February 11, Iran’s Revolution Day, marks estimated revenge timeline for Soleimani’s death
Tehran and Washington are on a straight line to collision, DEBKAfile’s military sources report. Tehran is unshakably resolved to avenge the death of its top general Qassem Soleimani, while the Americans are deep in preparations for counteraction. An incident on Monday, Jan. 6 created a misleading impression of US confusion. In a Pentagon letter, Baghdad was notified to expect unusual US helicopter activity over Baghdad’s Green Zone due to the “US-led task force preparing for onward movement.” This was misinterpreted in some European capitals and Baghdad as meaning that US forces were preparing to pull out of Iraq.
Defense Secretary Mark Esper set the record straight: “There has been no decision to leave Iraq Period,” he said. And Chairman of the US chiefs of staff, Gen. MarkMilley, was forced to admit that the letter’s release was “a mistake, an honest mistake, a draft of an unsigned letter, because we are moving forces around.”
This incident brought to the surface the enormous pressure weighing on President Donald Trump in Washington and Western capitals to step back from any action that could precipitate a fresh Middle East war involving the United States.
However, they were too late. Every hour since Jan 3, when the US killed its iconic general, shows Tehran to me more intent on avenging his death, while American forces are stepping up major preparations against this collision across the Middle East and as far as the Indian Ocean.
Monday, US Air Force B-52 bombers were transferred to the Indian Ocean island-base
at Diego Garcia, ready at short notice to bomb the 52 targets inside Iran cited
by President Trump should Iran or any of the Shiite militias across the region
go into action against United States.
Iran, for its part, has readied its intermediate-range missiles for launch –
although not as yet its long-range ballistic weapons.
According to current estimates by DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources in the West and in Israel, the Iranians are deep in extremely thorough preparations for a military escalation with the US in the second week of February. They are meanwhile conducting exploratory passes prior to landing heavy blows on US bases and other targets at that time.
This time frame is highly significant since on Feb. 11, the Islamic Republic celebrates the anniversary of its Shiite Revolution. An onslaught on the US military would be the most appropriate form of celebration, in the view of its current leaders – especially in Iraq, where the American presence stands in the way of dominating their most coveted territory of influence.
While Iran and the US are using the coming three weeks to prepare for the collision, the forces urging restraint are bending all their efforts to turning it aside.
Israel has been on high alert since the Soleimani killing, lest as America’s foremost ally it takes the brunt of Iranian punishment. On Monday, a security cabinet meeting issued a dry statement according to which “Our military circles don’t expect an Iranian-US clash to involve this country since it had no hand in the killing of Qassem Soleimani.” This statement aimed at calming taut nerves in the country.
However, a red light could not be ignored. Ismail Haniyeh, political chief of the extremist Palestinian Hamas. made a prominent appearance at the head of a large delegation to the Soleimani funeral in Tehran and, no doubt, used the opportunity to sit down with high officials there. Israel granted Cairo’s request to allow Haniyeh to leave the Gaza Strip last week and travel abroad against a pledge that he would not visit Tehran. This broken pledge signifies the worth of any deals Israel hopes to strike for a long-term truce with the terrorist organization ruling the Gaza Strip.
Looking ahead, it is important to recognize that Iran’s paramilitary proxies can muster 280,000 men under arms in the Middle East, including 100,000 positioned along three of Israel’s borders: the Shiite Hizballah deploys 65,000 fighters in Lebanon and the Palestinian Hamas and Islamic Jihad maintain 20,000 and 8,000 armed men respectively in the Gaza Strip. It is hard to see Tehran neglecting to use these satellite groups for broadening its revenge operations for Soleimani’s death.
Mohsein Rezaei, Expediency Council secretary and adviser to Iran’s supreme leader, said at Tehran’s huge Monday ceremony: “Iran’s revenge against America for the assassination of Soleimani will be severe … Haifa and Israeli military centers will be included in the retaliation.”
Yapping little dogs whose never-ending bark is always much worse than their bite.
Hopefullt, someday a Muslim leader will emerge who recognizes the mutual benefit of true, permanent peace.
You said hopefully someday a Muslim leaders will emerge who recognizes the mutual benefit of true, permanent peace. I’ll say AMEN!
amen me too!!!
these leader are here already
they are going down the right path
All non Shiite controlled countries are striving to make a new start
and we have to reach out to them
Well this is what Iran plans to bring about with the proliferation of war, violence and turmoil. According to Hadith this will be the imam mehdi, who will bring piece, financial security, one world banking system and make Islam the world religion. In the New Testament this is the antichrist. They both masquerade as messiah, and many will be fooled. He will do wonders, and come with a message and plan of peace. He will control vast armies and make a peace treaty, and one day demand to be worshipped. Please read and study revelation. The time is nearing.
Yet no man knows the hour! These Shiite “holy” men are trying to force the hand of YHWH into the Armageddon battle according to a timeline not His. There is no certainty, ever, that there are not yet trillions of souls still to be born into this world first. The Vicarious Dei is also attempting to force His hand, thinking he knows the hour as well. Each of us, alone, will stand in judgment without a mullah or a pope to speak for us. Then, Iran won’t matter anymore. Fear-mongering will all be in the past. It will be about our choices, for or against serving Yehoshua or ourselves.
mahmoud;like in the song:dreams are my reality
That will be the day!
debka didn’t mention 3 important points:
1- Trump impeachment and what John Bolton can do in the senate to make Trump go down.
2- Iran revenge would not be a blind action and they will attack US in right time and place to make Trump impeachment Fatal for him.
3- Iran as always threaten Israel because it is the only thing that make US scared. Destruction of Israel is a fear that will make jewish people in Washington do something to US policies and national interests that no bomb or missile can do.
Check with a local ayatollah on all these 3 points, write down the answers, roll tight the paper and stick it up your
Truth seeker: Your last point is clearly anti-semitic. For such people as you the Jews are the bogeymen. You are just like Hitler who tried to pin all the ills of the world on the Jews. People like you think 15 million Jews today control 360 million Americans and 7,5 billion people in the world. Er, have you not thought of visiting a psychiatrist recently? I think you have a little bit of paranoia. He/she might prescribe some effective medicine. Either that or you should be locked up. You are a danger to normal people who at least have some sanity.
Jewish people do not control “Washington”. Oil companies do, and if Iran and the U.S. fight a war, it will be for oil. Israel is not a big issue to oil companies, but control of Iranian oil is. As long as Trump supports U.S. oil companies, he will be fine.
Funny the US is an oil exporter, doesn’t need any from the Middle East. It is the largest producer in the world. We are energy independent. Thank you president Trump Drill baby drill.
The Zioniost menorah? got it. check.
…when the morning becomes light they perform it, for their hand has the power.
2. And they covet fields, and they rob; and houses, and they take; and they oppress a man and his house, and a man and his heritage.
3. Therefore, so said the Lord: Behold! I plot evil against this family, from which you shall not remove your necks, nor shall you walk erect, for it is a time of evil.
1) Trump will not be removed as the president of the US by any impeachment process. You don’t understand American politics if you think this is in fact possible.
2) Iran is always looking for an opportunity to strike when advantageous. Nothing has changed with the Iranian general’s death.
3) US is not scared for Israel’s destruction. Any existential attack to Israel will result in the removal of Shiite Islam from the planet permanently. Google “Solomon doctrine” as a small part of this process.
You think the Solomon doctrine is something, wait until the sclemazel doctrine is invoked, then Iran will keep quiet
I think you meant “Samson Option” not Solomon Doctrine (smh).
Save the BS and get a job in the real world.
@Truth seeker. Have you still not understood the antics in Washington? Pelosi dares not send the articles of impeachment to the Senate because there aren’t any real ones. ‘Abuse of power’ is a pathetic article – it is not a crime. You have to have specifics to impeach. She has none. Most people realise that the Dems are so befuddled that they cannot do even at the job of putting together a case for impeachment. Most people also recognise that they are living in la-la land. Oh the Mueller report will get rid of Trump. Did nothing of the sort. Oh the IG report will get rid of Trump. Did nothing of the sort. Oh the impeachment hearings will get rid of Trump. Did nothing of the sort. Only the Dems and you believe in this charade.
To all friends that respond to my comment (about the 3rd point that i mentioned): My opinion is simple, the only thing that prevent United States to attack and destroy iran (which US has the power and will to do it) is those jews in washington that calculate the consequences of this war on Israel. Yes i know israel has army. I know israel has nuclear bomb. But israel has jews too and some of these jews in washington calculate the results of US-Iran war on israel. They have been doing it for 40 years, or else US destroy iran’s nuclear facilities long ago.
Right comrade. What are you smoking?
Mr Truth Seeker:
Bolton is a spent force. That neo-con war-mongerer has burnt all his bridges. The Republicans control the Senate, and you actually imagine that he could say anything that would bring Trump down? The Republicans are tighter behind Trump than ever before. Dream on.
You will need to re-write the Koran. Until then there will never be peace.
until all prices are equal
The 3 A,B,C Triangle Global Noose Around Iran Shiia Regimes Necks! The Last Thing Iran Wants Is War With USA. When Facing Strength Iran Regimes Backs Down To Survive. All Cards Are On America Sanctions, Trade Tariffs, Oil Supremacy, & Military Unmatched.
A. How Mideast Global Alliance Much Is More Powerful!
1. America Bases Abound The Entire Mideast-Asian Region!
2. Mideast Arabia & Gulf States Financial Paramount Power!
3. Israel Intelligence, Innovations, Mideast Integration Accepted!
4. Egypt, Jordan & Turkey Benefit Not As Allies With Iran Regime!
5. EU Economies Need America Oil, Gas, Protection & Funding!
6. Russia Oil & Syria Rebuilding Benefit A Iran Regime Demise!
7. China Seeks More Mideast, African & Economic Expansion!
8. China Has Hong Kong, Taiwan, Seas & Islamic Problems Too!
9. China’s Surveillance Education Camps Will Deal Africa Islam!
10. North Korea Sees What Happen to Iran Regime & Will Change!
you just killed that guy THAT MADE A PEACE , and all those preparation will not help anyone ; The contracts picked up are around 25000 , and the count will be unlimited . Israel should have mind their own business , before involving themselves in all this . Its not exactly the General they killed , the touched the tribal nerve –wring tribe , that has people of every origin and religion . Prepare for really nasty war , and this time it will be in USA as well .
@Solomeo… Your Postings Have Always Been More Wrong Than Right & Good To See It Has Happened Again!
They can’t, read the Koran, they will always kill and destroy, they create nothing
Key words for Israeli military strategists: “Preemptive Strikes”.
absolutely right
Nuke them, they contribute only hate
Shame on those who pay respect to the biggest killer since ww2
evil he was
evil they are
especially that old baboon…
G-d will see this right once and forever Iranian leadership!!!
I guess the landlord is coming
But with righteousness He will judge the poor, And decide with fairness for the afflicted of the earth; And He will strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, And with the breath of His lips He will slay the wicked.
And they have been troubled, Pains and pangs they take, As a travailing woman they are pained, A man at his friend they marvel, The appearance of flames — their faces!
Lo, the day of Jehovah doth come, Fierce, with wrath, and heat of anger, To make the land become a desolation, Yea, its sinning ones He destroyeth from it.
For the stars of the heavens, and their constellations, Cause not their light to shine, Darkened hath been the sun in its going out, And the moon causeth not its light to come forth.
Clown Iranian regime made a fool out of itself, and the higher it bids, the more damages its own country
No need to F this regime, it is F-ing itself, and good.
Way to go CIA!
Shameful the way Bibi is saying basically “we are not involved, this is an American problem” Israel itself is reported to have targeted Soleimani but the Obamination tipped off the Iranians. Israel (and Saudis/Gulf/Sunni states etc.) are prime beneficiaries of any major clash that destroys totally or partially Iranian military capability. What Bibi should have said is “We stand with the US and will help out in any war with Iran and its surrogates”. Haniyeh should be taken out when he returns to Gaza or before.
yea big hero your are
You are right. I agree with you 100 %. The position that the USA has put itself in to protect Israell and that’s their thanks ? Not sure we should protect them any longer, if Israel can’t be loyal F them !
Israel has made that statement to try to a)diffuse the situation b) calm it’s own population and make it clear it wasn’t involved and c) if attacked, it will be clearly unprovoked and so the counter attack on Iranian interests will be wholly justified.
Read between the lines, not just the statement.
Very very shameful, even halevy statement was bad, just the other day when Trump was pulling out there was so much noise about it
I agree that Bibi could have made a stronger statement, that would not run afoul of Sunni friends and back channel relationships.
Also think Haniyeh should encounter extreme turbulence on his return flight, as in the plane falling out of sky for unknown reason.
Payback will come some day, make no mistake .Be alert anytime , anywhere.
The main rogue states in the Middle East have been Israel and the United States for many years. Your Proxy Wars via ISIS have killed hundreds of thousands, so it was only a matter of time before you went to far. So we now going to end up with Jews been targets worldwide for the next many years, the US been kicked out of Iraq, the Israeli cities shattered by tens of thousands of missiles and China and Russia moving into the Middle East with America to broke to intervene. My big question is how does Turkey fit into the new picture in the longer term. American aid to Israel will decline rapidly and your economy will contract with no power, no business parks, chemical spill. Its going to be a awesome year, and I’m really excited for the regions future. So let the Jewboy Mash begin. Iran will be quickly rebuilt better than ever but you ?
CHIEF RABBI: SOVIET ‘GOYIM’ IMMIGRANTS ARE ENEMIES OF RELIGION, So how many millions of Russians have immigrated to Israel, and you say that Israel is different, that Israel is inclusive, it seems like Israel is an Apartheid State full of hate for others ?
Of course, all my comments should be taken in the light of me being a heavy drug user.
OK…so I swallow…so what, Big Jim?
?Tommy? ?????????????
Something tells me that the target date will come and go without so much as a peep.
every muslim country is apartheid against it’s minorities from fakistan to mauritania and putin is the greatest gainst caucazian people
Israel & US do not wait for the Mullahs to hit. Get them first once and for all,
agreed they should get rid of them already tonight once and forever
It only takes Angela Merkel to shout on TV “Welcome to Europe, dear Shia Mohammedans”
Something tells me the target date will come and go without so much as a peep.
And the end of my muslim/male lovers, Big Jim?
NATO, Israel, Saudi Arabia and others not wanting Iranian nuclear ICBMs in the hands of religious fanatics, should all be part of a coordinated response led by the United States..
The Unpredictability of President Trump Has Friends & Foes Alike In Fear, Confused, & Delighted!
B. Iran Proxies Won’t Fight To Defend Iran Regime For Proxies Survival!
1. Afghanistan Taliban Want Peace Unlike Iran!
2. Yemen Is Not A Dependable Iran Proxy But Independent!
3. Hamas Saw Iran’s JIP Target Them Wants Gaza Rebuilding!
4. Bahrain US Base Is There Defend Them Against Iran Proxies!
5. Syria Dependent On Russia & Tired Of Conflicts To Weak!
6. West Bank Fatah In Transition Leadership Won’t Help Iran!
7. Lebanon In Chaos & Hizballah Surrounded & Out of Cash!
8. Iraq Shiia Torn Apart Precursor To Iran Same Problems!
9. Turkey, EU, & NATO Advantages On Broken Iran Regime!
10. Iran Shiia Can’t Stop Armed Protesters Within Iran Or Iraq!
11. Once Kurds & Sunnis Armed IRGC & Proxies Collapses!
12. Shiia Regime & Parliament On The Run New Persia Emerges!
you on the right track. Iranian leadership on the way out. after all, how many of your own people can you kill and still yourself stay alive.
you have 4 submarines of Israel with nukes and they surround Iran. the ayatollah knows this but will play chicken as in “”they wont dare”
Israel has the weapons and Iran does not. already plans in place for Israel air force to land in Saudi Arabia. be sure of that. from there, Iran is cooked. they have nothing to compare to IAF. nothing !!
however, i truly believe that Iran will not do much. all regimes that kill their own people ( see nazi germany) don’t survive long and the people of the army in control; of the economy living life at its largest.
time will tel
Who invited the Americans into the middle east? Afghanistan? Libya? Iraq? Lebanon? Syria? Iran?
Americans need to leave where they are not welcome.
Even the UK wants Americans out. As well as Japan.
Everyone wants the Americans to leave except Israel.
FDR at Malta. King Faisal at Malta. End of summer 1945
Bargain to allow ARAMCO develop oilfields, America promised security for Saudi Royals.
Saudi demand US prevent Jewish State, FDR agrees. Months later FDR dies.
Harry Truman is president in 1948. Truman is a Baptist and Bible savvy.
Don’t count on it, Moishe. The Europeans have sided with the Iranians. They have no geo-political acumen. NATO will be a lame duck.
This was foretold in Ezekiel and Psalms. The “hook in the jaw” will be an escalation between Iran and Israel, that will reach the point of no return: https://raptureandendtimes.com/2019/11/09/iran-the-hook-in-putins-jaw/
If Iran Or Proxies Hizballah Attacks The End Of Iran & The Proxies Will Be Nearer to Masallah & Allah Will!!
C. After Iran Oil Facilities Destroyed Makes Regime Outcasts!
1. Only America, Arabia, Gulf States & Russia Can Provide Global Oil Not Iran!
2. China, India, EU, Japan, Korea, & Global Economies Require Oil & Gas!
3. Iran Will Attack Arabian Gulf Shipping Isolating Itself Globally Even More!
4. China-Russia Choose Not To Help Iran Regime Demise No Upside!
5. Iran’s Proxies Will Not Intercede Once Iran Oil Is Gone Mideast Loser!
6. Hizballah Domestic Political Mideast Regional Security Problem!
7. Lebanese Protesting Hizballah Elites, Corruption, & Suppression Of Civilians!
8. Hizballah Fights In Syria Shattered Lebanese & Shiia Public’s Perception Due To 1,250 Fighters Killed!
9. Protester Chants “Here is Lebanon, Not Iran” & “Terrorist, Hezbollah Are Terrorists”!
10. The New Global Economic Age Of Prosperity Over Iran War Along With Proxies Dying On The Vine Of Poverty!
the Iranians are proud like haman the wicked was!!!
they will do damage but then they will be written in the books of history…
@BadBad, Haman & 10 Sons Being Hung Ended Up With New Temple In Israel. This Will Happen Again! Iran Regime Haman’s Caliphate Have No Place In New Persia & New Middle East Global Golden Economic Era Is Near!
History tells us; always take what your enemy says seriously; pray for the best but prepare for the worse. If Iran does take revenge it will be a brief revenge because the destruction that will be unleashed on Iran will desamate its military, communications, electrical grid that will have a lasting impact on the economy. Iran will be a total basket case and then who are the Iranian people going to blame for this destruction and pain; the US maybe, but most likely they will blame their leadership for bring the destruction on them.
if they dare to cause a lot of damage and they might they will be off
@Sonny… The Samson-Goliath Solutions Will Prevail In Mideast For Israel. Once Goliath (Soleimani) Life Ended Then The Philistines Were On The Run & Samson Blind Brought Down Philistines False Gods Images On Their Own Leaders (Shiia Regime)! Prelude To Iran Regime Conclusion & Saving Persians Too!
Eh, our man Soleimani is not quite a true hero.
Just imagine he would have taken the opportunity to scream strongly Alahu Barbar just before the strike…. He would have died like any other heroic Barbarian of Alah, equal perhaps to the brothers Kouachi and their Charlie Hebdo attack with its anniversary today.
But regrettably, as there was no Alahu Barbar officially screamed, Solimani can not be recorded in history as a true pure of heart Barbarian of Alah.
I hope that Iran and the forces of its Holy Jihad allow us to keep a fun scoreboard going. Sometimes like put the Jewboy heads on a pike and feed the bodies to the birds and the dogs. No reason not to be green and not recycle the waste. Also China and Russia should provide a endless supply of shoulder launched ground to air and anti armor missiles, part for dones and cruise missiles. Think Yemen x 500 and the you are the meat for the grinding. Yes the Nobel Forces of Iran, Syria, Afghanistan,
Pakistan, Yemen, Palestine, etc will take lots of casualties, but they are easily replaced ?
No, no, build a scull and bone mountain out of the bones of the enemy. Put it in the desert so that it lasts, especially since this will be a multi generation war. I agree with the Chinese and Russian supplying weapons, thats just smart and will keep this war going while using up all the smart munitions and grind down the American war machine though wear and tear. While this is taking place China will emerge rearmed and focused on trade while the Americans and Israelis sink under a mountain of dept. If this spreads and becomes a general Jihad across the Islamic world, lol this is going to be beautiful. Good by Israel, goodbye any that stands there way in the Middle East. American has used up its treasure so will be unable to sustain this war.
Global Powers, Middle East, & Debka Media Know The Brutal Truth:
1. America Interests Is No Longer Mideast Oil Or Gas!
2. America No Longer Needs Military In The Mideast!
3. Time To Take Out Iran Nuke Facilities Threat In 2020!
4. The Time Has Come To Remove Iran Shiia Regime!
5. This Will Bring Middle East Peace In The Short & Long Run!
6. In Time Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon Will Rebuild!
7. America Is No Longer Needed Any More In Mideast!
8. This Has Been America Bush-Obama-Trump End Game All Along!
I love the smell of burning Quds Force soldiers in the morning!
I Do Not Think Iranians Are Doomed By Any Means But I Know The Persian People Cloud Of Protests Will Doom The Regime Once Khamenei Removes By The People, Trump, & Unforeseen Death? Persia will be Warmly Welcomed Back to Community of Nations Prosperity!
Very smart, start supplying Irans Allies with Advanced Weapons and Russian “advisors” upfront. Looking forward to watching them shoot down the the US and Israel aircraft. A few antiship missiles designed to sink a aircraft carrier would also be really nice Mr Putin ?. Lets get this war going so that we can make Russia and China great again ?
Buddy Holly and the Crickets?
Missile Strike Reportedly Carried Out Against US Base In Iraq with 5 missiles. No numbers on the
yet and lol at the Patriot air defense.
Never fear the diaper men praying to space Jesus will protect us. 52 war pigeons aided by alien Jesus have lifted off with the help of diaper men and their golden tablets. Be strong oh ye men of Jesus might, whose diapers are dry and snug this dark night.
Just running the numbers to see how many Fuel Air missiles would be required to level the Tel Aviv CBD and its not many… you better have tens apon tens of thousands of interceptors lol because you about to be given a beautiful opportunity to redesign all your major cities ?. So you should all be thanking god for Bobo the Clown and the Orange Haired messiah. ?
there will be peace when all the jews, christians and muslims are killed. these primitive beings can’t stop fighting and the global war and energy oligarchs use these idiot believers.
I 100% agree, the religion of the book is filth as its its currently practiced. Buddhism is 1000 times more evolved. The real problem in the West is that the Media is controlled by the Zionists, so people only hear one side of the story. But the evangelicals are a lost cause anyway, nothing can bring them about so its time they went away.
So lets round up all these Zionists,evangelicals and any Muslim sects that are similar and wipe them out. Thats just in the US 40mil evangelicals, 14 mil Jews, that would be the place to start. Saudi well that everybody, Israel mostly the same, etc
Well you Zionists freaks have your war, ive bought a yummy toffee popcorn and extra marshmallows which i will toast while watching your cities burn. Its going be a awesome weekend. Hezbollah get yourselves ready i need good tv. So Debka please post camera links so we can follow the event in real time. Thank you Mr Netanyahu and Mr Trump ?, this is going to be awesome to watch. Fingers crossed that they use fuel air during the workday, no CBD and lots of BBQ ribs ?
you are a freak, like a pig on christmas day
Let hope that the Iraqis set ambushes for Apache that will be scrambled. Shoulder launched
. Those bases better have hardened hangers for the aircraft lol. Still that only works if your opponent does not ise Fuel Air, so light the fire and make yourselves some char grilled BBQ ?. Welcome to Israel’s war everyone, so sit back, relax and lets watch Tel Aviv, Haifa and the other major cities burn. A sepial request would be to hit the bridges,power, water to isolate the cities. Then shatter rhe inner city and slow burn them one at a time, its just better TV you see.
Lol, this is to funny. The US deployed Patriot Air defense systems in May to protect the base from Missile attack. So far zero successful intercepts. So maybe America should have taken up Mr Putins offer to sell them S400 ?. Doubtful that many aircraft will be usable after this, so does Iraq still have to pay for a non functioning air base Mr Trump ?. I’m looking forward to seeing how successful your Israel interceptors are, but based on the war in Yemen i dont expect that they are going to do much better…
was it the Fateh-110 Ballistic Missile type?
Huge HIT for the IRGC !!!!
Formidable Force!
warhead payload?
Awesome video on Southfront of the launch and the base getting hit. The blasts were so big you can almost feel them through the camera. Over 35 missiles launched so far. I think you gonna need a new airbase Mr Trump lol.
The Shahab-3 is Especially Potent!!
you are impotent like a pig on christmas
IRGC is clearly targeting origin bases of the strike force that got Soulemani. Gutsy!!
It is very honorable! Let’s see if they will follow with their drones to smash the smoldering remains.
russia is failed pig dictatorship of criminal putin
videos are surfacing of the attack! powerful blasts!!! A warning sign?!
Let us pray for the American soldiers lost. Let us pray for their families. A sad day for America. Trump killed those boys!!! He miscalculated! This aint a TV REALITY show!!!
Let us pray …
Light a candle (*)
FakeGST001… Your Posts Are A Compliment Since They Upset You! Why I Use Descriptive Grammar!
“Netanyahu told Security Cabinet ministers that the attack “is a U.S. event, not an Israeli event, and we should stay out of it,”, its an American war for Israel lol, Larry Liss, Jewish Lions… scorpions yes… Lions not even close ?
Free Men Fight Better Than Servants! Darius Found Beheaded By Own Guards To Honor Alexander!
Yes you Jews cut and run as ive always said. You create the problem and get America to fight your wars for you. What a cursed race of scorpions you are. May your kind be rounded up and consigned to the refuse piles. Watching your cities burn and your kind being slaughtered is going to be very fulfilling ?. Sadly the evangelicals are such a useless bunch of propagandised punks that I’m sure that they will make excuses. Its why they need to be rounded up and disposed of as the traitor that they are.
@JH… They Don’t Call “iRAN” for Nothing Do They? Hizballah Bunkers Filled Up For Weeks Too? Boo Sunnis! LOL, Scared Shiia Away!
I look forward to seeing what the Iranian proxies do to you ?Ziotrash? Hypocrites in Europe. Let the Jew Hunt begin my Nobel Muslims, go forth and create awesome awareness of their involvement in the downfall of the west by running them out of the continent ?
Its why there were so many Pogroms and why it was always the Jews who had these problems. I’ve beginning to wonder if this behavior is in their DNA, basically part of their nature. If so the old European people were correct. Looks like America is about to learn the same lesson, God willing we will drive them out of America and Europe as well, never to have any return.
1. Iran Intentional Response To Miss! 2. Good Move No Americans Killed! 3. Honored Soleimani Today By Missing! 4. Must Miss Soleimani Very Much Could Not Hit A Thing! 5. Iran Got The Message Negotiate Or Do Nothing! So Long Soleimani, We Hardly Knew You, 56 Iranian Died At The Funeral Proportionate Response Complete!
Scores of Iranians Killed in Stampede at Qasem Soleimani Funeral: Iranians killing Iranians & Calling It Honorable Victory! https://www.iranherald.com/news/263643428/scores-of-iranians-killed-in-stampede-at-qasem-soleimani-funeral
1. 180 Ukrainians Plane Crashes Died. 2. 56 Iranians Died At Funeral! 3. 0 Americans From Missiles!
Ayatollah Khamenei Cried Yesterday & Crying Some More Today & Do The Same Tomorrow! InshAllah!
Bunker #1 Meetings Week Days, Bunker #2 Weekends, That’s All Folks! See You In 2021!
They need better sources, they were way off on this.