Rockets from Gaza, mortars target Israeli patrol, 20 fires caused by balloons
Several rockets slammed into Israel’s Eshkol District from Gaza Thursday afternoon. Mortar fire was directed on an IDF patrol after an Israeli drone struck a Palestinian balloon squad, killing one of its members. From early morning, balloon bombs from Gaza have ignited another 20 fires in Israel.
One day, the Arabs occupiers of today Gaza will be blamed by their descendants, who will call this Hamas period Shnakba, the time when Shaytan took over the minds of their forefathers and made their whole immigrant people unfit for persistence. Then, they will all vanish as the History goes on, only to be recalled as a strange psychic mass illness of auto-destruction.
These Muzzie munchkins already talk about their Shnakba – Allahu snackbar!
UNESCO must act now! Act now UNESCO or stop pretending you are a true Islamic forum!
Yes, it is true there are not so many Palestinian monuments to indubitably demonstrate the 10,000 years old Palestinian state, this is precisely why UNESCO must act now, to capture for the posterity the immense and unique beauty of the kites launching areas and the smoke of the burning fields.
UNISCO Is filled with countries that hate Israel and Jews.Expect no help from anyone We are alone and always have been.Just take the hand brake off the IDF and finish this attempt to destroy our land.And get ready for the next one.
When will Israel wake up. Target arsonists for elimination.
…UNLESS there is some Super-secret, overwhelming Strategic consideration behind this IDF Do-Nothing “impotence” — then our “leadership” deserves the laughable derision by a bunch of two-legged rats from Gaza…
really, go into gaza and humanitarian crime? jihad is just across the border.Missiles are ready. Even the gamblers from basle cannot gamble on Trumpty wumpty
liberman & eisenkot were are you to many dinners to attend .. elimanate your enemy as you promised people .bennet has the bottle
It is obvious that Netanyahu does NOT know how to fight a war and win.