in Judea and Samaria AKA West Bank, That is what is keeping this situation going and that must stop. Then the terror balloons will cease.
This is what you get for Stealing someone else’s land. 99% of the people living in Israel are all Foreigners.
and they should all go back to arabia where they belong. it’s time to put an end to islamic colonialism.